Celeste Moon
The Prophet of Chaos

Lawful Neutral Vampire (Celestial Outcast)
Warlock (Lil Gus) 7
70 / 70 HP

Celeste Moon is a Creature of the Night with strange origins! They're on a quest to help unite the world, and bring peace and prosperity along the way.

Played by

Greetings, you found me! Welcome to the world of fantasy!

July 20, XX

Castle Monroe Report: Part 1

by Celeste Moon

Hello again!
I'm back for another check in.
We just arrived at Castle Monroe, which was our original mission to begin with. We decided it would be best to continue the journey as soon as possible, so me, Michael, and this weird girl who seems to be Fae but nicer took sail to the Castle.
The new girl's name is Belladonna, however I fear she may still have evil intentions similar to Fae. I found her in the woods after proclaiming our victory over the Eidolon to the Lord of Jorasko. Belladonna and I managed to come to an agreement for paying the Boatsman, and we made our way to Castle Monroe completely unhalted.
I prayed to you several times during the journey, however I could hardly see the moon under the thick fog and clouds. Michael has proven to be a faithful companion, I think you would like them.
Additionally, I've been feeling ever more drawn to Celeste Jr. I made them a cool suit outfit during our travels which makes them look rather dapper. Their cute top hat was my favorite addition. I feel like something is enveloping when I'm around them though. It's not a bad feeling, just something.
I'm unsure what to do now that we're here, but the Boat Man says that they can't stay and that we're on our own now.
The terrain is dark and seeps of evil intentions, and the air is hard to breath. It's a shame no records exist of what happened here.
I'll continue this report after we explore the Castle.
With Everlasting Love and Faith,
Celeste Moon, Child of Selune

Celeste's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Exile
    December 14, Year of 20xx
  2. Wyatt
    October 13, 2021
  3. The Ediolon Hunt
    July 16, XX
  4. The Aftermath
    July 17, XX
  5. Castle Monroe Report: Part 1
    July 20, XX

The major events and journals in Celeste's history, from the beginning to today.



July ???, 2021

I'm going to think a few things over, Takkir and Ronan hit me. They're justified of course, but it's immature. Dream has been gone for a few days, which is for the best. Everything seems weird. For now, we need to work together. Selune, this is all for you.

August 9, 2021

We won. Barely. The Queen is missing.

August 9, 2021

I know what I have to do.

August 9, 2021

I WALK INSIDE FOR 3 SECONDS AND I AM BURNT TO A CRISP! For some reason, I was able to recover very quickly. It felt like I blacked out, but something in my mind was pulling me back up. I don't remember anything between when I went. Why does this keep happening? Normal people don't do this. But, it feels right...

August 9, 2021

The kingdom is being attacked? Or is it just rebels? Everything is on fire! Teshi is guarding the interior of the castle for now, until we figure out what is going on.

August 9, 2021

Thank god Michael can get us out of hairy situations like that. Shame we lost the airship to Malachor, hope that won't come back to haunt us. Hey... what's that sound?

August 9, 2021

Note to self: Do NOT piss of the gods!

August 9, 2021


August 9, 2021

Why is this library so big, yet lacks the information I need!

August 9, 2021

Ronan is hurt really bad. He's recovering, I feel so bad. This is all my fault.

August 9, 2021

Ow, that axe hurts. Won't be making that mistake again. I thought I could trust it to it's user but I made a slip up, and half the hanger was destroyed. I need Takkir's trust, but the axe is dangerous. Is it better to let him have it, or should we take it with force?

August 9, 2021

KNEW IT! No way Highness would just appear like that.

August 9, 2021

The town was enslaved, and it appears a mask is culprit. They were singing this... song? It was chilling. I felt my energy being drained as I waited there. Teshi seemed to be able to resist it's effect for some reason. We are returning now.

August 9, 2021

B i g s t u f f h a p p e n e d .

August 9, 2021

Takkir, Ronan, you morons. You could have killed each other! It's a miracle you both made it as long as you did. I patched them up the best I could, and took watch as we landed. Teshi and I are exploring the closest village and will report on our findings!

August 9, 2021

Oh look we're on a flying boat now.

August 9, 2021

Something about putting all this blasting powder into a vault isn't speaking good to me.

August 9, 2021

Teshi is so cool! They beat Big Bob all on their own! I wana be like them someday.

August 9, 2021

These Cultists are so weird. At least they're not out in daylight. I saw something weird in the tunnels, a horse?

August 9, 2021

The Librarian is so kind! They respect knowledge, and that's all someone like me needs.

August 9, 2021

Session X: For Narmer

08:23 am - 22.01.2022

Session X: For Narmer

04:09 am - 22.01.2022

Are you going to finish that? :3

August 9, 2021

(Uh why is Takkir making that noise @_@)

July 29, 2021

Why do people keep trying to get me to talk to women >_>

July 29, 2021

Also, Ronan, you're amazing. Don't stop ;p

July 29, 2021


July 29, 2021

Session IX: The Suicide Squad

05:19 am - 16.01.2022

Session IX: The Suicide Squad

12:11 am - 16.01.2022


July 29, 2021

What was that? WHY IS THE FORTRESS FALLING???????????

July 29, 2021

Session VII: The Flying Fortress

03:11 am - 15.01.2022

Session VII: The Flying Fortress

03:11 am - 15.01.2022

Just so you know, we are not doing anyone's chores without proper incentive.

July 29, 2021

Session VII: Nemesis Revealed

03:57 am - 09.01.2022

Session VII: Nemesis Revealed

03:56 am - 09.01.2022

Belladona is banned from my Birthday Party.

July 29, 2021

T-they Keep taking them from me Again And again...

July 29, 2021

Session VI: The Hunter and The Hunted

09:08 pm - 03.01.2022

Session VI: The Freaks Are Everywhere

09:06 pm - 03.01.2022

Hope nothing weird happened while I was gone <3

July 29, 2021

Things I love: Michael, Belladonna, Lil Gus, Dream, Ronan, Takkir, Chocolate Things I hate: Fae. Undead scum

July 29, 2021

Castle Monroe Report: Part 1

Hello again! I'm back for another check in. We just arrived at Castle Monroe, which was our original mission to begin with. We decided it would be best to continue the journey as soon as possible, so me, Michael, and this weird girl who seems to be Fa...

05:00 am - 17.12.2021

"Get Real."

July 21, 2021

Session V: Journey to the Flood

04:50 am - 14.11.2021

Session V: Journey to the Flood

04:50 am - 14.11.2021


July 16, XX

Rest Peacefully, Michael.

July 16, XX

Session IV: Castle Monroe

03:21 am - 07.11.2021

Session IV: Castle Monroe

01:59 am - 07.11.2021

The Aftermath

Celeste here, logging another day of adventure! Today I woke up with a strange feeling, like something was trying to tell me something. I couldn't work out or remember what it was, so I joined one of our new members in the main tavern. I was still hesi...

08:31 pm - 06.11.2021

I love weasels!

July 16, XX

Session III: The Aftermath

02:08 am - 30.10.2021

Session III: The Aftermath

11:19 pm - 29.10.2021

The Edielon

Dream, Ronan, and I thought we'd find our target in the west. That was how we set out weeks ago. After a month of false leads and destroyed hopes, we found ourselves in the an abandoned town near the edge of Ravensrock. We sensed an unusual presence howev...

08:07 am - 20.10.2021

Session II: The Eidolon Hunt

02:17 am - 17.10.2021

Session II: The Eidolon Hunt

02:17 am - 17.10.2021


The lord of Discordia is some Minor God called Wyatt. What a bitch to be honest. ...

11:52 pm - 13.10.2021


December 14, Year of 20xx My beloved Goddess has decided to send me on an expedition to the mortal plane, to hunt demons! My attitude is estatic! I always knew she'd come around. I'll be travelling alone, and should be for some time. I've called on m...

08:28 am - 12.10.2021

What happened? Where am I? Dream?! DREAM?!

08:18 am - 12.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Celeste.