It was a lovely little shipyard report

General Summary

Session 2 - May 18, 2024   Player Characters Present   Blake, economic specialist, Bergman delegation - Andi Sage, daughter of Flora, martial artist - Dan Sunni, daughter of Flora - Kath Tiberius, son of Flora - Jeremy   Quotes “Caine’s dealing with… I don’t actually know what’s going on.” - Blake   “The person running is like, ‘I’m in a cyberwar– shit a boulder!” - Cort   “I accessorize, I don’t do Shadow storms.” - Flora   Events Before leaving for Strathclyde, Sunni received an anonymous message requesting a meeting in a couple days.   Sunni, Sage, and Blake investigated the Strathclyde Shipyard, decided to check out a small village to the north. They saw a flame and found a skirmish between Dalt and a disguised woman in a red catsuit who is calling down flames. Tiberius has been helping with medical care in Strathclyde, and sees the flame. Tiberius trumps Sunni and gets caught up. He comes through and Sunni and Tiberius go to approach Dalt, Sage and Blake go to talk to the cat woman.   Dalt is not violent towards Tiberius and Sunni, but is also uninterested in talking or explaining the situation with the woman. He doesn't know who it is and says it's a long story. Even Sunni's "charm" only does so much.   Sage and Blake are not able to get any info from the cat woman, such as her name. She doesn’t know why Dalt is attacking her. She disappears.   Dalt shows up shortly after that.   Sunni calls Caine. When he hears Dalt is involved, he comes through and heads towards where Dalt was.   Sunni looks at the magic, which feels edgy. Lots of fire, shadow, and illusion energy.   Sage brings up the Pattern and can see a magical trail that ends for no clear reason. Tiberius looks for tracks with his crappy tracking skills and sees the raiders tracks but not the cat woman’s tracks. They follow the tracks north to an empty campsite.   Sunni and Sage examine the magics, and there’s a lot of ambient magic but it’s not clear how they left beyond MAGIC. No trail coming in, stayed for a few hours, did their mission, came back, and left again through unknown ability.   Blake notices a mechanical surveillance drone watching from a distance. He sneaks over to get under it, and uses his ability to link to tech to ping it. It seems to have Pattern connected to the tech, an evolution of Blake’s own experiments.   He tries to hit it with a couple power words, the first one disrupts the process, the second backfires and hits Blake with his own psychic disrupt.   Tiberius goes to help. Sage uses Pattern lens and also sees the Pattern infusement. Then throws a rock and takes it down in a spectacular fashion. Blake seems to be fine.   We collect the bits of the drone, and appears to have labeling in English but no serious clues.   Blake uses Broken Pattern to reconstruct the underlying structure of the object, but accidentally creates a Shadow storm.   Sage calls Flora for help, who brings in Bleys to deal with the Shadow storm. Sage stays with Bleys, everyone else goes back to Amber where Flora grills them.   Tiberius and Blake hang out and talk about their respective cyberpunk Shadows. Sunni goes to see Random to see how the conversation with Martin went. Random says Martin denies the possibility of having a kid.   Sunni comes back to tell Blake what she learned from Random. We discuss options for what Blake wants to do, then get some sleep. Tiberius checks on Theo.   At breakfast are Fiona and Flora. Sunni asks Fiona and Flora to not scan new potential family members without permission.   Others show up, we discuss the updated wards on the armory and the power in play with the raiders that had teleported.   The alarms go off, indicating a problem in the armory. A woman in a black suit is tossing boxes of stuff from the armory. Tiberius and Sage try to tackle her, Tiberius trying to pull off the mask while Sage tries to get an armlock. The woman disappears in some unknown way leaving Tiberius and Sage holding nothing.   There’s slightly more organized magical energy, like maybe an item was used for shadow travel. Fiona tries to locate the trackers, and cannot find it anywhere. They do an inventory and find that they got away with 10 rifles, 500 rounds of ammo, and two cases of C4.   Unable to figure out the power being used, the group spends time trying to brainstorm possible next target. We come up with a lot of options, but don’t have a good idea what the motivation or goal is so it’s hard to pin it down. We confirm that the black and red armor are of a similar style, made of enchanted leather, but does not match any known style.   Blake has headed back to Begma to get info from Julia and Jasra. Tiberius is going to link up with his odd assortment of contacts to see if anything shakes out of that. Sunni is going to look at maps and see if they are inspirational. Sage is going to take a nap and getting caught up on sleep.

Myths & Subterfuge
Player Journals
A Case Of Trust by Sunitha
Report Date
16 Aug 2024

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