It was a lovely little pirate. Report

General Summary

Events The guns are in Strathclyde in the town of Southport, 80 miles south of the shipyards. It’s not one government, it’s a bunch of city states. Southport is officially neutral towards Amber.   Tiberius goes to check with Flora about the logistics of the gun thing and finding Harla’s shadow. Flora offers to take Tiberius to Harla’s shadow while the rest of them head for Strathclyde. Team Strathclyde assembles some weapons. Tiberius rides out with Flora and picks her brain on how to approach Harla.   On the trip, Blake tries to gain assurance that if things go poorly the Amberites will have his back.   The group arrives at the borders of Southport, ultimately reaching the wall of the city. Theo sneaks in first to scout ahead. The rest of the group splits up.   Theo goes through warehouses. One has a box that looks like it’s from the armory without weapons. The place seems to be run by pirates who have rented out the inn. Blake gets the lay of the land while looking like a lowlife. He looks for increased levels of magic, and that seems to be strongest at an inn near the docks called Traitor’s Guile. It’s packed with very pleased looking pirates. Blake communicates this to Sage via Sunni.   Sage goes there, and overhears pride about kicking Amber ass but no one goes into specifics. They think they have it good and their boss has connections.   Sunni casts her detect magic spell, producing a small but ornate “mirror” for her spell. She is on the outskirts of town and notices the same concentration of magic heading towards the inn at the docks. She sits in the shadows to observe the inn magically. There’s no spell constructs and lacks the rigid structure of the style of magic Sunni is most familiar with.   Sunni trumps Blake and Dworkin barges into the trump call. Dworkin calls the magical effect a “Dream Inclusion.”   Blake decides to go outside to cause a distraction by using a power word to crash a bunch of boxes. Captain Sunset Pete goes to investigate first, sees the boxes, and looks at them through a spyglass, then goes up to the office. The other officers go up to the office as well after seeing the mess.   Sunni sneaks up invisibly to eavesdrop. They are assuming it was probably Amber, they may need to contact their contacts, mention that the important stuff has already moved.   Tiberius and Flora meet with Harla, who has no idea what the power is, no idea what Delwin’s interests are, doesn’t understand why Delwin helps, but ultimately agrees to pass on a desire to speak with Delwin and can reach out to Flora if needed.   Team Strathclyde decide to have a “chat” with Sunset Pete. Theo’s guard duty. Sunni casts a sound muffling spell and drops and illusion on both herself and Sage. At first it looks like porn, but Sage breaks his arm. Outside Theo sees the pirates organize as though alerted. Tiberius calls and offers help, and Sunni asks him to trump Theo. Theo trumps Sunni and alerts her.   Then a rocket launcher hits the building. Sunset Pete has a shield spell, and the wall explodes. Blake teleports away and falls in the bay. Sunni and Sage hit the ground and Sunni goes for Sunset Pete. Sage runs interference against the streaming pirates. They trump out with Sunset Pete.   Blake gets to shore and spots Lady Brine with a rocket launcher looking proud. He sticks around to see how it shakes out. Theo hits her with a crossbow and takes her out.   Sunni has taken Pete and Sage to her safehouse in Begma. She has questions but he wants something to offset heat from his employers. He doesn’t know who the employer is, most instructions come from Berric Icehammer. He asks for relocation for him and his crew, a contract with the Navy. Sunni agrees.   Tiberius calls Sage and she assures him they’re okay. Tells him to call Blake and gives him a .   Blake receives a trump call from a Rebman child named Agawa who is in Vialle’s quarters and brings him to Amber. He and Vialle chat, and then Tiberius calls Blake. They trump Theo and go to Strathclyde, follow the map, take out the guards, and recover the goods.   Caine calls Sunni to congratulate her and finds out about the contract. She calls Gerard and after explaining the deal he tells her to take Pete to Potterstown. Pete also mentions that Berric sometimes works with a dark-skinned man, who transports things around. Top suspect is Delwin.   Sage has received a note in her quarters from Lord Murdock Craven who wishes to meet her for lunch for an opportunity.   Blake receives a trump call from Julia and he goes through to talk to her about mysterious things. He doesn’t come back.   Sage, Sunni, Tiberius, and Theo chat in the small library before Sunni’s meeting with Random. We catch up Random and discuss the current threats to Amber. Sunni tries to have Random talk to Bleys about non-consensual magic scanning, and Random points out that Bleys and Blake are both problems in their own way. Sage tells Random about her upcoming meeting.   Sunni calls Blake via trump. He makes sure he’s away from whoever he is with. They chat briefly and he mentions that Lady Brine was dead.   Sunni seeks out Berric Icehammer to get him to roll over. He basically tells her that he knows nothing, and if he did know something he wouldn’t tell her.

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