It was a lovely little Shipyard Report

General Summary

Session 3 - August 16, 2024

    Player Characters Present Blake, economic specialist, Bergman delegation - Andi Sage, daughter of Flora, martial artist - Dan Sunni, daughter of Flora - Kath Theo, from Hong Kong but not that Hong Kong - Rob Tiberius, son of Flora - Jeremy   Quotes “It’s a terrorist meet-cute.” - Jeremy   “There’s some guy responsible for unlocking bathroom stalls after Amberites trump out.” - Dan   “Informant casual?” - Blake, on what to wear for secret rendezvous   “Can you go into shadow to find a room with a horse in it?” - Blake Events   Log Memo goes out to remind that the monthly church visit is the following day.   Tiberius lets people know he’s in town, and works to help update emergency protocols. A doctor that works with the docks approaches Tiberius about some people near certain wells getting sick. Tiberius   Sage seeks out Sunni in the small library to have a catsuit made. Blake trumps Sunni and comes through. They have a conversation about the Unicorn, belief system and the origins of Dalt’s heraldry.   Caine calls Sage and Sunni to let them know that Dalt is in the city and wants help with tracking him. Sunni magically disguises herself as a nondescript man.   Tiberius goes to Theo to invite him to check out the aquifer. There’s no sign of any tampering there.   Team Dalt follows Dalt to a bar called the Open Net, one of the nicer dockside venues. Blake goes around back, Sage updates her illusion to go in. Blake is seated at a table with a slender black man wearing a hood, having conversation over some kind of wine. Sage gets the impression that this is two different factions feeling each other out. Dalt is tense, the other man is casual and treats it as a game.   Dalt drops that he is working for someone called the Agent of Change.The other has information that Amber doesn’t want out. Ultimately trying to organize a truce of sorts so they don’t interfere with each other’s business. The other man overshares, Dalt needs to speak with his employer. He goes into the bathroom and presumably trumps out. The other man stays to finish his wine.   Other man is dressed well, casual, touristy. He finishes his wine, gets up to leave. Sunni trumps Caine to alert him, and the guy slip-an-slides out when he thinks no one is looking. Sunni reconnects with the others. Caine explains that Agent of Change is a conservative anti-Random faction in Amber, Sunni mentions hearing something at the party earlier.   Sunni goes back in the bar, and can see an increase of magic in the area, similar to other slip-n-slide incidents.   Sage offers to work up a psych profile on Dalt.   The group heads back to the castle and Sunni mentions that she has a meeting in a couple hours.   The group compares notes but does not come up with anything conclusive, but the theory is floated that Theo might be Dworkin’s response to the situation.   Everyone volunteers to go with Sunni to her rendezvous. Tiberius has a disguise illusion, Theo has an invisible crossbow. Everyone goes in advance except Sunni.   Restaurant is half full, Sunni identifies her contact as an older man wearing a ruby broach.   Drugal Chett, in “acquisitions”, who thinks Sunni can assist him in obtaining guns.   Outside a group of Amber guards are heading towards the restaurant, speaking with someone. They enter, the person points towards Sunni’s table and runs off towards the bathroom where he disappears. The guards say they have a tip that there is an arms deal. There is a rifle case behind Sunni. Sunni trumps Caine and hands him the rifle case against the guard’s wishes.   Sunni goes to guard HQ and is released to Bill Roth. The rest of the group tries to investigate the scene. No sign that the person who disappeared used the slip and slide. There’s a magical aura where the rifle case was, and hints of some sort of magic in the bathroom that fades away.   Everyone is brought into Random’s office. It sounds like someone has a personal grudge against Sunni. Sunni suspects maybe Bayon Cho trying to humiliate her (again). The crown is decreeing that Sunni not be arrested until a case can be made. Fiona says it’s a Pattern War era gun, not the style currently in use. Random is brought up to date with all the new shit that has come to light, and Random is generally annoyed that people are not updating him faster.   Blake asks about security measures at the church service. Security is as good as it can be, and magic is not reliable at the church.   The group brings up the Dalt meeting and the water supply. Sunni creates an illusion of the man from Dalt’s meeting and is identified as Delwin. There’s a suggestion that Blake could use connections to Begma to get word to Rinaldo to get word to Dalt to get word to Delwin.   Sage goes with Caine to discuss a psych profile. Tiberius offers to help Fiona and finds himself subjected to a Pattern lesson. Sunni goes to talk to Flora about the Cho situation. Blake brainstorms possible targets and shares them with Caine.   The next day everyone except Blake goes to the service. Random, Fiona, Vialle, and Flora also show up. Blake works up a list of possible future targets and convinces Caine to decentralize the records.   There’s some sort of weirdness detectable by people with Pattern imprints, where the whole place is looking like there are flames, and the stylized Unicorn looks like a real unicorn that is bloody and broken and calling Random a betrayer. It feels “real” in the way a incongruent things in a dream are real. Then it stops.   Fiona believes it was a shadow being imposed on Amber, altering reality temporarily. No idea who would have the means or motivation to do something like this.   Sunni goes back to the castle to research potential enemies, and discusses Brand’s power with Fiona. Fiona does not believe the power involved at the Church is similar to Brand’s power. Sage goes back to the castle to work on her psych profile. Tiberius calls someone via trump to see if they have had any interaction with Amber or if anyone approached them, recapping a high level version of events.   Most of the group discusses suspects and how hard it would be to do the thing in the church.   Tiberius checks with Fiona about the lab results and there’s a fungal infection in the water that releases a toxin. Tiberius works to start organizing logistics on the defungusing, and also does some research into Delwin and Sand’s history with Amber. Tiberius gets info about Harla’s shadow, Balagra. Flora offers to take Tiberius there in the morning. Tiberius also does an epic Costco run for all the bottled water he can get his hands on and trump it back to Amber.   Blake gets info from BTA and heads back to Amber. Sunni and Sage are going to Arden to talk to Julian to visit the Grove of the Unicorn. Theo continues to familiarize himself with the castle.   Group trump call as everyone is getting ready for bed: Fiona trumps all of us to let us know that the weapon cases have re-entered reality and shows us where to find it.

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