A Night on the Town Report

General Summary

1: Having slain the undead hulk in the municipal building, and with Rowena having announced that she was low on healing magic, the party decided to retreat to their safehouse in the southern part of the valley.   2: The next morning, they returned to Underfall village, and began systematically clearing the buildings surrounding the town square. The first building that they came to was a house, whose front door had been torn off of its hinges and the interior ransacked.   3: Next came a granary; the door was locked, but the keys they had found in the municipal building opened it. Within, they found nothing but rotted and spoiled grains from the mill.   4: At the town's militia office, they unlocked the building with the town scribe's keys. Within, they found several pieces of useful equipment to aid them in their journey - and they also found a survivor! Adon Grimsby, one of the militia, had been on-duty in the basement when everything went to shit. He'd been hiding out ever since, having been forced to kill his prisoner and two of his former comrades when they turned.   5: The general store was the next stop, but this building had also been ransacked by someone or something.   6: Up next was the town's tavern, Mae's. Inside, they put down some more (tougher) undead, similar to what they had already encountered within the valley. In the taproom, they found a ledger which indicated that two rooms were in service at the time of the town's fall:
  • Room 3 was held by an Annetta B
  • Room 5 was occupied by Jimair V
On the guest room floor upstairs, they encountered an intelligent undead. It was wearing armor with the Magnimar crest on it, and said that "All life must bear this gift" and made allusions to the party not having been "seeded" yet. After a short but fierce battle, they put it down for good.   In Annetta's room, they located some coin and her wayfinder, along with her journal. In the room listed as belonging to Jimair, they recovered some magical items. The rest of the rooms were empty.   They picked up Adon from the militia office and escorted him south to their safehouse, planning to spend their final night in the Underfall valley before venturing East over the 'quarrybridge', heading up into the mountains in an attempt to retrace Annetta's trail. And, perhaps, to find and question the Alchemist, Terrence Fial.

Rewards Granted

XP Rewards
  • Combat: 140XP
  • Investigation and Roleplay: 190XP
Total: 330XP, out of 1000XP required for level 3  
  • +1 Bastard Sword
  • 73gp, in mixed coin
  • Minor healing potion
  • Wondrous Figurine, Onyx Dog
  • Wayfinder
  • Unidentified elixir
  • Hat of the Magi
  • Wand of Acidic Burst

Pathfinder Society: Case Files
Report Date
11 Apr 2020

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