Session 3 - The Fungus Among Us Report

General Summary

  1 - The Jurgen Homestead: This building's architecture was distinctively different from the other buildings in the valley, and unlike that of the traditional styles encountered in Varisia. The small fields appeared to be an afterthought to the forge, housed in a large, central structure within the farm. The house itself was decorated in a style that indicated a bachelor of some great means had lived here. A journal found within identified one Fergal Jurgen as the owner.   2 - The Campbell Farm: A much larger farm, dominated by fields of dead crops - laid out in precise rows, and tidily fenced-in. A barn and the tack within suggested that several beasts of burden were kept here, and the outbuildings contained a large stock of blighted seeds. Inside the farm, four undead (two festering orcs, two withered humans) were put down. Journals found in the master bedroom identified the owners as the Campbells, and a portrait identified that the two undead humans found here were Mr and Mrs Campbell; another bedroom indicated at least on adolescent also dwelled here.   3 - The Smouldering Plot: By the time the party returned here, the embers had gone out. Nothing of substance remained within, except the charred and blackened corpse of a humanoid that had been consumed by the flames.   4 - The Miller's Plot: A rustic farmhouse surrounded by several fields. Within the party found a Journal belonging to a George Miller. It documented a small town life with their husband, Ethed. The latest entries mentioned the strange trees which had grown near the mill overnight, and their reaction to the events.   5 - The Mill: A large, ruined mill stood on a hill south of town. The millstone within was slightly off-track, occasionally lurching forwards when the wind caught the mill's remaining sails with enough strength to move it. Large amounts of rotted grain and flour were stashed within the structure.   6 - The Town Hall: This large structure on the north-east end of the town square had had its front door shattered, and the sound of it swinging in the wind drew the party here. Within they found a Journal which detailed some unusual events erupting within Underfall. Further inside the structure, a large undead monstrosity attacked the party - and though it fought furiously, they cut it down to size quite handily.

Rewards Granted

XP Rewards

  • Defeating the undead at the Campbell farm: 80xp
  • Defeating the undead hulk at the Town Hall: 80xp
  • Investigation rewards: 130xp
  • Roleplay rewards: 70xp
  • Hand of the Mage
  • Savior Spike
  • Cleaver (identified by Aroldus as a Cleaver of Greater Tetanus)

Pathfinder Society: Case Files
Report Date
06 Apr 2020

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