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The Race to Craylow Report

General Summary

Chapter 1: The Port City The sun rose above the Egan sea as the ship called The Winds Pleasure docked into the popular Port City of Nomwi in the nation of Hewhoula. The early morning fog dissipated as the Port was bustling with all manner of life and excitement. For today was the day, the trials to become a bannermen began! This particular Port is known for its imports of perfumes which was a favorite to the high nobility, to RUBY SALMON , and Dookie salt, which originated in the isles to preserve meats for a long periods of time. However, today the ships are not importing goods, oh no, they are delivering something far more precious than monetary goods. These ships are bringing candidates for The Trials l! All diversities seemed to be represented here from the extreme like Alligator Bear Wizards from Ploya , to Centaurs with massive spiked clubs made from mammoth tusks from Isles of Proviton , to fairies in heavenly clad Armour whom hail from the illustrious lands of Stei Prurg . the thundering Dragonoids whose origins are traced to the Grand Volcanic mountain Bebaton Maximus, not dragon born mind you but dragons who do not grow larger than a typical orc chieftain, are rarely in attendance to these trials We, presently, find our party upon the deck of the, aforementioned, ship the Winds Pleasure commanded by Captain Kapsul . The tall ship had a COVERED deck were candidates are huddled into small groups talking amongst themselves. There are tables and chairs where the popular sailor game CUPS is played, groves were cut out of the tables where one will lay their cards. Horn Shells hung about the roof of the deck. That is when a voice emits from the horn shells. {Enter Cap Kap clip} Micarr Jordis a katsue, looked to see that he was given that very map by the first mate Nail, it was a simple map, The light wind wreastled the bronze fur of Micarr as he was leaning over the railing on the port side of the ship, One arm resting on his drum and the other holding the map Micarr turned to his carvan, where a drow, half-orc, halfling, dragonied, and a gatrospeain where looking to him. He proffered the map forward and looked to the two of the caravan with whom he was familiar with, since, well of course, they were in a band a while back called Way/NoWay. “Any ideas, I think maybe we take the river into the city, possibly the quickest?.” he mused with his German accent Jeff Winggens, Esquire the gastrasapien snapped, “what do I care dog,” Sighing Micarr recognizes that salt water had splashed on his former band mate and he is hallucinating and recognizing this moved on to allow Jeff to ride the hallucination. The rest of the caravan observed the map as the young halfling of the group casually made his way through the crowd on the deck to hear what they planed to do. He returned his young halfling voice cracked with news that a few caravans plan on renting rafts and going by water however, the caravan looked to the hallucinating snail in the group and decide it’d be best to go into the city to grab supplies and gain more information as to which path they should take. The party leaves the ship and makes their way down the pier and into town walking past the massive walls with smoothed out slopes the locals called wave-breakers and entered the city. The caravan splits up momentarily to scope out their situation with Micar holding back with jeff on the ship. Intending to speak with the first mate. Candy, the halforc, and Kal the drow, made their way to the stables the Bittersweet Grange ran by a human father and son. The stables themselves where very humble. Only one stead could fit in the front who was presently being tended by the father. As our friends enter the stables, the son no, older than 15 sees and runs up at the counter. “Hello, are you candidates, here to rent any horses? We are almost out but we have a few great mounts left.” Candy, kindly regarded the young man, “Yes, you have a fine mount here. what are your rates?” “Well, 20 GP per day comes with saddle, feed, water and they are without a doubt the best in the biz” Kal, An experienced merchant himself, raised his eyebrow at this rate, “That seems a bit steep.” “Supply and demand, Im sorry sir but my father creates the prices.” With a grunt Kal turns and walks to greet the father, “Sir, I need to speak of your prices” “TALK TO THE KID IF YOU NEED ANYTHING, LEAVE ME BE CANDIDATE” he bellows not breaking from his work tending to the horseshoe Taken aback, “Bastard,” Kal grunts, as Candy half smiles and pays the boy as he excitedly goes to retrieve the horses *** Surke , the halfling, found himself in the dwaven book shop, A Novel Idea ran by Throdmurim Chaosgranite, as he entered the small shop he noticed that there was no back room, simply three walls full from top to bottom and color coordinated and the elder dwarf was sitting on his counter, with his long white beard disappearing beneath the counter he was sitting and his balding head glistening off the blue lanterns floating above, "come forward lad, what can I do fer ya" "Hello! Yes, I've come to see if you have books on the trials or a way to be a better candidate??" "Well, of course I do lad, how much you have my boy?" With that Surke plopped 20gold pieces on the table, "will this be enough for one?" Dumbfounded Thorm quickly pocketed the over payment, "perfect exact amount lad, now go to that section over there and think about what book you want!" "Can you not tell me or show me which are best?" surke asked inquisitively. "No no lad, that's not how it works. You, see the books will know what you need when ---" Surke suddenly reached up and snatched a book forward the bookshelf it was thin and red titled. "Candidates for Dummies" with a strong human in heavily clad armor welding a mighty sword on the front. "Haha, should have been more intentional with your pull there my halfling friend, it's a good book none the less. You may find it will increase a skill or two" With that Surke took his leave waving to the dwarf as Thorm shook his head gravely shaking his head and fingering the pouch of coins in his hand, "poor boys going to get himself killed." *** Dragonoids are not rare breeds but tend to stick amongst their own nests, and rarely does one attempt the trials. However, this caravans dragoniod found herself wondering the port city doing the very thing that she herself looked down upon. Seeing her fellow traveler running from a bookstore excited and rebounded with her old band mates she, found herself shaking her head as she made her way into The Bar. As she entered the drunken gnomes inhabiting The Bar hushed quickly. There were about 8 long tables packed with gnomes and all the windows where open allowing the bar to become an observation deck. Using this vantage, the gnomes where betting on the candidates as they walked by. As she made her way to the bar, hustle and bustled resumed, "Look at the little one hes going to die on the road!" A few gnomes joined in roaring laughter "Oi look at tat big one over der, I'll put a ten spot on him! She sat as a gnome waiter dragged over a step ladder and climbed apprehensively, "what can I do fer ya," "I need a drink" the dragonoid said as she turned her blue head to him. Her blue scales and horned faced laced with jewels clinked in response as she twisted her head eyeing him "We don’t get much dragonoid in here, there may not be much that you'd like, I do have one or two but may be too much." "Test me then" she said blankly. Nodding, the gnome stepped down and after some shuffling produced a blue like ale and poured, the dragonoid downed it immediately, "another," the gnome dumbfounded poured another. "So, you know the fastest way to get to Craylow?" She says downing the next drink. "I know of a fast way, but I wouldn't suggest it. Most who attempt die." "Tell me" she says as the gnome felt his emotions pushed upon, "In Lancaster forest there's a portal that'll take you there but its packed with incest monsters" She stared blankly, "incest monsters? What do you mean by that? "I mean it's the way its sounds" he said pointedly. "Very well," she stood to leave the gnome waiter who was still holding a face of astonishment that she was able to walk away, "Well, well tell me your name at least, "Yonngblood, Sid. Youngblood." The gnome dropped his shot glass shook as fuck. *** The caravan rendezvoused in front of the stables. Jeff having recovered from his salt mind. Micarr informs them he learned of a city not a day’s ride called, Putitinmyasshole, where they rent unicorns and Pegasus but itd be a rather expensive endeavor. Sid tells them of the portal and of the incest monsters. "We are going to need more information and more mounts if we plan to enter the forest " Micar points out as Candy and Kal attended to their mustang's they acquired. Surke and the Band enter the stables as the young boy brightens up, "Hello, I was wondering if you had anything left." Before answering the boy gave Surke a once over "Yes we do but we only have tortales left" "How much do they run. Will they carry us." "Oh yes we have 2 left each can fit 3, 100 gp a day comes with all the fixings saddle food water and the like, but may I ask how old are you?" Surke puffed his chest, "15!" The young boy looked despondent, "Anyway, are you interested in them, they are very fast if you are needing to make it to Craylow." Sid leaned forward, "We are heading to Lancaster Forest actually." The stable boys eyes bulged in both awe and terror at the same time, "Bu bu but the incest monsters, the SHIAS they are too rabid, no one survives!" "No-one?" Sid eyed him "Well, no one sane!" The party looked to each other, "Regardless, 100 gp is too much, however, is there a way we can work this out" prompted Jeff as he slithered his way forward, "perhaps a song, Secrets?" "It was our most popular song by the way," added micarr. The boy’s father, sprang from the back, “is it really you???" The band looked up to him as he had on one of their old tour shirts and a faded poster of the band in the back. "Yes, it is we can give you an autograph!" "And perhaps something more for no charge on the tortales", Jeff said charmingly, with that. The man’s son ran from the home to ready the free tortals; and the new knowledge of his father’s anatomy to haunt him. For the rest of his days. One hour later the caravan rolled out of the city on their sex obtained tortales and mustang's heading for Lancaster forest.
  Chapter 2 tempting fate     The tortales pegs spun as the big, shelled beasts rolled along the path heading toward the forest.   Its hammerhead shaped lobe allowed for his shell to push and pull on the wind creating its own momentum, allowing for a quick but harsh ride to the mouth of Lancaster Forest.   Our party had spent the better part of the morning riding. Now , the afternoon sun and light mist pattered lightly on the party.   They surveyed the forest taking a breath absorbing their surroundings noticing a strong arcane magic pull from the think red wooded forest.   They see a dilapidated sign that says: stay out!   about 40 feet back, another sign that says,     Seriously don’t.     "A moment please" the halfling said as he slide off his tortale shell and stepped up to one of the red woods and tapped into his druidic power as he laid his hand on the redwood   A few leaves where suddenly picked up by the wind and swirled around surkes head as he muttered to himself a moment later the party could hear him say "Thank you my friend," the leaves floated away and he knelt and poured some water on the roots,   "The tree says that the portal is surrounded by a host of Shia in the heart of the forest, In fact, the portal is in the shia nest itself."   "Would the tort-ales make it in, perhaps the trees could move." Micarr asked   "My powers do not work in that way, we must send them back. What do we know of shias anyway?"   "Shias tend to use hand-axes and were butt flaps," micarr began to sing "They hate bright lights cuz they aint bright themselves" "Take their head and they'll stay dead" "Shias are nasty and easy to kill" I thinks that's the song, Micarr said calmly, "Took a few songs to remember it, but I had some time to kill on the road."   The caravan impressed devised a plan to allow Candy and Kal to take lead and keep their horses. If they run into shias they will sneak past or kill them quickly, and if all else fails use the touches and Kals spell to create light to blind them in order to retreat.   They sent away the tor-tales and begin to enter the forest when suddenly an old man appeared. tan of skin blue pair on his hands and face, hair white as snow but as soft a sheep's fur. dressed in a long white robe.   He slowly approaches the party; his voice is raspy and ancient. Slow even,   "You dare to tempt fate by entering the forest, ignoring all warning of doom?"   The party halted.   "You guys are seeing this right," Micarr says steadily,   Kal studied the man, "I sense a magic from him but no malice, but damn creepy though"   "Would you like to dare fate again?" he says promptly presenting in his cupped hands a deck of cards with a brown butterfly with blue spots on the wings, "I can help you read your fate my children. For simply 2 gp that is."   "I make my own fate," Kal said sternly, leaning back atop his painted mustang   "As do I," Micarr said in agreement, Surke simply moved behind Micarr and stayed silent.   The old man proffered his hands to the dragonoid who waved her clawed hand dismissively, he then offered them to the half orc, Candy, and Jeff.   They looked to each other shrugged and gave him to coins.   Candy bent from her horse and drew the top card. As the card slide off the deck it burned forming into a seed.   "Ah, the orchard. Plant this seed child, and as long as it is not chopped down it will forever grow food"   Jeff pulled his card, as it burned away a flash of light and a thunderous crack was heard in the sky, The caravan looked up as a tempest of rain, hail, branches and debris rammed into them. Their immediate area turned into the heart of a deadly thunderstorm.     Chapter 3 Lancaster Forest     The tempest slammed upon the party as they entered the forest. Thankfully, Candy and Kal, had experience in the wild in these very conditions and were able to find shia scats and utilized those dropping to track to the shias den. Surprisingly, everyone had the fortitude to stay the course without any of them becoming a hindrance. However, out of the corner of their eyes they spot them: Shias A Shia mother standing 7 feet tale tattered shirt rested on too large a belly and chest butt flap waving through the stormy air.   A crack of lightning   5 incest shias show up.   Boom another crack of lightning.   They are following you, about 30 feet back. They get down on all fours and breaks into a sprint Brandishing 2 small axes they attack the party   Micarr and Jeff cast charm spells on the mother to no avail as Sid flies into the air firing a cross bolt that strikes into a tree near the mother’s head.   What all seemed but an instant Kal kicked his horse into a gallop flanking the shia mother slashing at the back of the mother mixing water and the orange shia blood on the red wood trees nearby   The shia children stab at will at the party, not doing too much damage but cutting them, nonetheless, at that moment Jeff let out his whip and with a loud SNAP caught the shia mother by the neck forcing her to drop her club and cling at the whip around her neck for air.   throwing a hand axe at an incest baby Candy saw her window of opportunity, recalling Micarrs words of sundering the head, Raging she kicked her horse leading with her spear striking right into the neck of the mother, letting out a roar Candy propelled forward piercing the head of her spear into the ground and whipping it back up leaving the shia mothers body free of her head.   The shia children let out a blood curdling scream as they turn into a frenzy. Three of them run to their mother, the other two attack even more recklessly!   Quickly, Surke summoned a large throne stabbing it into the back of one killing it,   The other Micarr takes down with the butt of his boomerang.   The remaining three, to the horror of the party, did not attack. No, they were feasting on the flesh of their mother. Sickened Kal pushes his horse forward, running two of them through, killing them instantly, with Candy stomping the last one to death.   Another loud crack of lightning lights up the forest, as hundreds of shias are seen answering the death scream of their loved ones. With the SHia Daddy bearing down on them   Using his drow eyes Kal motions the party to the shia den. only 100 feet away It was A worn down barn which sat between two large redwoods with massive tree houses above.   Kal and Candy burst ahead when they noticed a deer bounding next to them. Candy examines the deer and sees the pack attached to its waist and gathered that Surke used his druid abilities to shapeshift into a deer.   Micarr close behind looks back and notices that his friend Jeff was still lagging behind, remembering he was never much of a sprinter, Micarr began to slam on his drums casting a rhythmic trance over the forest allowing Jeff to move two times quickly. Still not moving fast enough, Jeff looked, where Sid was hovering, she was firing cover shots from the air to allow the party some time to get to the house, "Quick Sid, let's do the rolling thing!"   Sid swooped down as Jeff retreated into his shell, Sid whacked it with her tail as Jeff steam rolled to the front door of the shia den Catching up with the party as Sid landed next to them.   Not wasting a moment to smell the roses, Candy kicked in the front door, scanning the room she noticed, in front of her, anther door which Surke kicked in,   There was a staircase before them descending into darkness.   "Well, the portal is down there, I can feel its magic pulling on me, " kal said as they descended the staircase, and found themselves in a claustrophobic cramped room. the walls were slick and the floor damp, the smell of rotting flesh filled the noses of the party.   Before them was a large circular portal. its outlining was made of redwood with a massive reindeer skull resting on the top. In the center of the circular portal was a red warping ball of liquid, and in front of that, smiling fondly at the party, was the same stranger in the front of the woods.   "Congratulations my children, you made it through the forest." With his entire being melded with the red warping ball of liquid, as the melding occurred the ball expanded to the rims of the portal as the reindeer's eye illuminated red.     Without hesitation the caravan jumped in.     Chapter 4 The Feast     Space and time folded before the eyes of the caravan, in vibrant purple and green cubes. Landscapes zipped by at blinding speed. Until they slammed to the ground. All around them was a blank white space. . Micarr looked to his paw when a large crack sprouted beneath him, the crack extended out breaking apart the white space revealing a grand pebble-stone Colosseum, filled with an uproarious crowd! The caravan looked around and saw 2 other caravans present. Surke, still in deer form, bounded to the group in front of them, "YAMI!"   A halfling, but a rather tall one, dressing a green tunic and black hooded cape scoffed at Surke   "Brother! You made it too!"   Yami looked to him scoffing playfully, " Yeah yeah, took you long enough."   "How did you get here so fast?"   "We teleported to Putitinmyasshole, and we got our hands-on Unicorns and flew here."   "Oh, nice man!" Surke said, offering his fist in congratulations.   "Rivals!" they said as Yami met Surkes fist with his own.   The Colosseum was packed with observers. All were cheering wildly to the candidates. The caravan sees that there is another group that made it but only 3 of them stood there like in shock Armor splattered with blood.   That is when a young goblin girl approached, "Hello, I'm Scrolling, your liaison while performing in the trials," she said, "If there's anything you need at all let me know. If you will follow me, please."   She leads the caravan from the center of the ring through a large archway on the left side of the coliseum.   Before them was a grand room with lots of goblin children running around setting up booths and setting up que’s lines.   Two booths are completed, and they read. Strength Trial and Dexterity Trial.   "Excuse me Scrollin," Candy grabbed the attention of their goblin liaison., "What exactly is going on here."   "Oh, you guys made it a day early, we are setting up for the trials as you can see. You will be going through a series of tests to impress the sponsor and Bannermen with your skills and teamwork. Each of you will lead your caravan in each individual trial."   Micarr scratched under his mouth, "How will that work anyway? How can we be part of different banners but still work together?   "Well the Tribunal organizes the missions with each bannerman represented, A member of the Celestial Guild may need a heavy Hitter from the BBEG division. However, on down time those individuals may have nothing in common and would perhaps prefer the company of like-minded individuals."   The caravan accepted this as Scrollin lead them to a staircase which lead up to rooms. The muffled cry of the crowd rang through the halls.   "Here's your quarters, I’ll be back to get you for the Feast tonight."   "Feast?" Kal questioned.   "Yes, every night during the trials, the days end with a grand feast, sponsors are there and of course the other candidates. The feasts are one of the most important parts of these trials. I can help arrange introductions at these events So, please be thinking of the banners you will want to choose and let me know, also, you will need a name for your caravan throughout the trials. " With that Scrollin took her leave as the party finally got to get some rest that day.   Later that night, Scrollin came knocking on the door.   "Have you come up with a name yet?"   "The Black Bulls!" Surke belted proudly.   "A sound name, and have you decided on which bannermen you would like to join?"   "Celestial Guild for me!"   ""For me as well," Micarr added nodding proudly to Surke.   "BBEG removal squad has my eye," Candy said.   "That and Sons of Batman," added Sid   Scollin was jotting this down as Kal stated, "Agreed those two and the Band of Nea Dowells"   "And you," Scollin asked Jeff who just stared blankly in return.   Taken aback Scolling put her paper away and led the party to a dining hall.   It was a gorgeous Hall, with 4 massive golden chandeliers and magical flames emanating from them. The Hall and tables were carved out of beautiful pebbles. Rich browns, and cream swirls decorated the walls and floors. There was an observation deck 30 feet above the dining hall with extremely nice, dressed party goes where in attendance with Spenser Deck labeled on it.   There are 8 long tables with 3 being occupied by the other caravans that arrived early.   "Theee Blaackk Bulllsss" Scollin hollered, as the Hall quieted down. Scollin looked to the Bulls, "Your feat of making it through the Lanncaster Forest is spreading." She said smiling, "Go on then, mingle."   Candy, Sid, Micarr and Kal entered the room and went to the buffet tables. Mound of food was on the table and coincidentally, everything they loved was there. All their favorite meals were here on the table.   "Who's the biggest badass in the room" Jeff said promptly to Scrollin   "Uhm, excuse me," Scrollin said hesitantly.   "Who's the biggest badass in the room."   Scrollin scanned the room and her eye laid on a pure elf, with long golden hair, "That one, he came riding in on a feathered unicorn, glorious it was."   Jeff walked towards him and plopped right next to the elf. Yami was in the same caravan as the badass so was sharing the table with the elf as well. The pure elf glanced in Jeffs direction and in a dramatic huff stood and turned, clasping his hands behind his back and began to stomp away.   "Whoa what the fuck dude," Jeff called out.   Yami leaned forward, "Uhm he's from Stir Purug, he hates people like you."   Jeff enraged stood and bounded towards the elf and swung his saxophone at the elf, this caught the eye of EVERYONE in the room.   The Pure elf sidestepped the swing easily without even having to turn and look at Jeff.   Jeff lurched forward almost unbalanced, but he leaned into the momentum and spun around throwing his sax in the air to catch it and he began a killer solo.   Even the Sponsors were impressed, and Jeff played his hand beautifully,   The pure elf stormed out of the Hall embarrassed. Jeff eyed Scollin whom mouthed, "Good keep going,"   At that point Jeff amazed everyone when he began to juggle and play at the same time. The crowd was in awe. Jeff called up his former bandmates and they gave an impromptu concert turning the dining hall into a concert venue for Way/Noway. Those in attendance were blown away by their performance and when down. Once a candidate was in tears.   When way/noway finished and joined their friends back at the table to applause by all. That was when Scollin excitedly ran up to the party, "Look who's coming to talk to you! The Head Sponsor himself.   Chapter 5- Late night Drinks The Head Sponsor approached the black bulls laying his left hand on the table, a tall human with a goblet of wine in the other he leaned his balding head forward with a warm smile, "The Black Bulls eh, you've made quite a splash." The party nodded in amusement. " is it true, " the man continued, " did you truly brave the Lancaster forest." "We did, we ran into a super creepy dude who asked us about our fate," kal informed. The Head Sponsor raised his eyebrow impressed, taking this as true confirmation he downed the rest of his wine and placed his goblet on the table placing both hands firmly in front of him assessing the Black bulls. He looked to Candy, who was sitting on the edge of the table watching the other candidates. "Why do you want to be a bannerman?" "I want to follow in my family's steps." She replied. "Oh, and who are they?" "Blank and blank they were in the BBEG Squad,"   "Ahhh, yes great lineage My Lady, and you, what's your reasoning?" Judge nodded to Surke. "I want to be a bannerman!" "Yes, I know but why?" "My brother is doing it and I've always wanted to be a bannerman!" "Haha, how old are you boys?" "15!" Surke shouted proudly, "I'm going to be 16!" "Yes, son, that's how time works." Surke smiled broadly, with a light chuckle and shaking his head, "and you drow?" Kal looked up from his ale," for riches and glory of course." "Naturally, " The head Sponsor replied, "I appreciate an honest answer. How about you katsue?" "To travel the world, to see the wonders." He said hopefully. The judge regarded him thoughtfully, "and a dragonoid, we don't have many of your kind participating in the trials." Sid eyed him cautiously, "Something was taken from me, and I'll need what the bannerman can offer me." "Smart, the bannerman are quite resourceful, what was taken from you?" "You ask a lot of questions man!" Jeff interrupted. "Well, um uh," the sponsor sputtered, "it's kind of my job to know who and what you are. I can help you through these trials I-" "Still you ask a lot of questions man I do like that. What are you about?" Jeff questioned. Taken aback, "Well I'm the head Sponsor here and this started off well but can see this isn't going to great" he picked up his goblet. "We look forward to seeing how you deal with the future endeavors. He bowed and took his leave to the next group. Scrollin walked back up, "whoa that was huge guys, good job!" "Hey Scrollin, are there any shops that are open right now. I know it's kinda late." Surke asked. "Yes, loads, many shops are open all the time. This is the capital city after all, but this late, mostly the shops in the slums are open." She reached into her tunic and pulled a map and handed it to Surke. "Here's a map of the city. Should have most of the shops there." The black bulls looked over the map and decided to do a little city recon before going to sleep. Micarr decided to scope out the wealthy area called Villas. As he left the Colosseum behind him. The katsue made his way up the street passing vendors and late-night shops busing with well-dressed patrons. He came to a bend in the street and a large sign displaying Holsworthy Villa. The long road scratched about a mile out and was lined with large trees which reflected the color of the moon that was in cycles. Currently, Bebaton Maximus blue rays cascaded of the trees adding a bluish hue to the dark knight, the road ended at TharfieldKeep Where King Clover stays and hosts his international guests, which is illuminating at the moment signifying the King is hosting this night, which is why there where not many people on the streets The Discreet Tiger a bar, he gathered, caught Micarrs eye, a large ogre in a fine 3-piece suit and shades stood before the door. "Hello, my friend." Micarr greeted,   The Ogre looked down to him and shook his head dismissively.   "I would like to enter if you please."   "Pass-code," He said roughly,   "Uhm I do not know the password." Micarr said honestly, "But allow me to help your memory."   He slipped him gold and the ogre eyed it and laughed mockingly, "Look, this is a RICH bar, you don't have the money or the connections to get in" He said pocketing the gold. "Now shove off, might find something better in the slums, damn candidates''   Micarr simply left keeping that ogres face in his mind return to the caravan quarters in the coliseum.   Jeff made his way through the textile district, basically all the shops closed now. He came across the gem. The Corrupted Pony, a tattoo parlor.   Jeff walked in and saw it was a humble shop. Not large with 6 beds, one currently occupied by a gnome receiving what seemed to be his 3000th tattoo from another equally painted human. There were lanterns lined along the wall which allowed for great lighting. When the pair of artists noticed Jeff, they popped up and greeted him warmly.   "Welcome to the Corrupted Pony!" Said the gnome excitedly. "What ya looking for basic ink, magic tattoo?"   "A magic tattoo?" Jeff asked delightfully.   "Yes, of course!" the gnome exuberantly replied as he ripped open his shirt puffing out his ripped chest on it was a large flame and with a large puff, he shot out a small fireball from it. "Ya see" he smiled proudly.   "Dope!" cried Jeff The human man handed Jeff a booklet of pictures with the tattoo and their abilities. Jeff couldn't make up his mind, "You know what, just give me a random one right on the small of my shell" He said, pointing to the back of his shell. The artists smiled, "So you want a random one." they said in unison.   "Yeah of course! How much?"   "Well, it's a magic tattoo you have forever, so they start at 100 gold." said the man.   "How about I play some music to attract late night patrons for a discount."   "How much of a discount?" The gnome asked. "20 gold?"   "No, 15 gold" said the man. "ok" Jeff said as he sat down, getting comfortable on the table.   "Well I'll be." laughed the gnome as he prepared his tattoo knife.   Surke and Candy made their way to the outer district of the slums. The blue moon illuminated brightly above as our pair made their way to a dwarven armament. Inside were two burly dwarves working a furnace. As smoke filled the air. It was an open shop, so the light breeze was able to carry the smoke quickly away. There were shelves that formed the walls of the shop loaded with steel swords, axes, and leather armor as well.   Another dwarf approached them, "Greetings, this is the All-Father banner-man armament, how may I be of service."   Candy looked to the axes, "Any hand axes ready?"   The dwarf pulled a rolled-up catalogue from his pocket. His hands were black from his working around the shop, "Eye, we've got several."   He opened the catalog and flipped passed a few pages, "Here ya go."   Candy took and saw it was a picture of 4 3 hand axes, one classic, one double bladed, and the third double bladed with a knife attached to the hilt.   Candy purchased the later of the three. Surke purchased a leather vest. On both the axe and vest there was an emblem of mjolnir on it and a lightning bolt around it. The symbol of the shop and banner. The pair returned to the colosseum resting for the day.   Sid and Kal made their way across a dilapidated bridge into the slums.   The slums were grimy and smelled of rotten onion and black mold. massive packed out apartment homes hummed with life in the late night. Sid and Kal felt a bar would be best to get a feel of the slums and they made their way to The Loneliest Tavern.   The tavern itself was run down and the wood was rotting away.   It was empty save for two ratfolk who were so inebriated they were both having a passionate conversation. At the same time. About different topics, but not seemed to be caring in the slightest.   Dragonoid and the drow approached the bar keeper who was a donkey slowly cleaning the top of the bar.   Behind him were large barrels with spigots attached.   "What can I do for you," Eeyore said in a slow deep sad voice.   Sid and Kal eyed each other apprehensively.   "What do you have?" Sid asked,   Eeyore turned and set two pristine glasses down and poured out two full glasses of ale. As the liquid hit the glass it became ice cold.   "4 gold please" he said, resuming the cleaning of the countertop.   "They paid and down the ale. An overwhelming feeling of loneliness slammed into sid and kal but then there was an overwhelming sense of peace.   Whoa." Kal said, "Let do another."   Sid smiled, "What else do you have?"   Eeyore, "Well I have some stronger stuff if you'd like,"   "Let's do it!" Kal said happily.   Eeyore placed another 2 glasses down. and pulled out another pitcher this time with the liquid hit the glass it became engulfed in flames as the glass stood there kindling. Sid immediately pulled on the magic in the bar and felt the presence of all types: arcane, draconic, fay.   "Who makes all these?" Sid asked.   I do in the back room my lady," Eeyore replied.   "And what's in this one?"   "I can't give away all my secrets," He said apprehensively.   Sid let out a low growl and bared her teeth. and eyed him down, "What's in this drink."   "I assure you it’s safe only intoxicate you heavily which is what you asked for!" he said panicking, babbling, "there is dragon blood in it"   Sid whipped her head close to his, "How did you get dragon blood?"   "By way of trade, I swear it!"   Sid eyed him seeing only fear and not deceit in his eyes she grabbed the glass and downed it, Kal amused and drank as well. Sid's tail immediately caught fire; she slammed her tail into the ground snuffing it out. Kal was engulfed. Screaming Kal slapped at the flames on his chest and legs, as quickly as he was set on fire it was snuffed out. His clothing free of char or burn marks, "What *hiccup* was tha" kal screamed,   "It’s the ale lad" Eeyore said pointedly, "you feel good, don't you?   To Kal's surprise he was feeling exceptionally good in fact, one of the best drunk buzzes he had.   "One*hicup* last*hicup* more?" Kal asked to Sid   Whom laughed and agreed. Eeyore set out two shot glasses and pulled out a bottle that looked empty, but when tilted a clear liquid filled the glasses.   The pair grabbed the glass saluted and downed the shot. Setting the glasses down and blacking out in that instant.


Sid Youngblood--DM FILE

Level 4 Bard .
46 / 40

Kalannar Hlaett-- DM FILE

Level 4 Paladin.
48 / 59
Report Date
19 Apr 2021

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