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A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Zarcanea
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  • Isles of Provision
    Regional Feats: +1 to Charisma Mod +4 to diplomacy and disguise   Known Languages:
    Merfolk, common, Elvish, and draconic
  • Hewhuola
    The main Nation in Zarcanea. Home of the Tribunal and Coalition.   Regional Feats: +1 CON MOD   +4 to sense motive and stealth   Known languages: Common, dwarvish, elvish, orc, and gnome.
  • Ploya
    This is the home of the order The Company of Men The Magnificent Favored
    Rubies come from here and Typically always warm, almost tropical   Regional Feats: +1 to WIS mod +2 to craft, performance, and profession   Known languages Common, goblin, dwarvish, and elvish
  • New Raden
    Formally known as Tespeymar   Regional Feats: +1 mod to STR +2 mod to all knowledge checks   known languages common, dwarvish, elvish
  • Mount Bebaton Maximus
    Regional feats: Immune to fire +1 strength mod +4 to craft   Known Languages: Draconic, Kobald, Hobgoblin.
  • Stei Prurg
    New Nation that's newest to the Coalition

    Regional Feats:
    +1 to Dex Mod +2 to acrobatics and slight of hand   Known Languages: Common, Goblin, Elvish
Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

17th Apr 2021

The Race to Craylow

The game begins, as you are dropped off in Port Nomwi given a singular task: Make it to Craylow, in two days time, with your assorted group and enter the Trials to become a Bantie!

Read the Report
6th Mar 2021


We will be getting together and forming characters and making them and talking of the world

6th Mar 2021

Session Zero

Create characters, talk the world expectations, set house rules.

The Bannermen are a various orders made up of the worlds best. They are chosen through the trials. These Bannermen hold our world together. In peace, war, tragedy, and they are our only hope for what is to come.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Sid Youngblood

Level 4 Bard .
46 / 40

Kalannar Hlaett

Level 4 Paladin.
48 / 59

Jeff Wiggins, Esq.

Micarr Jordis