Session 1 Report

General Summary

You met with Venture-Captain Arvin who explained that several months ago, a crew of Starfinders took a ship called the Unbounded Wayfarer into the Vast to explore a series of uncharted planets. They never returned.
Earlier that day, a vesk pawnbroker in the Downlow neighbourhood contacted the Society, offering to sell several Starfinder insignias. These insignias belonged to the lost crew of the Unbounded Wayfarer.
He sent you to visit the pawnbroker - named Julzakama - to collect the insignias and all the information you could from the vesk regarding whoever sold him the insignias, and then track down the seller to see if you can learn where to find the Unbounded Wayfarer and its crew.
You learned from the pawnbroker that the seller was an Eoxian ("She looked like a man-ling, but didn't breathe of blink or anything"). Her name was Exegara, and she was wearing a flight suit, like she had come off a long trip. After selling Julzakama the insignias, she asked where she could purchase clean skeletons and he told her about the Vat Garden. She also mentioned something about hiring some local muscle "just in case."
Downlow's Vat Garden was once a vast pool of bio-active substances that drained away decades ago. The residue in the pool still enhances the growth of biological organisms, and an enterprising ysoki family purchased the empty pool and turned it into a garden, selling fresh plants around Absalom Station. Demand exceeded their supply, so the family took in any sort of biological waste as mulch to grow their riotous tangle of plants. An open secret around Downlow is that the ysoki also act as a mortuary for the very poor: they take dead bodies for free as mulch for their plants.
You made your way to the Vat Garden and found a group of brutal human thugs keeping watch while Exegara sifted through the plants' roots looking for skulls. You defeated the mercenaries and captured Exegara.
She explains that she was only recently recruited into the Corpse Fleet and knows little of their activities. She travelled aboard a vessel called the Endless Threnody that picked up the distress call of a Starfinder vessel. The Corpse Fleet ship travelled to the Starfinder vessel's crash site on a desert planet and acquired several treasures, including the Starfinder insignias.
Before the Endless Threnody could get out of the Drift, it was surprised and crippled by a pirate ship identified as the Lawblight.
The Endless Threnody now floats in the drift, unable to leave, and Exegara was dispatched to acquire repair materials.
Her datapad shows the Endless Threnody's current location. Although Exegara did not know the coordinates of the crashed Starfinder vessel (or even the name of the world it was on), she knows those coordinates are in the files of the Endless Threnody's navigational computer.
Arvin was pleased with you for following up on this lead so quickly. He asked you to follow this mystery further by finding the Endless Threnody. He also encouraged you to keep the Starfinder insignias for now, and explained their basic function (that they can be used to encrypt and decrypt information that the Starfinders want to keep hidden), saying that you might need the insignias in the future.

Into the Unknown

Rogue SF Trooper


Report Date
13 Jun 2021

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