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Rogue SF Trooper



Trooper R20, Genetic Infantry, Nu Earth

Campaign & Party

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Sun 13th Jun 2021 11:20

Journal Entry 1

by Rogue SF Trooper

I'm wondering who this is visible to. The GM? Other players? The public?

The major events and journals in Rogue SF's history, from the beginning to today.

Journal Entry 1

I'm wondering who this is visible to. The GM? Other players? The public?...

11:20 am - 13.06.2021

Session 1

05:30 am - 13.06.2021

Session 1

05:25 am - 13.06.2021

Just wondering how this all works.

04:40 am - 13.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rogue SF.

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Other Characters by BundyNuke