Chapter 1: Letters *Report*

General Summary

In the first chapter (session) of Shadows and Blood Ties: A Regencia Story, the Player Characters are waking up to the aftermath of a hurricane that had ravaged the southwestern reaches of the country for three days. Luckily, as the Sterling Estate lies farther north, they suffered a less damaging, though intensely dreary, three days shut indoors from the storm. Finally, the storm abated, the servants and outside staff get back to work as the morning dawns, gray and early. Our story begins at 6am, on August the 15th, 813rg. The Family has not, yet, awakened, but Dove (halfling Lady's Maid to the Viscountess, Lady Elinor) is finishing putting herself together before needing to tend to her Ladyship. That is when a knock on her room's door reveals a slightly exhasperated Mrs. Whitaker (the dwelf Housekeeper) asking for Dove's help in consoling Betsy (the human Undercook) so that Mrs. Todd (the human Cook) could finish up the Family's breakfast preparations.   Following Mrs. Whitaker down to the kitchens, Betsy regails Dove about how she had been traveling back from Clockshire when she got got in the storms! She had been, seemingly, fending for her very life when the brave and handsome Viscount, Lord Oliver Sterling (half-elf Uncle and Socialite) collected her in his carriage and whisked her to safety! Dove takes Betsy to the Laundry rooms where she and some of the other maids help Betsy get cleaned up, while Betsy starts her story anew with each person she meets. Mrs. Whitaker, thankfully, gives Dove the excuse to escape to her duties, and so Dove grabs tea, Elinor's mail and the newspaper (The CAROUSEL), then heads up to the second floor to wake up her Ladyship. Unsurprisingly, however, Lady Elinor (human Viscountess + CEO of the Sterling Mine business) is already awake, is halfway through dressing herself, and does a poor job at hiding the fact that she, again, had fallen asleep at her bed-chambers desk the night before. Dove gives Elinor her mail, and while she is distracted reading a gushing letter extending an invitation for a social call and multi-day tea party at the Blumett Estate, Dove pulls out one of the garish vests Lady Maeve (Elinor's widowed mother, and Viscountess) asked Dove to discretely add to Elinor's wardrobe. Pink with gold flowers, and rose quarts cufflinks to match. By the time Elinor sees what is being done in the mirror, it is made clear that the colorful vest had to go! Compromising on a deep burgundy, they both hear voices in the hall outside Elinor's room, and upon investigation they discover a muddy and windswept Uncle (Lord) Oliver! He and Elinor have a slightly formal, yet warm greeting, and agree to catch up more at breakfast. Oliver is brought hot water to wash up with, and the Lady and her Maid pop into Elinor's CEO of Mining Operations home office before heading down to breakfast.   In summation regarding the Mines and business, Elinor discovers- via a letter from her Secretary- that one of the three Sterling's mining ships had been battered against some coastal rocks during the hurricane, and was unusable in its current state. This would severely cut down production, and production had already had to be haulted the last three days due to the storm.   Lord Nicholas Sterling (human Viscount and heir to The Earl Sterling) is kindly, but regeretfully woken up by his Valet, who helps him dress (in a blue vest to emulate Dominic), then takes his leave to see to Lord Dominic.   Lord Dominic (SVP of Sterling Bank, eldest son to The Earl Sterling) is already awake, in a house robe, and is stoicly standing on his balcony, gazing out upon the gray morning. He comments on how his, and Nicholas', Valet had been faster that morning, and then has him dress him. Dominic seems made for the life of the upper class.   They all make it down to breakfast- Lady Elinor, Lord Oliver, and his sister, Aunt (Lady) Alice (the human Viscountess, and third child of Perlman & Isobel Sterling) first to arrive. Elinor's letter from House Blumett is quickly shared, then the Lords Dominic and Nicholas arrive. Then, lastly, Lord Spudnic Sterling (Earl, Father, Uncle, + firstborn of Perlman & Isobel Sterling, and heir/title holder of the Sterling family). He sits at the head of the table, becomes engrossed in his newspaper, and enjoys only tea and bacon for his breakfast. The family receives more letters at breakfast, and have a very "family" discussion. Oliver invites Nicholas to the opera, Elinor avoids talking mining business AND season courtship details, while Dominic tells off Tanner (one of the Footmen) for his business letter not being brought up to his Bank office earlier that morning.   Dove finally gets to sit down with the other servants in the Servant's Dining Room, and for the first time ever while being employed for the Sterling family, she receives a letter at breakfast. Managing to slip it into a pocket before anyone sees her, she has a short, and typical, conversation with Glenn Bottom (human Lady's Maid to the widowed, human Viscountess, Lady Maeve Sterling), a sassy verbal sparring with Emma Parsons (human Lady's Maid to the Countess Sterling, Lady Nicole), then slips out to the laundry room to read her letter in private. A young chambermaid walks in with a bloody shift she was going to try and wash, and asks Dove bluntly if her stomachaches and the blood meant she was going to die?! Dove sputters a response ("Uh, yeah probably"), and rushes out to burn her threatening letter in the kitchen fireplace. Dove wracks her brain to think how information about her current position could have gotten out, but comes up blank, with no clues pulling her to any one person in the Staff.   Back at breakfast, Nicholas takes his leave to read his own letter in private on the back patio (carrying Elinor's letter with him to read as well), and receives news regarding his anonymous blood test he ordered from a doctor in Donlon (capital city of Regencia). He uses his magic to burn his letter, disintigrating it. Oliver and Aunt Alice retire to the music room, where Alice plays the piano forte while simultaneously, and candidly, updating Oliver on the family's state of affairs. Oliver comes up with an idea to host a ball, or event- SOMETHING- at the Sterling Estate near the beginning of the Season's kick off, to draw Aristocratic society in. Aunt Alice sees through the window, Nicholas, pacing in the grounds, and after playing a song together, Oliver leaves to go check on him.   Elinor asks Dominic if she can have a word with him in HER office, up on the third floor, so they go there. She holds a frank discussion with him about his brash treatment of their Footman, Tanner, and reminds Dominic that the Sterlings were not really so far off from Tanner's fate as one would now, lookking at their wealth and station, think. Dominic shares that he thinks telling the servants how they can improve is helpful to them, but will consider making more of an effort to make the servants feel appreciated and comfotable. Dove comes in at that moment, and Dominic gives her some pointed and, forced, compliments. Elinor sends him away and sits at her desk, already exhausted with the days events.   Oliver catches up with Nicholas in the grounds, and inquires after his plans, feelings, and general well-being. It turns into a game of riddles as Nicholas tries hard to hide his frosty powers from exposing him too obviously, and asks about Uncle Oliver's opinion on his Mother, The Countess Sterling's past. The conversation also ends up being an awkward "coming out"/"birds and the bees" (or should I say- oak trees and lily flowers) talk, until the Countess Nicole comes upon them. Nicholas shares Oliver's plans to make a visit to House Vaultsky for a Reading, and how he would like to go and have some questions answered, too. The Countess says they should all go, but afterwards Oliver and Nicholas throw around the potential severity of the consequences should they go without her....   Back in the estate, Dominic calls upon Tanner, the Footman, and grills him about his feelings working for the Sterlings, and why the business letter from the Brewwicks was not with his other morning mail, earlier. Tanner admits he got distracted talking to the pretty mail carrier's assistant, and promises it will not happen again. Dominic tells Tanner he can take his break during mail time now, so talking with the girl will not conflict with his duties, and that he will be put in charge of his brother, Kyle. Tanner leaves feeling confused, relieved, and a nervous wreck.   The session ends with Elinor, next door to Dominic, in her Mining office. She is turned toward her window, gazing out upon the back of the Sterling's grounds, when she sees in the pale reflection of the glass a tall figure, seemingly standing behind her, put their arm on her shoulder. As she glances at her physical shoulder, and sees nothing there, she sighs and says "I don't have time for this...". And the camera cuts to black!   End of Chapter 1 - LETTERS, of Shadows & Blood Ties: A Regencia Story.


(Letters our Player's Characters received in game)


  To She who would be called Miss Broadhall,   Many years are between the girl who was dismissed from my service, and the woman who now thinks herself satisfactorily safe enough to wander unadulterated upon mainland soil once again. I had hoped you had wisdom enough to content thyself to the island-states, but it seems you like playing with fire. This is your first and only curtesy warning, Miss “Broadhall”- I know with whom you are now employed.   (unsigned)


  Mr. Smith,   We have taken the samples of blood you offered, and posthaste sent them to our laboratories for the testing of its humors and genealogy. What we have been able to identify within the liquids prompts me to request from you a return appointment, with the intention of further tests that would aid in clarifying our findings. Of course, these in-person tests are more advanced and, I think, will yield supplementary information as we will have the specimen (you) to examine.
Although your initial letter was mysterious in its anonymity, and the concerns listed upon it altogether lacking directness- I can (to the best of my ability) inform you that your concerns are confirmed. Divergence in the line was found.
I hope that you will consider my request to come to the office personally. Based on the money you sent with your first letter and sample, I can only assume you have sufficient wealth to demand confidentiality. Even so, my own honor demands my adherence to patient confidentiality. I hope this relieves any fears keeping you in the shadows.   With peaked interest,
Cordially yours,   Doctor Valecent of Valecent & Brine Physicians


  With Honor to the new Head of Coin, Lord D. Sterling,   It is with openness and professionality that I, Steward of Noble House Brewwick, send word of the Family’s interest in establishing a financial meeting between themselves and Sterling Bank. The goal of said meeting would be to collect information on the logistics of Sterling Bank’s asset holdings, security measures of patron clients’ deposits, and give ear to thy most convincing persuasions on why Noble House Brewwick should transition their personal security holdings over to the care of Regencia’s first national bank.
To honor professional candor- there is a particular item, of significant value and impact, that inspires this letter.
Response of thy availability, and eagerness at such an esteemed offer, in expedient fashion need hardly be stated.   Your humble servant,   Mr. Brian Q. Lockton, Steward & Man of Business under the patronage of Noble House Brewwick and the Brewwick dynasty


  To the loveliest and newest flower of House Sterling,   My dear- with elation we extend our first of we hope MANY invitations to you and your precious Mother join us for tea at Blumett Estate, on the 22nd of this month! As a courtesy, our Garland Carriage will be sent for you the morning of, at 11 o’clock, and as soon as you can sit yourself long enough to make out a list of favorite herbs for us to give our Housekeeper, she will be able to make sure Cook specially grows each and every one, fresh, for thy drinking pleasures. I am sure you can agree there is no greater pleasure than fresh tea taken in the company of elegant society!
Now, in case your mind is vexed, wondering at the point of such an invitation prior to the start of this year’s Season- I must reveal that I recently learned, from a network of trusted sources, that House Sterling was jilted the opportunity to be presented before the King and Queen at the start of last year’s Season! That, on top of the tragic loss of your father and elder brother, left me aghast at the impropriety of such an oversight, and I knew at once we must take you and your dear Mother under our wing! I can make sure that ALL proper protocol be demanded by high society, and seen to, for this year’s Season. Never you fear, Viscountess- we will dissect the minutiae regarding what style of frocks you must have ready, the latest hair trends (your Lady’s Maid will want to start practicing the tools immediately to be ready in time), what flowers to put about the estate to reflect the most flattering light (for light and fragrances make SUCH a difference in wooing of potential suitors), what colors the Queen prefers looking upon most, and what make of gown-slipper She despises. As the flower blooms and soaks up the attention of all lovely creatures in its vicinity, so too a friendship of beauty begs to be attended to and fawned over. My House, all gifted in the arts of beauty, will surely find bosom friendships in the Viscountess and Viscountess Sterling!
I can hardly write with my peacock quill, gushing as I am! Oh my, there may be too much to go over in one afternoon, what with you being scheduled to “come out” this season…. You and your mother, the Viscountess Senior (and your Lady’s Maids, of course), must stay the night when you come. Then we can discuss perfumes over dinner, lace at breakfast the following morning, and suitors to keep in your diary at luncheon and afternoon tea!
That is settled then. I absolutely insist! How lovely an event to look forward to, and perfectly timed to help us wait with grueling impatience for the start of this seasons’ events. I shall inform Frank, Lily, and Ruby posthaste of the exciting news of our date. My niece, little Tulip, is still too young for formal interactions, but my Brother’s Wife, Lady Eve, might be convinced to join our party. And I do SO hope Dahlia, my eldest, will have arrived home from her travels abroad in time to join our get together!
How much there is to do when one is in the business of love and society! I eagerly look forward to your reply, though I will assume the answer can only be acceptance of our tea party!   Blooming,   The Countess Blumett- Lady Heather of House Blumett


  Lord Oliver,   I do hope this letter does not have to wait upon you too long- I saw while in my meditation sleep that you would be journeying back home. You plan to stay awhile if my projections into the void are not much mistaken. Therefore, I deemed it prudent to have this letter sent to the Sterling Estate to sleep until your arrival was fulfilled. The stars tell me you, yourself, have not even fully made up your mind whether to re-enter the game, yet, or not. Though, I’m sure you will have by the time you read this letter, as this missive will become its own small, self-fulfilling prophesy.
My purpose is not to tell you what you will already know by that date, but to invite you back for a visit to the Twinkling Corridor. It has been some years since I’ve had the pleasure of looking upon your palm-lines, and I perceive there is more to tell you should you accept my invitation. A single Reading, you see, is not exhaustive.
A strange, yet powerful, energy arcs across the sky and touches down where you trod. Unlike a rainbow that is fooling the treasure seeker, I plan to avoid foolish guesses. Should you come see me, I believe impactful revelations will be laid before both of us.   Your humble servant,   His Grace, The Duke Elkhazel Vaultsky

Shadows & Blood Ties: A Regencia Story

Oliver Sterling

Chaotic Good Half-Elf (Noble)
Bard 3
Warlock 2
33 / 33 HP

Elinor Sterling

Lawful Neutral Variant Human ()
Wizard 3
17 / 17 HP

Dove Broadhall

Neutral Halfling (Criminal)
Rogue 4
Warlock 1
23 / 23 HP

Lord Dominic Sterling

Neutral Good Variant Human (Regent)
Fighter 4
28 / 28 HP

Nicholas Sterling

None Variant Human (Second Son)
Sorcerer 5
17 / 17 HP
Report Date
15 May 2024
Primary Location
Sterling Estate

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