Session 329 - The Succession Council Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 329 - The Succession Council

General Summary

Spring 727TR

The Story So Far

The King is dead.

King Minigath, after ruling the Kingdom of Kaldor well for thirty-three years, has been assassinated, and the power struggle as to who will succeed him is underway. Meanwhile, in the background, the mysterious Esoterical Order of Lothrim is up to no good.

The Rycon has traveled to the Kingdom of Melderyn and spoken with Laranian Lirrath (Primate) of Hârn, Kerthede Talvail. The Lirrath has agreed to recommend to the Archbishop of Kaldor that he annul the oath Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa tempestuously made in his youth to forfeit his right to the Kaldorian throne so he could marry someone of another faith.

This is the continuation of Session 327 - The Dragon's Rage.

Location - Querina Keep in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

22nd Nuzyael 727TR

Part 1 – Meeting with a Future King?

Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa.jpeg
Sheriff Conwan, art by Artbreeder
The heroes return to Querina Keep and meet with Sir Conwan Elendsa. The Sheriff appreciates their efforts to assist in removing the obstructions preventing him from claiming the throne. He informs the party that his eminence, the Archbishop for Kaldor, has received the Primates' recommendation and discretely informed him that he agrees to comply. He will annul Sir Conwan's oath. This will be announced publicly at a succession council meeting convening in a few days at the nearby Caleme Abbey. All members of the Clan Elendsa, close blood relations, and the Kingdom's Earls are invited to contribute. Any belligerents in the current armed conflict will be a safe granted freedom of passage to join during this Council.
Lady Erila, art by Artbreeder

Sir Conwan and his entourage plan to travel to the Caleme Abbey tomorrow. Princess Meliem Elendsa, the Lord High Chamberlain and the king's former mistress and agent of the secretive Council of Eleven, Lady Erila Kaphin (technically under house arrest), asks the heroes to accompany them as bodyguards. They are concerned that the deliberations may be interfered with as it is hoped that the current armed conflict will end if a king, preferably Sir Conwan, is lawfully chosen.

Location - On the road between Querina Keep and Caleme Abbey in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

23rd Nuzyael 727TR

Part 2 - Ambush

The party escorts Sir Conwan (with two knights and four men of arms), Lady Erila, and Princess Meliem to Caleme Abbey. On the way, two Order of the Knights of Redemption knights and common soldiers meet them on the road to provide additional security. Something's wrong; the Larani worshipping knights' uniforms are rumpled, dirty, and torn. Suspecting foul play, Rycon questions them, and their story does not add up, and their knowledge of religious dogma is rudimentary. Their accent is off as well, with a hint of the western Hârnic dialect. Knowing the game is up, the impostors attack, supported by half a dozen thugs hiding in a nearby gully.

The ambushers attack the Sheriff, who proves to be more than capable of holding his own. Unfortunately, Lady Erila and Princess Meliem are in extreme danger, so Valeria, using her sorcery, moves them, concealing them behind a nearby tree out of the line of sight. The bandits are brutal, experienced, and skilled, and with the pretense gone, they all speak with a Rethemi accent. Eventually, they are defeated, and two men are captured alive for interrogation. Four of the Sheriff's guards fall, but fortunately, Dryueh's superb medical skill saves three.

Before Sheriff Conwan orders the men's summary execution of the wounded captives, the party interrogates them. More specifically, Dryueh pretends to administer aid to one of the wounded bandits but instead opens the man's skull and uses his Mind Sponge, stolen from the mysterious Lady Gwaderia (a.k.a Dyalne Dulye or Lothrim's Daughter). The dying man's memories are extracted and can be read by the good physician. Quickly scanning, Dryueh finds a pertinent and interesting recent memory.

The bandit is planning the ambush with his conspirators in a nearby watermill after killing the miller and his family. They are led by a Sorcerer called Etorn.

The location is only a half mile away. Leaving the ladies in the care of Sir Conwan, who will escort them to Caleme Abbey, the heroes race to the mill.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
01 Jan 2024

Clan Elendsa

The royal family.

Clan Elendsa, by Columbia Games

The Order of the Knights of Redemption

Hârn's newest holy Fighting Order who split from the Order of the Lady of Paladins after the unchivalrous and disastrous Solora Crusade.

Knights of Redemption art by Attacus

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