King Conwan Elendsa

King Conwan Elendsa

The new king of Kaldor leads a divided and devastated kingdom.

No obvious successor existed after his uncle, King Minigath Elendsa, died in 726TR. As the eldest male legitimate member of Clan Elendsa and having a good reputation as the Sheriff of Semethshire, he would be the logical heir apparent. Unfortuately, as a youth, he impetuously swore a solemn oath to renounce all claims to the throne to appease senior members of the Church of Larani so that he could marry a woman of the Save K'norian faith. Fortunately, this oath was annulled after intervention from the Laranian Primate. However, by this time, the kingdom was embroiled in a bitter and confused succession crisis, and the former King's oldest bastard son had taken up arms and declared himself the true heir.

Despite several initial defeats, including losing the City of Tashal, the tide of war turned in Conwan's favor, with the previously undecided Earls and most of the Barons eventually offering their support.

Then, a worse disaster occurred, and massive orc hordes descended on the kingdom from the north and the east. These were highly coordinated and led by humans; many allegedly had sorcerous abilities. The secretive Esoterical Order of Lothrim's long and meticulously planned invasion had begun.

The Order of Lothrim swept all before them, capturing half the kingdom within mere months. Conwan and his allies were forced to retreat constantly or be annihilated. The invaders declared the conquered territories the New Empire of Lothrim.

The threat was so great that Conwan declared a general amnesty to all the former rebels if they swore fealty to him in an attempt to unify what was left of his kingdom. While preparing to break the Empire's siege on the City of Tashal, Conwan was severely injured after a failed assassination attempt and was forced to retire from military leadership for half a year. The Empire captured Tashal, controlling two-thirds of Kaldor by the end of Winter 727TR, and massively outnumbered the severely weakened, demoralized royal armies.

But disaster struck the Empire as it was poised to finish the remainder of Kaldor. The most senior leaders were meeting in Castle Eland and were caught in a conflagration that engulfed the castle, killing all within. Without strong leadership, the massive orcish armies turned on their commanders and each other. The Empire disintegrated into warring factions led by warlords and quickly collapsed.

Conwan and his leading generals soon capitalized on this weakness. More good news soon followed as much-needed volunteer reinforcements from the Kingdoms of Melderyn, Chybisa, and Kanday arrived, as did a dwarven army led by Crown Prince Khazar Tarazakh of the Kingdom of Azadmere.

The enemy holdouts were crushed within six months, and the kingdom was restored. However, it is weakened with tens of thousands dead, and King Conwan works diligently to stitch it back together.

King Conwan is a fair, able, but rather stern administrator with little tolerance for wrongdoers. His military record is patchy, having lost more battles than he won. Most consider him a brave but unlucky commander.

He maintains good relationships with the human Kingdoms of Chybisa, Melderyn, and Kanday while forging a friendship with Crown Prince Khazar Tarazakh of the dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere.

Family Ties

Uncle - King Miganath Elendsa (Deceased).

Wife - Queen Hesena Inamis.

Daughter - Princess Erlene Elendsa, born 710TR.

Son - Prince Brandis Elendsa, born 712TR.

Son - Prince Torasa Elendsa, born 714TR.

Appears Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles

 King of Kaldor, Earl of Olokand, Baron of Athelren, Bidow, Hutop, Querina, Sheba, Sirendel, Tashal, and Warden of Chelmarch.

Year of Birth
689 TR 39 Years old
Aligned Organization

Clan Elendsa

Clan Elendsa, by Columbia Games

Motto: To govern with perfection is to rule forever.

Character Portrait image: King Conwan, art by Playground


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