Session 299 - The Melee Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 299 - The Melee

General Summary

15th to 18th of Larane (Summer) 726TR

The Story So Far

Unfortunately, Rycon has been eliminated from the Jousting competition at the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry; however, the Melee will offer another opportunity for glory.

This is the continuation of Session 297 - Night of the Full Moon.

Location - Castle of Olokand in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – Networking

Sir Rollard, art by Artbreeder
Rycon continues to grow his friendship with the strange foreign knight Sir Rollard d'Audrieu. He learns the Norman knight's experiences in this world have made him somewhat of a philosopher. He has noted many parallels between the kingdoms and gods/demons of this world and Terra, his world of origin. The knight hopes to return home and liberate the Holy Land from the infidels with his King, Richard the Lionheart, but after eight years roaming Hârn, he is considering settling down and offering service to a great lord.

Sir Luisan, art by Artflow
Sir Luisan Kelic noticing Rycon's interactions with Sir Rollard asks him to persuade the foreign knight to join their squadron in the upcoming Melee. Despite the exceptionally skilled warrior being in much demand, Rycon is able to sway him to his side.

Rycon notes one of the king's bastard sons Sir Tulath Kaphin, the Sheriff of Vemionshire, is also present at the tournament. He authorized a warrant for Rycon's arrest on accusations of heresy, so the party decides to uncover what information they can of him. They quickly learn that he is impulsive and immature, not liked by his peers, and is heavily in debt with money lenders. He is not worried as he is reported to have said that after his father's (the King) passing, he will pay back his obligations from the royal accounts when he is crowned king. The characters judge this man as the least worthy out of the half a dozen potential claimants to the throne.

The Jousting tournament concludes with the winner Sir Cade Gamont, the King's Champion, for the third time in seven years.

Part 2 - Drunken Knights

While preparing for bed at the Standing Bear Inn, the characters hear a drunken outburst. Five inebriated knights, friends of Rycon's enemy Sir Crya Dezzeller, decide to teach Rycon a lesson. They start a loud brawl in the Inn's hallways, wakening the establishment. The men cause much chaos and disturbance. Valeria discretely helps with a little magic, mainly Phantom Pain, causing one of the drunkards with the worse hangover he has ever experienced. One brawler strikes at Dryueh as he attempts to render medical assistance. The "halfwit" assistant innkeeper Caelan comes to Rycon's aid helping to knock out one assailant. Eventually, the altercation becomes so disruptive the men come to their senses, grumble and leave. But there will be consequences on the morrow.

Part 3 - Consequences

Sir Maldan Harabor, art by Artbreeder
The next morning, the characters and the hooligans go to the castle and stand before the irritable Sir Maldan Harabor, Sheriff Meselyneshire, and the Constable of Castle Olokand.

The King's eldest bastard son is not amused and has little patience in dealing with the aftermath of such a trivial matter as a midnight brawl at an Inn. He demands the hungover knights pay restitution to the Innkeeper Haselun for the disruption and damages and also apologize to the characters. Four of the five men refuse to apologize, and therefore Rycon demands satisfaction. He challenges them to a duel, and they agree. The contest is scheduled for tomorrow, the day after the Melee. Rycon, not keen to fight four men in a row, enlists three friends to represent him, Sir Lucian, Sir Basheratt, and Sir Scud.

Part 4 - The Melee

The next day the Melee begins. One hundred eighty competitors on horseback split into the White (Royal Domain) and the Red (Tenants-in-Chief) teams, subdivided further into squadrons of ten knights. Rycon's squadron, led by Sir Luisan contains, Dame Afaewynn Barthy, the imposing Sir Basheratt, the flamboyant, crowd-pleasing Sir Scud and the superb Sir Rollard d'Audrieu.

Sir Mirald Harabor, art by Artbreeder
The squadron clashes with another led by Sir Mirald Harabor, son of the Sheriff. Rycon targets Sir Mirald and soundly defeats him in single combat; the king's grandson is battered unconscious and dragged to the healing tent for treatment. The heroes squadron decisively wins this clash, defeating all opponents, and remains mostly intact. All of Rycon's friends are still in the fight.

Another squadron of Order of the Lady of Paladins approaches; this comprises four guards of the fanatical priest Margon Irin, the so-called Lion of Dolithor, who wants to try Rycon for heresy. They point out Rycon and charge at him. Luckily, his friends intercept, and this rival unit is beaten. So far, the Melee is going well.

The combatants of the great contest have considerably thinned. After a brief moment to catch their breath, the squadron clashes with another. This one is much more imposing, led by the winner of the Jousting tournament, Sir Cade Gamont, and contains several knights of quality and two of the drunkards from last night. They look keen to start tomorrow's duel early.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Rollard d'Audrieu.

Master Innkeeper Haselun.

Caelan of Marwydd - Innkeepers Assistant and Aenghysa Agent.

Sir Luisan Kelic.

Dame Afaewynn Barthy.

Sheriff Sir Maldan Harabor.

Sir Mirald Harabor.


5 x Drunken Knights

Rycon survives two encounters in the Melee.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Sheriff Sir Maldan Harabor.

Related Reports

Nothing this week.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human Magical Experiment - L5 Shadow Sorcerer - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human Rebel Knight - L5 Fighter - Liberator Champion.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf Scout - L5 Thief Rogue - Vigilante/Medic.

Next Session

Session 300 - Moments of Honor.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
09 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Castle Olokand

Clan d'Audrieu.

Clan dÁudrieu, art by Attacus

Clan Harabor

by Clan Harabor, art by Columbia Games

Order of the Lady of Paladins

Lady of Paladins.png

by Columbia Games

The Inebriated Knights

Sir Huguet Gravelyn, heir to Satelton Manor.

Sir Raynaldus Betvas, bailiff of Maltest Manor.

Sir Gyrard Odasart, heir to Hidesby Manor.

Sir Godet Foxton, bailiff of Brin Manor.

Sir Guillotin Tocaryn, heir to Wythian Manor.

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