Session 300 - Moments of Honor

General Summary

18th to 21st of Larane (Summer) 726TR

The Story So Far

Unfortunately, Rycon has been eliminated from the Jousting competition at the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry; however, the Melee will offer another opportunity for glory.

This is the continuation of Session 299 - The Melee.

Location - Castle of Olokand in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – The Melee Concluded

Rycon and his friends, Sir Luisan Kelic, Sir Rollard d'Audrieu, Dame Afaewynn Barthy, Sir Basheratt, and Sir Scud, continue fighting intensely in the Melee. He takes down Sir Huguet Gravelyn, one of the nights he was involved with in a drunken brawl last night, and Sir Scud defeats Sir Cade Gamont, the King's champion.

Sir Romlach Kylrin.webp
Sir Romlach, art by Artbreeder
Unfortunately, Sir Romlach Ethasiel, one of Kaldor’s most dangerous knights, eliminates the wounded Sir Rollard and then Rycon in quick order.

Nevertheless, Rycon's team, led by Sir Luisan, eventually prevails and wins the contest. However, the valorous Sir Romlach, who eliminated many opponents even while being surrounded, is chosen by the contest's marshals as Champion of the Melee. 

Part 2 - Duels of Honor

After last night's brawl, Rycon challenged four drunken knights to a duel on the point of honor. They have refused to apologize for their misdeeds. The duel is scheduled before noon the next day. Rather than fight all four knights in a row, Rycon has enlisted three friends to represent him.

  • Rycon easily defeats Sir Godet Foxton, the bailiff of Brin Manor.
  • The towering Sir Basheratt dominates Sir Huguet Gravelyn, the heir to Satelton Manor, and quickly forces him to yield.
  • The cunning Sir Scud chooses the weakest of the fighters, Sir Raynaldus Betvas, the bailiff of Maltest Manor. He easily trips him with his fail and knocks him out when he tries to stand.
  • Sir Luisan quickly forces Sir Guillotin Tocaryn, the heir to Wythian Manor, into submission.

Rycon is satisfied, the duels have gone well, and his reputation has been dramatically enhanced.

Part 3 - Interesting Interactions

Dame Afaewynn, art by Artbreeder
Rycon continues to spend more time with Dame Afaewynn Barthy. He is suspicious as to why her late husband died during a hunting party led by Sir Kathel Dezaller of Loban Manor and his brother Sir Cryra who Rycon has clashed with previously (refer Session 291 - Rat Poison). The knights he challenged to a duel are close friends of the Dezallers. Dame Afaewynn suspects this may not have been an accident but has no evidence of foul play or a motive. However, she bears the Dezaller Clan much ill will.

Sir Tulath, art by Artbreeder
Before the characters leave the tournament, Rycon has one final task; he confronts Sheriff Sir Tulath Kaphin, the youngest of the King's bastard sons. Rycon corners him and asks why he signed a warrant for his arrest and trial for heresy. At first, the Sheriff has no idea what Rycon is talking about but vaguely recalls a bailiff giving him the document to approve as part of his routine duties. Sir Tulath is flippant, and his reputation of being unfocused and immature appears well-founded.

Without much effort, Rycon persuades the amiable Sheriff that he has done nothing wrong and the warrant has no merit. Sir Tulath agrees to withdraw the warrant, appearing not to have any firm positions on anything, and is undoubtedly an unsuitable candidate to succeed his father, the King.

Location - On the Tashal Road in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 4 - The Hired Killer

After the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry's closing ceremony, the heroes make their way along the Tashal Road, planning to enter into Kathela Hills to investigate a reported murder of an elf.

Hired Killer Hankin, art by Paizo
Unfortunately, an assassin is waiting in the forest, preparing for an ambush. His arrows strike Rycon, and Dryueh's medical skill preserves his life. The shadowy figure attempts to disappear into the forest. Valeria turns the badly injured Rycon Invisible, who then turns the tables on the Assassin, cutting him down. Dryueh decides to save his life so the party can interrogate the unfortunate would-be murderer.

Hankin of Symsone is a hired killer and a rather good one, but he expects to be executed and is quite happy to tell all for a quick death. A representative of the arrogant nobleman, Sir Cryra Dezaller, hired Hankin to kill Rycon, although he does not know why. Rycon thinks he wants revenge for a crippling injury and humiliation.

Rycon asks if he has killed anyone else, and he replies in the affirmative one of his victims was a noble while hunting and makes it appear as if it was an accident. "Could this be Dame Afaewynn's late husband?" Rycon thinks. The party changes its mind, and rather than kill the rascal, they decide to use him. Valeria summons her Shadow Hound and bluffs Hankin using her magical talents, convincing him that she now controls his soul. He must work for them or be forever doomed. He agrees and will return to his legitimate employment at a woodcutter's camp near Castle Olokand and inform the party whenever he receives an assassination contract. He will also spread the rumor that Rycon is indestructible and cannot be easily killed.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Rollard d'Audrieu.

Sir Luisan Kelic.

Dame Afaewynn Barthy.

Sheriff Sir Tulath Kaphin.

Hankin of Symsone - hired killer.


Rycon performed honorably in the Melee and won his duel with Sir Godet Foxton.

The party defeated and recruited the hired killer, Hankin of Symsone.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Dame Afaewynn Barthy.

Related Reports

Nothing this week.

Player Characters

All characters gained a level.

Valeria - Human Magical Experiment - L5 Shadow Sorcerer - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human Rebel Knight - L5 Fighter - Liberator Champion.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf Scout - L5 Thief Rogue - Vigilante/Medic.

Next Session

Session 301 - Elven Ashe Report.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
16 Jul 2023


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