Session 287 - Holy Rituals Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 287 - Holy Rituals

General Summary

2nd to 16th of Kelen (Spring) 726TR

The Story So Far

The heroes have a few weeks of downtime for research, rest, relaxation, and spiritual enlightenment.

This is the continuation of Session 286 - Shadow Hunters.

Location - City of Tashal, in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - The Mysterious Book

Book, art by Playground AI
Valeria decides to investigate the mysterious book she found years ago after the strange magical explosion which granted her sorcerous abilities. This tome uses an unknown language and script.

Transcribing pieces of the writing onto a scrap of paper, she asks the arcanists at the local Wizards Guild to identify it. No one has a clue; however, one of the alchemists suggests she consult with Rowanti Evenon of Cadall at the church of Save K’Nor. The elderly Loremaster is a renowned expert in languages speaking at least sixteen with the familiarity of a dozen more.

Rowanti Evenon immediately identifies the source of the script, and it is a variant of Old Elbythian, a language that uses centuries ago along the eastern shore of the distant Venarian Sea. He is aware of a more modern version being used locally by the enigmatic gypsy folk called the Night People. These notorious travelers journey the kingdoms in black wagons or river barges, which are adorned with colorful ribbons and banners. They are often accused of using the dark arts and trickery.

Part 2 - An Extravagant Ceremony

Priestess Silena.png
High Priestess Silena. by Artbreeder
The characters take up the Queen Mistress Silena Ekiar invitation to attend one of the monthly holy Shesneal Rituals at the Church of the Bygone Dream (refer Session 284 - A Cursed Locket). They dressed up as best they can and join many of the city’s wealthy merchants, artists, and guildsmen in celebration of the goddess of wealth and pleasure, Halea.

The Queen Mistress Silena, assisted by priestesses of various ranks, leads the ceremony and, after a prayer, briefly confers with each member of the congregation, who, after donating coins or valuable goods, receives flattery and tailored advice. The party donates an excellently crafted small statue of one of Halea's handmaidens, Thalia, the Princess of Fortune. The Queen Mistress proves to be extremely well-informed.

  • Dryueh is praised for his skill and medicine, and charitable acts. She advises him that he needs to get to know Seperlyne of Kail, the head of the Physicians Guild in for Kaldor and one of the best Human healers alive.
  • Valeria is given makeup advice and points out the merchant Loran of Virun among the gathering. He wants to sell an item of the mystical arts she might find of interest.
  • Rycon is praised for his martial skill and his open-mindedness. The Queen Mistress recommends that he may want to learn more about one of Halea's handmaidens, Sardura, the Princess of Golden Wrath.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
08 May 2023
Primary Location
City of Tashal

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