City of Tashal Settlement in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

City of Tashal

Much of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games.

The Royal City of Tashal is the largest settlement in the Kingdom of Kaldor and the economic hub of the eastern Kingdoms being the center of four major trade routes.

Beneath the city are mysterious ancient buildings, tunnels, and sewers, the legacy of prior Elven, Dwarven, and Jarin occupation.


The majority of the cities population are Hârnian. However, a small Jarinese minority is present as a legacy of the cities' past.

An increasing number of Ivinian merchants and mercenaries from the northern Kingdom of Orbaal have made their presence felt.

A few Dwarves, mostly craftsmen and merchants, from the nearby Kingdom of Azadmere also visit, with some making this city their temporary home.


Tashal is a City governed by the Crown.

Royal Bureaucracy

King Miginath manages affairs indirectly through the royal bureaucracy. These are, for the most part, honest, intelligent, and ambitious lesser nobility.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement responsibilities are shared by;

The Constable of Castle Elend - Sir Haldare Venera.

Sheriff of Semethshire - Sir Conwan Elendsa, the King's nephew.

Marshal of the Royal Guard - Sir Koris Harabor, the King's Bastard Son, who has overall military authority in an emergency.

Civic Administration

The civic administration of the City is managed by a council of 12 aldermen appointed by the King. They are responsible for tax collection, administration of the city’s districts, and minor judicial functions.


Castle Elend

This royal castle and principal residence of the King of Kaldor, built over 100 years ago. It houses most of the royal government, including the Royal Mint, Chancery, and Treasury.

Constable Sir Haldare Venera governs the castle in the King's absence commanding its garrison.

The City Watch

Constable Haldare Venera commands the 24 man city guard.

The Sheriff’s Guard

The Sheriff of Semethshire controls an intimidating squadron of 12 Medium Knights.

The Royal Guard

The Royal Guard is an elite force consisting of two companies of Heavy knights and four companies of medium infantry, commanded by Marshal Koris Harabor. All of the Knights and half of the infantry travel with the King while the remaining infantry guards the castle.

Industry & Trade

Tashal is Hârn’s most active trading center connecting;

The Salt Route to the western Kingdoms of Kanday, Rethem, and the Thardic Republic.

The Fur Road to the Kingdom of Orbaal in the north.

The Silver Way to the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere.

The Genin Trail to the Kingdoms of Chybisa and Melderyn to the south.

Tashal also produces vellum and large amounts of quality woolens clothing for export.


The religious climate of Tashal is typical of eastern Hârn with the churches of Larani and Peoni dominant, having tax-exempt status and receive occasional royal endowments.

The Halean Church is growing in influence and power as it plays a major role in the city's commerce.

Worship of Agrik, Morgath, and Naveh is punishable by death.


Tashal Royal Amphitheatre

The Royal Amphitheater seats 900 and hosts many dramatic and religious performances over the summer months. The Thespian Company of Esaldin manages this ancient building.

The Tocsin Bell

A great bell hanging in the highest tower of Castle Elend marks the passage of the day, ringing three times at sunup, midday, and sunset and to announce other important events.

The Enclave of the Holy Oak

Kaldor's College of Heralds. The Enclave provides heraldic education for most of the Kingdom's nobles. All 10-year-old noble boys and the occasional girl receive three months instruction in Heraldry and the history of the Kingdom paid for by the Crown.

Chambers of the Lost Meyvinel

This is a small Guildhall of Arcane Lore.

Tashal Districts

The greater city is divided into twelve districts and villages.

Castle Elend: This district is dominated by the castle and the royal government courts and offices.

Meyvinel: A well-guarded rich district, home to temples and the College of Heralds.

Heru Gate: A district of master artisans and tradespeople.

Kalabin: Home to skilled artisans and rich merchants. Privately contracted guards protect the houses.

Eastside: Home to the city’s working poor, living in squalid tenements up to 5 stories high. There is a rooftop highway between these buildings.

Mangai Square: The heart of the city’s commerce.

Medrik: The quiet mercantile district and home to the middle class. It has many old townhouses.

Haldana: Filled with nobles and wealthy guildsmen townhouses and walled mansions. The huge temple of Larani dominates this district.

Weavertown: Clothiers’ Guild and poor laborers dominate this section of the city.

Lyryn Village: The cultural center of the city is located outside the city walls. Includes the city’s amphitheater and homes to the members of the Thespians’ Guild and many artists.

Artoen Village: This village is the site of the city’s cemetery and gibbets. The wood is said to be haunted by a Ghost Boar.

Shala House: A suburb to the south of the city that contains a royal residence, much of the tax-collecting bureaucracy, offices of the Royal Inquisitor General, and serves the city's secondary port.


Temple of Larani (Basilica of King Aidrik IV)

This Temple of the Order of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow is the largest and most impressive Laranian house of worship in all of Hârn. It administers to the nobility as well as the common folk. Its famous statue of the goddess draws pilgrims from across Hârn and even some of the mainland kingdoms. The temple is well-funded by donations and royal patronage.

The nearby Laranian Mausoleum. This ossuary holds the bones of over a hundred noble warriors.

Temple of Peoni

The Temple is occupied by both orders of the Church of Peoni, the female Order of the Balm of Joy, and the male Irreproachable Order. The orders share the halls of worship. The outbuildings are hospitals managed by the Balm of Joy.

Temple of Halea (Church of the Bygone Dream)

A prosperous Temple of the Order of the Silken Voice notable for its external facade decorated with bas-relief of satyrs cavorting with nude nymphs and a copper-lined dome. Nearby is a small mausoleum filled with the mummified and cremated remains of the faithful.

Temple of Hyn-Aelori (The Vault of Kelapyn-Anuz)

The Order of Hyn-Aelori has collected dozens of books and artifacts from the time of Lothrim the Foulspawner. Members of the Guild of Arcane Lore can pay to visit the Temple library. The crown has forbidden the temple to sell, barter, trade, or give away copies of this lore.

The temple also manages the crown’s considerable collection of written works and sponsors the education of highly intelligent children from the poor.

Temple of Sarajin

The house of Clan Endjan administers to Orbaalese traders and a small number of Ivinian immigrants.

Temple of Ilvir (Church of the Yellow Hand)

This ancient Temple houses a dozen priests of the Order of the Yellow Hand.

The Order believes that Lothrim the Foulspawner hid a sacred tome, The Scant Illumination of Vision, somewhere in the foundations of the city. They have been searching for it for over 600 years.

This small and poorly organized church only survives due to donations from its few worshipers.

Temple to Naveh

There is a covert Temple to Naveh. Law enforcement is actively seeking to route out and destroys this nest of Assassins. It is said this Temple has recently risen to ascendancy after the Temple in the City of Coranan was destroyed in 721TR.


5,000BT - On the site of Tashal, the elves built the beautiful City of Meyvinel.

683BT - the Elves abandon Meyvinel. Several peaceful Jarinese nations occupied it, became a significant trade center that had close ties with the Dwarven Kingdoms of Azadmere and Kiraz.

113TR - Lothrim the Foulspawner invaded the city, enslaved the Jarin, and turned it into a fortress which he named Kelapyn-Anuz.

121TR - After Lothrim disappeared, the Jarin revolted, assisted by the mysterious Order of the Yellow Hand.

128TR - City renamed Tashal and became the primary settlement of the Kingdom of Kephria.

188TR - King Medrik seizes Tashal and founds the Kingdom of Kaldor.

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