Session 297 - Night of the Full Moon Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 297 - Night of the Full Moon

General Summary

14th to 15th of Larane (Summer) 726TR

The Story So Far

Unfortunately, Rycon has been eliminated from the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry; however, there is much to do until the day of the Melee.

Foremost is learning the identity of the Werewolf brutally killing peasants.

This is the continuation of Session 295 - Tournament of Chivalry.

Location - Castle of Olokand in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – The Lion of Dolithor

Serolan Margon, art by Artbreeder
While Rycon watches a friend compete in the second round of the joust, he and his companions notice a dour-looking priest of Larani is intently watching him. Dryueh nonchalantly strolls through the crowd to be close enough to overhear the priest's conversations with his Order of the Lady of Paladins guards. The priest is none other than Serolan Margon Irin, the so-called Lion of Dolithor, infamous for his strict interpretation of scripture. This is the same priest who wants Rycon tried for heresy after he resigned from the Lady of Paladins in disgust during the genocidal Solora Crusade. The knights assure the priest they will deal with the heretic (i.e., Rycon) in the upcoming Melee. Valeria reads the aura of the priest. His calm demeanor is a facade; he is seething with anger. Rycon can't resist. He passes close to the priest, saying hello, and then proceeds to ignore him as he responds, antagonizing him further.

Part 2 – Them Apples

Haselun, art by Artflow
That evening at the Standing Bear Inn, the characters hear a frantic knock at the door of their room. Master Innkeeper Haselun is having what looks like another nervous breakdown and needs help. His halfwit Jarinese assistant Caelan of Marwydd, has misplaced Sir Polic's luggage containing the noble knight's favorite battle pendant. Caelan was sent out to pick apples from a nearby orchard, and Haleun begs the party to find him; it's very late. The party agrees to help, given the innkeeper is not charging them for accommodation.

The orchard is not hard to find, and neither is Caelun, who is lying in a pool of blood. A gang of four strong-looking Ivinian warriors and a minstrel stands over him. When questioned, they claim Caelan is a criminal, murderer, and terrorist and is about to be dragged back to the Kingdom of Orbaal to face justice. Rycon knows they have no warrant and intervenes, so the brutal thugs attack.

Dryueh sneaks up, attacks their flank, and kills the first warrior. Rycon dispatches the second, and Valeria badly injures the third with a Vampiric Touch. Things seem to be going the hero's way until the minstrel points at Rycon and casts Hideous Laughter. With Rycon giggling uncontrollably, his ability to fight is severely diminished, and the third warrior delivers some heavy bows onto him and Valeria. Then out of the minstrel's hands is a shower of bright colors flares. The party is stunned and blinded by the Color Spray. Eventually, the heroes, although impaired, prevail, killing all the Ivinians; however, they now have a new appreciation for illusion and enchantment magic.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
02 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Castle Olokand

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