Tales of the Unified Empire

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Novorea
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Birg'l Firglebottom
    [p]Young, ratfolk newsboy who serves as a runner in the Wooded Warrens and the Dregs[/p]
  • Erinhall Fandriellin
    The one full elf in Dom’s friend group. Erin comes from nobility but is so curious that he prefers to hang out with people from a background different than his.
  • Figwyn Perskuriel
    Mild, bookish, doesn't like when things are chaotic or disorderly.
  • Watch Commander Frederick Thaniel
    Formal, strict, jaded after the murder of his son years ago.
  • Izzy Marduk
    Izzy is passionate about Drow rights and liberation. She hates that Drow are perceived as simply dark elves, and is very adamant that the public’s perception of Drow’s as evil is propaganda perpetuated by elf society to subjugate the Drow people.
  • Jerryn Hyserion
    Bored, haughty, inflexible.
  • Jollyn Sandsweep
    The most charismatic guy you could ever meet. So much so that some people rumor that he’s actually a sorcerer. That would make sense because you never saw him in class. He was always socializing somewhere.
  • Inquisitor Matthias Blackthorn
    Cruel, calculating, views people (incl. family) as tools.
  • Miranda Bloodsmith
    Hardworking, capable, stubborn, kind, fierce
  • Qilue Faera
    Selfless, stubborn, loyal
  • Rina Gongar
    Loves watching sports, blowing things up with magic, drinking ale, trying new food, partying , and gambling. She’s the hype woman of the group and the life of the party.

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 17th September 2024 16:00

Session 02: To Burn or Not to Burn

Wed 4th September 2024 16:00

Session 1: Records Heist

Sessions Archive

27th Aug 2024

Session 0: Setting the Stage

Our gang of heroes is a motley assortment, drawn together from different species, locations, and occupations by an unfortunate sequence of events. Whether drawn to or sprung from the crowded streets of Taerneval, that is where they meet, and where our adventure begins...

Read the Report
Set in a forgotten plane of the multiverse, on the world of Novorea where the Godking Evain Starfall leads a Unified Empire of all elvenkind that spans the entire continent of Alloryn. All the old nations of ages past have been conquered through might and diplomacy; as the might of the elven armies, the political machinations of the Church of the Godking, and the holy magic of the saint known as the Blessed Lady have all but bludgeoned other rulers into submission. Life is good for the elves, known as The Exalted, in this stolen realm they call their own.   Far across The Endless Sea on the continent of Somyracia, the orcish dominion of Mogyra stirs, spys and sabateurs making their way to the Godking's capital of Taerneval. The Godking casts his arcane gaze across the Sea, fearful of this challenge to his power. And beneath his shadow, in the very cradle of his power, the seeds of discontent begin to sprout. Normal folk who chafe beneath the cruel rule of the elves yearn for liberation, and the specter of war eases no fears for those merely looking to survive, much less flourish.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Jonah Priest

Elara Moondew