The First Chapter, Session Five: Noble Ends and Subtle Beginnings Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

The First Chapter, Session Five: Noble Ends and Subtle Beginnings

General Summary

The party took the first ferry across the river to Tol Fesso, leaving in the early hours of the morning. The long ride was plenty of time to discuss what had happened the past few days. The ferry was packed with travelers who had been waiting to cross the river but couldn’t due to the fog. Before long the other side of the river came into view and met the group with an alarming sight. The docks were swarming with angry folk who wanted to board the ferry. The party convinced the ferryman, the Gnome Borin who had taken them to the lighthouse before, that they should beach the ferry on the riverbank away from the mob. The ferry swung round to the side of the town, and after picking up speed beached on the river bank. The party sprung into action, directing traffic off the barge at a breakneck speed. After the commotion died down the party made their way onto the road. Before they got far, they were addressed by someone known by Qemuel.   Ciala Hanali came over and welcomed the party to Tol Fesso. Since Qemuel had not seen his old commanding officer since Pacan, he stared in a state of shock. After greetings were exchanged the party followed the elf into the village to the local inn, the Misty River Tavern. After entering the back room of the inn Ciala questioned the party on their country of origin. Everyone said theirs in turn and Ciala sighed with relief. Saying a signal word, around eight soldiers came out of different hidden places in the room, crossbows in hand. They filed out and then Ciala locked the door behind them. It is there that Ciala informed the party that in the Village of Eastport in Varga a gala is being held to celebrate the accomplishments of the Vargan Reconnaissance Company. A ship was waiting at the port to take them to Eastport post haste. A letter was then passed to Qemuel and he told the party that they should do what she says. The party, though, was not having any of this. The party asked what answer to her question would have warranted execution by crossbow. The answer was simple: Croemerth.   A long deliberation occurred about whether or not the group should go. Ciala could not tell them much until they were safely at sea. Many thought that once they boarded the vessel that they would no longer be in control of their fate. The decision was made to go, but with a healthy amount of doubt. Ciala led the party to the docks and they boarded what looked like a merchant's vessel. Waiting for Qemuel there was an old friend, Melchor, and they greeted each other. While they caught up the ship shoved off from the docks and began making its way up the river.   Ciala took the party down into the mess hall and pulled Qemuel aside to tell him what they were here for. After a long talk in the kitchen, they two returned and Ciala left Qemuel to tell his friends what he thought they deserved to know. Qemuel had trouble verbalizing what Ciala had told them, in a state of shock from what he heard. Before things got out of hand Ciala returned to the group and told them what they needed to know. Varga was on the brink of war yet again. Intelligence has shown that Croemerth is working towards a second invasion that the crippled Vargan people would not be able to fight off. She told them they would know more at the Gala. As the group asked questions to the ranger the general quarter's bell was rung above deck. Ciala and the party rushed above deck to see what the commotion was.   Coming up alongside their ship was a Drasser military galleon. The ship docked alongside the undercover Vargan ship and grapple hooks were thrown onto their gunwales, lashing the two ships together. A gangplank was dropped and a squad of Drasser soldiers made their way across. Ciala addressed the commanding officer, but something was not right. Qemuel noticed, along with Ciala, that these were not Drasser soldiers. They were in the correct armor, but the people wearing the uniforms were obviously of Croemerth ethnicity. Ciala drew her weapon and a fight broke out.   The borders were dealt with in quick order, with many prisoners being taken. The sailors, after some deliberation from the party, were put into a lifeboat and sent on a path that would get them discovered by Drasser patrols. The commander was taken down below for interrogation.   Errato was the first to take a crack at the captured man. He began to work him verbally, while behind him Qemuel began to lay out and inspect his physical torture devices. While Errato tried his hardest, using both magic and his charm, the soldier seemed to be prepared for any interrogation methods. Qemuel then took a crack at the man, threatening to tear his nail off with a pair of pliers. When the threats didn’t make the man talk, Qemuel went through with his threats. The vagrant and scholar excused themselves before this happened. As the nail was ripped off the man looked at Qemuel with no reaction whatsoever. Even those who were used to pain based torture always yelled when this happened. It was almost as if he didn’t feel what had happened. Rúna went above deck to bring down Caldwell, as his magical knowledge was needed. He cast identify on the prisoner and learned that his pain reception was being magically repressed. After waiting to see if this was caused by a potion Qemuel ripped another nail off. Nothing. At this Qemuel called off the interrogation. He called for a table, a rag and a bucket of water.  

  The waterboarding cracked the prisoner like an egg. Only Rúna, Qemuel, and Ciala stayed to conduct the torture, none of the others wanted to watch. Before long the officer sang with information. He worked for Croemerth Intelligence and was sent here to dispatch the vessel. He wasn’t told why but followed the orders anyway. He began to talk about his contact, a woman he called The Elf, before Ciala cut him off not wanting the party to hear what he said. Rúna reeled at this and hurried to inform her companions of what had just happened. Ciala met them on the deck and they began to argue.   Not trusting what was happening, many of the party threatened to pull out of this mission. Caldwell even began preparing a lifeboat to leave. While Ciala was reluctant to tell them anything, she realized losing the party was worse than revealing something they shouldn’t know. The arguing ended with some truth: Ciala could not trust her own soldiers. The Vargan government was filled with moles from Croemerth and she needed to keep them in the dark until the Gala. She promised the group that what they were about to do would save countless lives, and this was enough to convince them to stay.   The sail to Eastport was two and a half days, and the journey was nothing but tense. Before long Eastport came into sight and the party could finally get off this prison of a boat. They were boarded by a patrol vessel and inspected before they could dock. The port was filled with the galleons of Vargan royal houses, the most prominent flag being flown being that of House Abel. On the outskirts of the city, a large tent could be seen where the Gala would be taking place. Ciala informed the group that a tailor would get each of them situated with clothes fit for a royal ball. When they docked Ciala hurried off into the village, ignoring the envoy waiting for her at the docks.   Many of the party didn’t even need the services provided. Errato only needed one look at the displays of the modern Vargan dress before he changed his armor to match it. Kalistra, to the surprise of the party, procured a ball dress from her traveling pack. Caldwell had the tailor make a nicer version of his usual garb. Qemuel donned his ceremonial uniform. Rúna had more trouble, being a complete outsider to the custom of royal galas. Kalistra assisted her with working with the tailor, and before long all of the party was ready for the ball. Ciala informed them to keep a weapon on them: she didn’t want them going into this unarmed.   The Gala was as regal as any the party had been to. The large tent housed a stage surrounded by tables and filled with well-dressed nobles and soldiers in their finest uniform. The party split and made their way into the crowd. At first, one thing was made apparent: Ciala was seated alone with all the tables surrounding her devoid of guests. Qemuel immediately caught the eye of Mouse, an old comrade who had been captured during the war. The spoke for a while, and Mouse informed Qemuel of some grave news.   Errato made his way between the groups trying to absorb any of the gossip going around. The only important fact was that the guards were on edge. Twice as many had been assigned to the gala as was custom and no one knew why. Caldwell and Kali enjoyed making their way around, messing with nobles as they went. They noticed Rúna, in social shock from the Gala, and went over to assist her.   Before long a glass was rung and the guests started to take a seat. When the party convened one thing was certain: Qemuel was drunk. On Stage, a Chamberlain made his way to the front and addressed the room. He informed them that the Gala’s sponsor, Madame Rebecca Abel, could sadly not attend. He read a message from her in her stead. At the end, the man began to read the names of the fallen men and women of ReCo, much to the distaste of the party. Qemuel had to excuse himself midway through, unable to hear the names of his dead friends. At the end, the room fell silent and the Chamberlain invited for the Gala to continue. At this Ciala found the party and told them to follow her. Qemuel, in his drunk state, accused her of treason. Mouse had told Qemuel that his commanding officer had been exiled and this news sent him into a drunken rage. The party, trying to not make a scene, dragged the teifling into the back room where the meeting was to occur.   The room seemed magically silenced, as upon entering the sounds of the party outside faded. There two tables were set, one empty and the other seating four of Qemuel’s old squad mates. At this point, Qemuel began his accusations again. Ciala told him the truth, the massacre at Pacan was deemed her fault and she was exiled for it. This sobered Qemuel, and the party knew some explanations were in order. Qemuel recounted the battle. His squad had failed to notice a large group of Croemerth soldiers hidden by fog on the outside of a forward operating base being constructed by Varga. While the Vargans were setting up defenses the Croemerth soldiers attacked, massacring the entire group there. It was a slaughter. He told them that he had run, and it still haunts him to this day that he fled in the face of the enemy. The party consoled their friend, and after a while, Ciala called the meeting to begin.   She informed the two groups that Varga was on the brink of war yet again. To prevent another invasion she had been tasked with the execution of tasks to undermine the processes that would bring the two countries to war. Outwardly this was not happening, Croemerth and Varga were at peace. These two groups did not work for the Vargan government. Before questions, Ciala asked if the two groups accepted the contract. The party agreed, knowing that what they were about to do was in good faith. Ciala then dismissed the other group from the room and explained the task at hand.   Four contracts were handed to each party member. The first had a dwarf named Gamon Axebane on it. Gamon, part of the Axebane shipping company, had been sighted working with Croemerth agents. They have been using his merchant vessels as transport. He was last seen in Dertona, but after the info of his involvement was discovered he fled. He left his bodyguard, Lonore, behind in Dertona. Gamon needed to be interrogated to discern what he knows.   The second was an elf named Isilynor Vallynn. Ciala informed the party that this was the elf the prisoner had spoken of. She is located in Ansellheim and is the point of contact for the moles in the government and needs to be interrogated.   The third was a half-elf mercenary named Rhona Adlen. She had been killing off Vargans who might be needed in the event of war breaking out. She has been sentenced to death and needs to be eliminated.   The last was Rahdin Nabyev of the Nabyev crime syndicate. He is known to be holding documents that need acquisition, as well as information that must be extracted.   At this questions were asked for clarification and discussion was had. All of a sudden a muffled commotion could be heard outside the room. The party jumped to their feet and rushed into the tent.   They were met with utter chaos.   Some of the guards had their weapons drawn and were killing people left and right. Other guards were fighting off the attackers, but since they wore the same uniform it was hard to tell who was on what side. The crowd was trying to force their way out of the tent. Immediately the party sprung into action, fighting off the attackers and opening escape routes in the tent. Ciala and the other members of Sagramor left to find horses to escape on. The documents left in the room were gathered up and the fight continued, but they were too outnumbered. Before long the Vargans returned with a carriage and horses. The party mounted up and made their way inland away from the attack at a breakneck pace. They rode for hours before slowing to a stop at a clearing. Camp was made and most went to bed in silence, in shock from what happened just moments before.

Character(s) interacted with

Ciala Hanali, Melchor Antonius, Berrien Berevan, Roche Cardot, Corrin Greenleaf, Orianna Quest.

The Asteria Tales

Caldwell Fleetstone

Level 8 Human Wizard
26 / 50 HP

Rúna Brynjalður

Level 8 Human Barbarian
(Far Traveler)
85 / 85 HP

Qemuel Hope

Level 7/1 Tiefling Lawful Neutral Rogue/Fighter
52 / 52 HP

Errato Annalis

Level 8 Half Elf CG Bard (Glamour)
38 / 38 HP
Report Date
16 Sep 2018
Primary Location
Athvan (Settlement)

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