Session 48 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

The mushrooms might not have been our best idea… it left the lot of us rather sickly, though the outlook wasn’t very good from the get go with the amount of drinking we’d done. The Gods of fate had smiled down on us with an answer to our sickened hangover: an ice cream man! The cart I’d seen traveling from Rippen Point on our way in was in fact a traveling ice cream confectionary. The Bannermanes helped ourselves to some morning ice cream while a sparse few groveled and griped. After the fact, we climbed ourselves aboard the airship with plans to check out Leurbost as requested by Tabu. The captain was a stickler about not taking us all the way there, but only half way in fear of dragons. Cher and I's reasoning didn’t get through his robotic skull and we were forced to do with a couple days’ hike. At the least I found a fearsome runestone, though with one already equipped I left it with Triple.   Eventually we made it to the desert town to find it was not on fire, but with no pony in sight. With suspicions high, Triple and Tangent took to the shadows and invisibility as we neared the center of town. We found only two sphinxes at the well looking worn and a tad injured. A beam shot up from the well into the sky which revealed 3 young adult dragons! Even after a two day’s hike through the desert, we were bustling and ready to go as we leapt into danger, getting the attention on myself as the dragons circled down to confront us. Without Ord or Moon Planter, I left it to myself to take the brunt of the damage and attention, and you know I did just that as I dazzled and danced over and under each of those dragons without fail. Fireheart showed off yet another neat trick by turning into a dragon herself, though practically going one-on-one with a dragon herself left her in a pretty bad way.   One by one the dragons fell while our dragon was kept on her claws. After the dust was settled we learned of the two sphinxes named Seelah and Lem. Seelah is the Mainstitch of Leurbost and head mare of the guard. She also identified herself and Lem as members of the Rumble Foxes, a traveling guild of show ponies that look to spark interest in adventuring with dazzling displays and such.. Remind you of anypony you know? I’ve thought about speaking to her about joining in on a show, but they’re without 3 of their members. 2 of them were kidnapped by dragons and the last has just gone missing! Seelah would like to find her friends and our help to get the townsfolk out safely. Our airship can meet them halfway to carry them out. We may be looking ahead towards Wati and to tell the truth… I’m a bit hesitant.  

Shabaka's Log

I swear that my stomach was going to collapse in on itself. Why did I eat one of those old, moldy mushrooms that I found in an abandoned crate? Damn you peer pressure! Nevertheless, starting the day off on an empty stomach is even worse, and just as I was gonna grab a bite to eat, a confectionary makes a timely entrance, serving ice cream cones. The ice cream deliverer travels to Weldstone twice a year to sell frosty delicacies to those he comes across during his trip from Grimsby, a ton rather a way’s away, more than a sea’s distance. Though I’d have to question his business sense for such a lengthy trek can’t be optimal for his ice cream venture, I can’t say the same for his taste in frozen dairy. And he seems to enjoy whatever he has going on so more power to him. After our ice cream break, we boar on the airship and discuss with him how much some of us really, really wanna take the airship to Levrvast, but he was too much of a chicken to carry us to a locale pretty near Weldstone, much to our dismay. We made several attempts to persuade him to rethink his conclusion, all of which had failed, but he dropped us off halfway and we needed to drag ourselves the rest of the way. And let me tell you that this trip made me dislike sand. It's all coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere. Also, to top things off Cher conjured up a Cozy Cabin and made me sleep outside. Just on more item to an ever-growing list of reasons of why Cher’s #2 on my shit list. At least food and water weren’t an issue thanks to Sister and Tangent’s spells to create such necessities out of thin air. Yea magic! Once we reached the location, I noticed that the town was strangely still and lifeless. Even as we made our way towards the center of town, we have noticed no activity until we sighted two injured sphinxes, one of which hollered a spell into the air, revealing 3 overgrown lizards disgracing the skies, bearing upon them. Knowing that dragons are always up to trouble, we hurried to the duo’s aid. In spite of our gung-ho attitude, a few of us had little means to give an effective walloping on the dragons for they were far and away from us, giving us some ample time to prepare our assault for the scaly beasts. Though the scrimmage initially seemed daunting, we’ve triumphed over those chameleon wannabees with no fatalities on our end. Acknowledging that the area I was occupying would attain some heat in a short while, I took to side with the help of my Invisibility and proceeded to pepper those bothersome reptiles with my ever so fearsome Phantasmal Killer, placing chilling sense of dread in their fiery hearts. Meanwhile Cher and Sister pelt the bags of hot breath with a winter storm, barraging them with ice spells, and Tangent spreads her curative vigor amongst her allies across the battlefield. Preferring being in the heat of the action, Swift impeccably somersaults over the winged beast and lands and plants a vicious blow on its ass. Seizing the opportunity Swift has created Triple and one of the sphinxes scurries on over and deal timely strikes on the distracted monster. Initially the trio seemed to have everything under control, until the smug swashbuckler got in over his head and attempted to play the fire dragon for a fool, only to show his own stupidity as the dragon smites him mid-performance, brutally wounding him and catching him out of position. Thankfully the Real One recognizes what really going on and takes over what Swift has started, assisting in the downfall of one of the flaky fiends. Ms. Fireheart has taken it upon herself and sacrifice her original form to take on a figure of one of those monstrosities and get in a scuffle in her lonesome. The two seemed to be on similar footing at 1st, yet it became pretty apparent why these dragons are feared as Fireheart was on the losing end, receiving serious damage from the short clash, and limply retreats. Having dealt the final blow on her previous foe, the armored sphinx covers for Fireheart and tries to hold the firedrake back. Swift, finally recovering from his blunder, showcases his effortless flips, ganging up on the occupied dragon. Not having it, the pack of smoke quickly repositions and utilizes its flame breath, nearly bringing poor Fireheart to her fiery doom. Sister puts that on ice as she promptly throws the slimy serpent in a freezing coffin. Fireheart, still impaired form her previous altercation, handles the last for standing, who’ve already received an icy flurry from Cher and Sister, and bites the life out of it. Oh, and Tangent’s deer thing played target practice with the air. After the situation has been averted and our health has recovered, I dug into the meat of the dilemma we find ourselves in, debriefing them on why we have arrived in the 1st place. The sphinx decked out in plating introduces herself and her cohort, Seelah and Lem respectively. Seelah herself is mainstitch and the leader of the the Rumble Foxes, a well-known group that entertains those within the desert. A cleric of theirs is currently contained in Wati and they’re not certain where the remaining 2 of their company has split to. Although I can understand and can sympathize with their predicament, before we take on that, I suggest that we should evacuate Levrvast before we undertake anything else, for more of those flying raptors can further terrorize the town, to that Seelah has wholeheartedly agreed, with the exception of the airship. If we had an airship right here right now, we wouldn’t need to prepare so much for the trip back. During our discussion, Seelah begins to look really uncomfortable, soon revealing that she senses an evil presence amongst us. I wonder who it is. Certainly not the one that gleefully took on geas to attain control of ponies /s. Sister seemed to have taken a devout interest in this sudden mystery and took the responsibility of getting to the bottom of this as soon as tomorrow.  

Triple's Log

Oh my goodness, guys. They actually ate those freaking mushrooms. It's a good thing I dodged those because i think they had SOMETHING in them that made them sick. It was okay because I could go and sleep on top of one of the buildings so I wouldn't annoy anyone while they're getting better. But anyways guys, we got some ice cream. Yes, I'm not kidding, there is ice cream in the desert, and it isn’t a mirage this time! The ice cream guy didn’t know about dragons for some reason, he just assumed I was a kid, which I figure was because he must have HATED ME. But anyways guys, again, we went off to a town south of Wati, and this weird gremlin thingy tried to take Swift’s stone! It was a stone most likely used to focus his breathing Pranic energy to open up the Kundalini. That’s how he’s so cool! Well, he must have thought I’m UGLY, because he GAVE IT TO ME! But I appreciate it. We found that the town was taken over by some dragons. And you can probably guess what happened. (I HATE RED DRAGONS). Swift is so courageous that he actually got really hurt. I don’t know why, but when I watch him, I feel more compelled to be a bit more brave.

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