The Bannermanes

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Astillon
| Looking for Players


  • Astillon
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Thu 27th June 2024 15:00

Happy Campers Session 173

The Latchkey Code

Fri 21st June 2024 13:00

North Party Session 172

Misplaced Merchandiser

Wed 12th June 2024 17:00

Happy campers Session 171

Bad Trip

Tue 4th June 2024 15:00

North Party Session 170

Live Leak Logo

Tue 28th May 2024 13:00

Happy Campers Session 169

Dwelling On It

Tue 21st May 2024 21:00

Session 168

Bat News

Tue 14th May 2024 13:00

Happy Campers Session 167

Stranger Ranger Danger

Tue 8th August 2023 5:45

Session 135

Bussin On Gob

Tue 1st August 2023 11:00

Session 134

Final Fight!!!

Tue 25th July 2023 11:00

Session 133

Carrion Bags

Sessions Archive

18th Jul 2023

Session 132

Mother Knows Best

Read the Report
11th Jul 2023

Session 131

Till Death Do Us Part

Read the Report
27th Jun 2023

Session 130

It's So Over...

Read the Report
13th Jun 2023

Session 129

Fuck it, We Ball

Read the Report
6th Jun 2023

Session 128

Forks and Knives

Read the Report
30th May 2023

Session 127


Read the Report
23rd May 2023

Session 126

Duly Noted and Ignored

Read the Report
16th May 2023

Session 125

To Good Health

Read the Report
18th Apr 2023

Session 124

The Folly of Fashion

Read the Report
4th Apr 2023

Session 123

Time is Money

Read the Report
28th Mar 2023

Session 122

Going Once...

Read the Report
21st Mar 2023

Session 121


Read the Report
14th Mar 2023

Session 120

Until They Crack

Read the Report
7th Mar 2023

Session 119

Naughty or Nice

Read the Report
28th Feb 2023

Session 118

Read the Report
7th Feb 2023

Session 117

Read the Report
31st Jan 2023

Session 116

Read the Report
24th Jan 2023

Session 115

Read the Report
17th Jan 2023

Session 114

Read the Report
11th Jan 2023

Session 113

Read the Report
20th Dec 2022

Session 111

Read the Report
13th Dec 2022

Session 110

Read the Report
6th Dec 2022

Session 109

Read the Report
3rd Dec 2022

Session 108

Read the Report
30th Nov 2022

Session 107

Read the Report
22nd Nov 2022

Session 106

Read the Report
15th Nov 2022

Session 105

Read the Report
8th Nov 2022

Session 104

Read the Report
1st Nov 2022

Session 103

Read the Report
25th Oct 2022

Session 102

Read the Report
18th Oct 2022

Session 101

Read the Report
11th Oct 2022

Session 100

Read the Report
27th Sep 2022

Session 99

Read the Report
20th Sep 2022

Session 98

Read the Report
13th Sep 2022

Session 97

Read the Report
30th Aug 2022

Session 96

Read the Report
23rd Aug 2022

Session 95

Read the Report
16th Aug 2022

Session 94

Read the Report
9th Aug 2022

Session 93

Read the Report
2nd Aug 2022

Session 92

Read the Report
26th Jul 2022

Session 91

Read the Report
5th Jul 2022

Session 90

Read the Report
28th Jun 2022

Session 89

Read the Report
21st Jun 2022

Session 88

Read the Report
14th Jun 2022

Session 87

Read the Report
31st May 2022

Session 85

Read the Report
24th May 2022

Session 84

Read the Report
17th May 2022

Session 83

Read the Report
10th May 2022

Session 82

Read the Report
3rd May 2022

Session 81

Read the Report
26th Apr 2022

Session 80

Read the Report
5th Apr 2022

Session 79

Read the Report
29th Mar 2022

Session 78

Read the Report
22nd Mar 2022

Session 77

Read the Report
15th Mar 2022

Session 76

Read the Report
8th Mar 2022

Session 75

Read the Report
1st Mar 2022

Session 74

Read the Report
15th Feb 2022

Session 73

Read the Report
8th Feb 2022

Session 72

Read the Report
1st Feb 2022

Session 71

Read the Report
18th Jan 2022

Session 70 - Season Finale

Read the Report
11th Jan 2022

Session 69

Read the Report
4th Jan 2022

Session 68

Read the Report
21st Dec 2021

Session 66

Read the Report
14th Dec 2021

Session 65

Read the Report
7th Dec 2021

Session 64

Read the Report
30th Nov 2021

Session 63

Read the Report
23rd Nov 2021

Session 62

Read the Report
16th Nov 2021

Session 61

Read the Report
9th Nov 2021

Session 60

Read the Report
2nd Nov 2021

Session 59

Read the Report
26th Oct 2021

Session 58

Read the Report
19th Oct 2021

Session 57

Read the Report
12th Oct 2021

Session 56

Read the Report
9th Oct 2021

Session 55

Read the Report
5th Oct 2021

Session 54

Read the Report
28th Sep 2021

Session 53

Read the Report
21st Sep 2021

Session 52

Read the Report
14th Sep 2021

Session 51

Read the Report
11th Sep 2021

Session 50

Read the Report
28th Aug 2021

Session 49

Read the Report
17th Aug 2021

Session 48

Read the Report
14th Aug 2021

Session 47

Read the Report
10th Aug 2021

Session 46

Read the Report
31st Jul 2021

Session 45

Read the Report
27th Jul 2021

Session 44

Read the Report
20th Jul 2021

Session 43

Read the Report
13th Jul 2021

Session 42

Read the Report
6th Jul 2021

Session 41

Read the Report
3rd Jul 2021

Session 40

Read the Report
22nd Jun 2021

Session 39

Read the Report
19th Jun 2021

Session 38

Read the Report
8th Jun 2021

Session 37

Read the Report
1st Jun 2021

Session 36

Read the Report
25th May 2021

Session 35

Read the Report
18th May 2021

Session 34

Read the Report
11th May 2021

Session 33

Read the Report
8th May 2021

Session 32

Read the Report
4th May 2021

Session 31

Read the Report
20th Apr 2021

Session 30

Read the Report
13th Apr 2021

Session 29

Read the Report
6th Apr 2021

Session 28

Read the Report
30th Mar 2021

Session 27

Read the Report
23rd Mar 2021

Session 26

Read the Report
16th Mar 2021

Session 25

Read the Report
9th Mar 2021

Session 24

Read the Report
23rd Feb 2021

Session 23

Read the Report
16th Feb 2021

Session 22

Read the Report
9th Feb 2021

Session 21

Read the Report
2nd Feb 2021

Session 20

Read the Report
26th Jan 2021

Session 19

Read the Report
19th Jan 2021

Session 18

Read the Report
12th Jan 2021

Session 17

Read the Report
5th Jan 2021

Session 16

Read the Report
29th Dec 2020

Session 15

Read the Report
24th Dec 2020

Session 14

Read the Report
21st Dec 2020

Session 13

Read the Report
8th Dec 2020

Session 12

Read the Report
1st Dec 2020

Session 11

Read the Report
17th Nov 2020

Session 10

Read the Report
10th Nov 2020

Session 9

Read the Report
27th Oct 2020

Session 8

Founders day is upon them!

Read the Report
20th Oct 2020

Session 7

Read the Report
13th Oct 2020

Session 6

Read the Report
6th Oct 2020

Session 5

Read the Report
30th Sep 2020

Session 4

The Gobbos have spoken!   "Yes yes! This not is for the Ringed One! The Ringed One is invited to joyn the Revolooshun. The revolushin coming up with firewerk in Bleekburn yes...!   Oh the Ringed One needs to kno where we are yes. The Ringed One should kno we are neer Alvertin yes. Near that traiter yes. That traiter who you rescyood... So we won't kill her... Yes yes... yes.... The Fatknee Tribe needs the Ringed One yes. Bring mani Firewerks"

Read the Report
12th Sep 2020

Session 3

Well you’ve done it, and I guess its what we’re rolling with now. Quite honestly, I couldn’t be more overjoyed at having all of you shiny new little fuzzies get out of my hair already. Thanks to Fireheart, and a few... Interesting new Bannermanes, it seems like there was more than one who thought it would be a good idea to go and search the Autumntara Tips for stone. Maybe you all can find more rocks there to fill your heads; I wont stop you.   Now of course, our dear friend Eleanor wanted me to inform you all on her behalf that your input and ideas are appreciated, and new thoughts towards solving worldly issues should always be considered. I suppose if you get enough single brain cells together, you might form at least one or two synapses, but I digress... If by some miracle you do find something, I am obligated on behalf of the organization to inform you that whatever sticks and toys you find there will not be split up and sent to other Bannermane-occupied settlements per normal procedure when exploring new territory. It is, however, your job to report any rare objects, happenstances, and of course, Aetherstone to me personally so we may decide what to do with them. Hide any of that, and I can guarantee we will have a problem...   And with any luck, at the very least, the Author might have prepared a funny story for me to hear...   ~Mainstitch Amden

Read the Report
26th Aug 2020

Session 2

Alright ladies, going to make this simple. Travel around Astillon has long plagued us with long travel times and danger. I've been organizing efforts with the Mainstitch of Kalidai and Dakilai to start setting up teleportation circles for faster travel. Im not sure how many of you are good with spells, but we are going to need some good minds to put towards that effort, and, as brutish as they are, anyone who can help with guarding our squishy little members that don't know how to properly defend themselves. Be nice to them, they aren't complete idiots, some parts are just... clearly missing...   In any case, we need the necessary components and such for those which are rare in their own respects. Ever hear of Aetherstone? Well most people havn't either. We need it for proper teleportation links to be made, and the only place we know it exists is in the mines under Mount Ashbourne. Getting in there lately has been a pain, however, ever since things started to go haywire ever since the liberation of slaves in Bati. Im all ears for any ideas, and may I emphasize, ideas that are NOT stupid. Come to me with a stupid idea, and we are going to have problems. Thank you.   ~Mainstitch Amden     Doctor Amden Gressive Goose

Read the Report
15th Aug 2020

Session 1

Something is spreading through Astillon... Ever since the strange events in Wati, more and more strange and unusual things have been happening within the wildernesses, and even the cities themselves. Ponies and fey alike are looking to the members of the Bannermanes for help. Will you answer the call?

Read the Report

This story is told by