Session 101 Report

General Summary

Tangent's Log

Moon Planter's Log

We stepped into the Dubious Donjon after leaving Triple behind with Ping Wing. Time is warped in this place. Sand floats in the air, and a stone we dropped off the bridge slowed to a stop. Statues of our Founders stood at the end of the bridge, and Duk is seen floating in a crystal just on the other side. As we approached, writing in the stone began glowing red. They're written in Aklo. They're Memorials mention dates that extend from years long before the Founding, to dates way beyond in the future. Electra told us about the Siktempora, a kind of dimensional creature. I recognized one of the memorials. Its dates about 20 years before the Bannermanes were formed. Its name is unusual, but it's marked as the architect of this place. We approached Duk's body, but were attacked by many legged creatures called Misery Skitempora. The fight was quick and fierce, but they were quickly destroyed. Four of them attacked, and with each one that fell, time started catching up to its normal pace. Sand started to fall. We stepped across the bridge as it began to crumble, and two Love Siktemporas halted our advance. They stood in front of Duk's body, and refused to let us take her. They confessed their love for Duk. Electra and I explained we were Duk's friends, and family. The two Love Siktemporas informed us they were brother and sister, and understood family. We explained we could help free their souls from the Dubious Donjon by defeating them in battle. They agreed to an honorable fight.   We took our positions, and they strangely inspired us with Courage in honor of Duk's beautiful singing. I've yet to face an enemy that made me stronger against it, but we all felt strengthened by these creatures. Swift and I moved into position as powerful bolts of purified emotion tore into us. Swift and I gave them parting words as they were destroyed, and they whispered in my mind to take Duk and run. We traveled back to Aerilon with Duk's body in my Bag of Holding, and her Phylactery around my neck. When we got close, Duk's soul began warming up as she attempted to signal something was wrong. I took her body out of the bag, and her body began breathing and speaking. The 2nd soul we saw fly into the Dubious Donjon belonged to Midnight Aces. He coughed and looked around deliriously. He was promptly bound and gagged, as I carried Duk's body into the city. We met up with Jinx who followed us to the morgue. Triple's father briefly greeted us, but was thoroughly distracted commanding his troops. Something terrible had happened to Civrev.   We arrived at the morgue, and quickly learned Civrev had been attacked. Ophiuchus looked over Civrev's body, and learned he'd been cursed. She cast a spell, and absorbed the curse into herself. That seemed to trigger something because Babage began speaking through her mouth. He openly mocked us for getting close, and that he left us a gift in the morgue. I was ready to tell him off, and advise him to keep running because we'd find him where ever he'd hide, but Triple Sevens tore into him, and made him scared. Cher could be heard as well. They're both scared. They know we're going to find them, and they can't hide. Ophiuchus seemed to shake it off, and we went to the morgue to see what gift had been left behind for us. It was enough Aetherstone to complete the circle here in Aerilon. I was incredibly suspicious of it, but Electra and Ping Wing said it's safe to use. We collected it, and decided to go to Triple Seven's mother's house. He and Ping Wing believe it's the safest place for us to be. No signs of scrying were found on anyone. I saw Fireheart coordinating with the Raven Guard. I flew up to her, and gave her a hug. I wanted to keep holding her and finally let her know how worried I was. She didn't quite reciprocate. She hugged me back, but when I leaned in for a kiss, she stopped me. She said something about "not on official duty." It hurt, but maybe she'll be more open when we're alone. I just don't want to waste time, and never take my shot. We're always at risk of losing everything.   We arrived, and were greeted by two deer throwing a birthday party for Electra. They made her a cake, gave everyone party hats, and used poppers and party streamers. They've been completely in the dark about everything that's transpired, so we delivered the unfortunate news. Despite the sadness, Electra was thankful. Triple received a letter, but kept everything away from me. More bad news, no doubt. We'll have to talk and plan over cake.

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