Session 40 Report

General Summary

Cher's Log

We finally landed at home base and instead of showers of gold, I was meat with a screaming guard. The goose went missing in his city. It calls into question why we have a guard at all honestly. Not only that, we learned it happens on 15, and we were never notified… it’s the 30th. Apparently, they had no one in their ranks even capable of sending us a mental message. Again why do we have even have guards? We of course needed to find the goose, of course not because I love him or care for his well-being. But because he failed to perform his duty to fix my property, as well as failing to pay me. The goose is no more than a hammer and a piggy bank to me. When he has served his purpose I may just use one to smash the other. But that is a long time removed. His usefulness has yet to run dry and his chauffeurs are still filled. We made our way to his office, where we found little of note other than his coffee being spilled. Apparently, he went with my wives to procure more but stopped off for rope first. There was only one place with the equipment fitting for their uses. We headed to bond age in order to procure more info. The dull mare let us know the goose took my wife’s to the docks for coffee. An odd move as noted by Fire Heart, as he gets his coffee from the tavern. The dark cat in our group was able to find the ship that would have sold to him and we were off. The ship was barren much like the rest of the city of life. One would wonder why they stayed in such a destitute place, but luckily for us, they did. Their owner or at least the one responsible for the beans was still in, and while she initially feigned ignorance, I knew better. Originally she only agreed to. Speak with the ugly cat, but he soon came out to confirm my theory. Her mind had been tampered with. Through a volley of spells between me and the hideous cat, we were able to uncover her hidden memories. My wife had seemingly kidnapped the goose, stuffing him in a large container then getting the ship to take them to a town near Wati. After which they erased their memories. It didn’t make sense though, taking out the goose would require strong magic or something exceptionally strong to incapacitate him. Neither of which they should have. I entertained the idea their strength was hidden but by all accounts they didn’t seem to be. I know the geas was working and in affect as well from when they tried to defy me. Yet they did such action on their own, without including me in on it. We went back to collect a wood sample of his desk where he spilt the coffee. He was normally clean, and in my planning, I had always thought to use poison on him to subdue him. I stashed it in my hat to test it later. And we were off to tell the Dragon café we would need to leave urgently. The journey was long and her wings were old. We sought the assistance of Mango to create a metamorphosis spell for her, only, to learn she could change size at will. Her prank aside she stayed behind as we flew to the last known location of the three. I finally tested the wood, and to no surprise, it was a strong poison. When we finally landed, it didn’t take us long to figure out they probably went to town. We took the airship there, docking slightly out of the town to search for either the trio or the one guard who was able to use certain tracking spells we searched only for a bit until finding the goose, stuff roughed and royal fucked, in a stockade. They had beaten him as retribution for us stealing his slaves, men, and gems. When we presented him with his men. He failed to let the goose go. Our once prisoner now friend turned on him denouncing the group. Our fight was fierce, but we soon overcame them and secured karat on top of the tower for questioning. The dog who helped us was raised to the rank of mane stitch and the goose despite his injuries seemed in good spirits.

Swift's Log

Once we were caught up as much as we could be by the guards, our party moved with haste to the Textile to investigate. We had questioned not having received word in all the time we’d been gone, and I was rather bewildered to hear that the only souls capable of sending a magical message were the ones on board the airship. Furthermore no one had managed to really gather anything of particular use in the 18 days between Dr. Amden’s absence and our return.. With no decent work or reports created beforehand, I put my pretty face to work inquiring around the Textile, learning that Amden and the kirins were last seen going into town for coffee and some shopping for.. rope and trinkets. We found an empty office and a rather empty desk, the only thing of note being a single coffee stain on his desk, a stark contrast to his normally neat and clean self according to Fireheart. Working off of eye witness reports, the Skeins seemed to know of a place that fit the bill of ropes and trinkets in the town center. Finding a stand called ‘Bond Age’, a bleak mare was able to confirm sighting of the kirin and pass us further along as she’d heard mentioning of ‘docks’ and ‘coffee’. We approached a merchant ship on the docks that Shabaka had pointed out, greeted by a polite married sphinx couple. The couple were graciously willing to assist in our investigation, though it became rather apparent to everyone that her memory had been tampered with. After some brute force with the use of mind enhancing spells, we got more of the story of what happened the day of the disappearance. While others were skeptical, it was rather apparent to me that our very own Jinx and Misty were the culprits based on the details we were given. Cher was helplessly in denial, then begrudging acceptance before daring to be skeptically proud that her wives had aided in kidnapping her mainstitch. That put a sour taste in my mouth. The last important bit of information we gathered was that, under whatever spell they had been put under, the sphinxes sailed to a cove outside of Weldstone after helping Jinx and Misty load on a very heavy, goose-sized box. They were missing a lifeboat, and all accounts of what happened until we came along, and there wasn’t much else we needed to know…   We quickly returned to the Textile, gathering the corner of desk that the coffee stain was on, a later use of magic told us this was in fact a powerful poison or drug of sorts that was used on Amden, mixed with the mind-tampering magic on the sphinxes, just how strong are these lasses? We were then faced with having to handle Kafe, since our priority shifted to flying directly across the ocean and her not being able to fly with us. APPARENTLY she was able to form herself into a kiring this whole time and drastically shorten our travels, another fantastic prank pulled on us by a bronze dragon… We loaded into the ship and made haste for the cove indicated on the map. My initial thoughts were that perhaps Jinx and Misty kidnapped Dr. Amden for Buckback, but looking at the map again it didn’t make any sense. They went quite specifically towards Bleakburn, as if the Foremanes had anything to do with it, but how did they get Jinx and Misty involved exactly..? Well continuing into town, we came across the inhabitants berating and humiliating Amden in a stockade, our collective righteous blood boiling. While I was feeling guilty about the 50-someodd days we’d been keeping Barqs on board our airship, it turned out it did the lad some good as he’d seen the light of a TRUE Bannermane, stepping up to his mainstitch and turning his back on the Foremanes as a fight was inevitable. With the dog on our side, and Amden quickly freed from his imprisonment, we danced our way through battle with the Foremanes, doing away with them one by one while some smartly fled. The greatest victory was securing Karat, now with some real heat on the dog for Amden to attend to. Amden’s first order was to strip Karat’s badge and award it to Barqs, but there’s many questions still to be answered…

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