Session 63 Report

General Summary

Sarsy's Side of the Story

Oops. Swift had heard me lamenting over my weakened bow, jealous of the cool throwing knives the machine gave to Jackpot, and wondered what it would do to his hat. Since he was using it anyways i decided to put my bow in again but i accidentally bumped him into the machine and the door shut behind him. I tried to open the door but i turned the wrong valve and…… activated the device…   Now Swift is extra sparkly and tinkly, he seems to like it so looks like i can avoid being sorry about it for now hehe.   It seems an old friend of the party had found us, a little green thing. She's an adorable, mischievous little menace. She seems to think of Mr. Planter as a leader of some sorts. These skeins are weird and it seems like that goose will let just about anypony into his chapter. As long as she stays far away from my ankles i think Grot and I will become good friends.   Just as Mr. Wing was deliberating with us, Ms. Tangy took it upon herself to find us some trouble. I should thank her, this places magical properties allowed Mr. Planter and I to become more in touch with our natural sides, and i wanted to take my new Listening abilities for a spin. The battle was long since the stupid goops kept splitting and the dumb robots kept calling for help, and those weird corner dogs showed up again. I'm beginning to get sick of this place, but not as sick as listening to poor Tangy and Grot drift in and out of consciousness.   At least we dealt with them. As for the scratches, it's nothing a little Root Beer wont fix hehehe.   We found the pieces for another one of those flashback rituals. Mr. Wing was in this one, he seems much more capable in the vision than the one here lets on. I don't know what these visions mean but if Ping is in them, then I hope he shares why  

Swift's Side of the Story

What an EXHAUSTING and crazy morning! Garr!! So firstly I’m woken up early in the middle of Sarsparilla’s shift because she wants to fix her bow but is too nervous to go through the dungeon on her own. Secondly, she’s not quite strong enough to turn any of the levers of wheels on her own, I had to open up every door and flood and de-flood every room for her. The lass is lucky she’s so damn pretty and has such a cute accent... That goes DOUBLY for the final room and the furnace, Sarsparilla got just a bit too playful and flirty, going as far as to throw my hat into the furnace like a mean schoolmare on the playground. To be fair, none of them know the significance of that hat yet… I climbed in after it, and the biggest scare of my life occurred when the door closed behind me!! I kicked and hollered and screamed for Sarsparilla to open the door, but before I knew it the machine seemed to be turning on!! Everything around me felt… warm. Nearing on hot, then scalding, but my fur didn’t feel burnt. It felt like I was back in the desert on the hottest day. Then I felt like I was tumbling and rolling, tossed around and eventually—the door opened. I kicked and dove out, the world still seemed as though it was spinning around me. I looked up and saw Sarsparilla staring at me with panic and shock. She didn’t know how to tell me, but I had a small mirror I always carry with me, investigating myself to find—sparkles. I was taken back at first, not really sure what to think. I looked over myself as well as I could—actual SPARKLES. Of course! How else do you improve what’s already flawless? To think a machine like this is hidden way in a pyramid like this… Sarsparilla seemed properly panicked still as we—as I turned the wheels to get us back to the main room and the rest of the party. I had fun making her sweat a bit thinking I was blisteringly angry as she tried to explain the mess to the rest of the party. Well she did give me a pretty decent introduction as I revealed myself to the party with pride in all of my beauty and glory. Seemed to work wonders for Triple, lad couldn’t stop staring himself—when suddenly my thunder was stolen by the pipe in the ceiling breaking, a green gobbo of all things comes tumbling out! Moon Planter seemed happily surprised calling it ‘Grot’—Grot. I’d heard that name a few times before, but I never expected to find a gobbo here of all places. She got caught right up to speed terrorizing Ping Wing, and while I got the opportunity to check my reflection out in the water, my biggest fans came back as those small security cameras started snapping me once again. After everyone was up and awake, we went to pick up where we left off, and before we could formulate a plan I could hear a tiny, fearful ‘Oh…’ from the other room. Moon Planter apparently has to keep a leash on Grot now, so Tangent’s leash was left unwatched and she found herself some trouble. A long battle ensued, stabbing and piercing didn’t seem to be our best friend as I took advantage of my shifting rune to use a hammer. It was a longer fight than normal, pudding was followed by robots which were followed by time dogs???!! but we all got out of it unscathed- though Tangent took a nasty beating herself. After we all recovered, we found everything we needed to return to the main room and the magical circle to unlock another ritual flashback. We could see Ping Wing was there with a bunch of other ponies I didn’t know. I’m curious to see what happens in the next 2 pyramids.   I actually got another chance to talk with Ping Wing, though I didn’t bother to ask him what happened in that flashback. Instead I got something much more valuable coming my way…~  

Planter's Log

I woke up feeling different. There are periods where I wake up and feel stronger, but this time it's different. Every step, every clank of the cogs, and every noise around me seems to create a reflection of sorts in my mind. I can't fully describe it yet, but it's like I can see with sounds. Sarsaparilla says she can as well, so perhaps this is an innate ability for Leatherwings I never learned about. Swift returned after stepping away with Sarsaparilla this while we slept. He's returned and now he's shiny. I don't know why, and his explanation of how it happened is completely absurd. He claims to have fallen into the refinery. Somehow he survives, and now he's shiny. It's dumb, but he's still alive, so I'm not willing to investigate further. No sooner had we'd seen Swift's transformation, than the pyramid's alarms starting sounding off. The doors from our entry point opened up, and flood water entered the central chamber. And with those waters, was Grot. Of all the inexplicable things that could have happened, Grot poured out onto the floor, and lied there motionless. I ran over to her, and administered first aid. As soon as my medical herbs and spices got close, she attempted to eat them. I kicked her, and then she started climbing into my bag to find chicken. She certainly remembers me which is a good sign. I only have the final two pieces remaining, and those have been in my bag for months. The mold didn't seem to bother Grot. The majority of the party didn't recognize her, so I introduced her. Swift and Ping Wing were taken aback by the fact she's a Sacred Skein Bannermane.   We decided to travel south after warning everyone to keep papers away from Grot. We stopped in the library and prep for the next room because we knew there were constructs guarding it. While everyone gathered together, I heard Tangent's voice say, "Oh." She had gone into the room without us, and now we had to scramble to find what was attacking us.   I ran in and saw black gunk hanging on the ceiling. It swirled and reached out like a disgusting ooze. In the middle of the room, a fog of smoke from the constructs blocked my vision, but all the noise made it so I could see perfectly. Tangent was already severely injured. I ran up and attacked one of the constructs through the smoke. I could hear the rest of the party pouring into the room. We struck hard, and cast our spells. The vile goop split off into multiple pieces and kept attacking us. Tangent was continually grabbed and pulled up to the ceiling. I flew up and used my Falchion to cut her down.   The party was split between two sections of the room. With me were Mubarak, Tangent, Swift, and Grot. We tangled ourselves up with a larger construct that cut deeply into our bodies. Mubarak's bear managed to grab hold of the construct, and I heard Madame Fortuna cast a spell. With her words, some of those damnable Hounds showed up. They surrounded us, and the construct spun around, cutting into us. Grot fell to the ground, and I rushed to her side. I poured my Elixirs of Life into her, and shouted, "No die with Chicken Giver! Only Bad Greens die! KILL KILL KILL!"   The Hounds moved in and surrounded us. Tangent gave us some healing, and the bear was barely holding onto the construct. Lightning ripped across the room as the smoke cleared. It was pandemonium. For a brief moment, I saw Tripple absolutely tearing into one of the Hounds. It dropped quickly and silently. Grot stood up and attempted to kill the construct which was about to fall apart, but her knife and teef weren't sharp enough. That thing spun up and struck at us. This time, Mubarak's bear and Grot both went down from the same spinning attack.   Mubarak finally chopped the thing down, and ran to chop the ooze in half again. I gave an Elixir of Life to Mubarak's bear, and then to Grot while shouting, "CHICKEN GIVER SAID NO DIE! FIGHT! KILL! WAAAAAAAAAAGH!"   The fight concluded with the final ooze being destroyed and last few Hounds banished. While Tangent and I focused on healing the party's wounds, Ping Wing searched the library here for any useful information. He found a book signed by Crucible himself. Grot tried eating books, but Madame Fortuna distracted her with tickets. We returned to the main room, and set the pieces in place for the unsealing ritual. It was another scene that took place here in Wati. Ping Wing was present, as were a Kirin named Zakira, and a Unicorn named Damian. They were arguing with Mainstitch Shen.   There was talk of Damian doing something to hurt the people of Wati, and missing Bannermanes. Threats were passed back and forth until Shen permitted them to leave. Zakira and Damian left together. Ping Wing said this happened 3 years ago, and that Damian was a very evil pony. Once the scene ended, we heard the opening of a door leading to the large floating blue crystal at the north end of the main room. Time to see if we can destroy it too.

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