Session 50 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

I worked around Leurbost while my fellow Bannermanes were escorting the civilians to Rippen Point. See'lah is a very direct and commanding Mainstitch, but she's fair. I was eager to begin tracking down their Rumble Foxes who were taken, but I had to wait for them to return. When I saw them in the morning, I rushed out to greet them and ask how the mission went. I was upset to learn Rippen Point was already full of refugees, but there's nothing to be done about it now. See'lah agreed to come with us to Wati. We'll need her to come with us if we fight the Red Dragons, or Princess forbid, Heat Fang himself. We moved out and decided to take the road directly to Wati. The first two nights were quiet. Too quiet. The desert creatures were silent. Sister Ash spoke to some mice who told her the dragons have harassed them, and made them scared. I barely detected a trail in the air left over from the dragons who flew to Leurbost from Wati. No signs of the dragons flying back. We found Red Kobolds putting up a sign on the road. A wanted poster for a Blue Unicorn who's a fugitive with a reward of 50gp and a day's worth of rations. It was written in Draconic, and the Kobolds left. When we made sure the coast was clear, and continued on the road. As we walked, we heard the screaming of Kobolds, and they were chasing after a Blue Unicorn. Shabaka cast a spell which stopped the Kobolds in their tracks, and we began the fight. Between Cher, Tangent, and Shabaka, the Kobolds stood no chance. Ord and I barely had a chance to show any level of fighting, but victory was won quickly. A single Kobold surrendered after I stuck him with my Falchion, and I detained him.   The Blue Unicorn is named Mona and is missing a sister in Wati. She claims to have been visiting Wati, but never made it to the city. We approached the Kobold in our capture who laughed at us because Heat Fang was going to kill us all. Cher cast a spell that made the Kobold care for her deeply. Someone sold Mona a counterfeit necklace. If you have a Soft Whisper necklace, you're not supposed to be killed. Heat Fang needs them for something. The Kobold has a tiny badge, a hunk of metal made of a gold coin. The important prisoners are being kept at an unknown location. Mr. Scale Master gives these Kobolds their orders. Mr. Scale Master answers directly to Heat Fang. Mona was sent to Leurbost to meet up with Swiftsail who'd escort her to Rippen Point. For the time being, we took the Kobold with us. The Kobold was terrified and died of a heart attack as we prepared for camp. We identified the Kobold as female, and threw the Kobold down a hole. Ord tripped a trap, and said, "Well my job here is done."   I spied some tracks during my night watch. While following them, there's a chain, like a spike, attached to the bear trap. In the area I'm looking, there are many next to the side of the road. The animals are being over hunted. I left the traps be, but I think I should have tripped. I shamefully nodded off during one of my watches. Tangent called me big boy, much to my chagrin. These midnight watches are wearing me out too easily. I've been acclimated to day walking too often.   During our march, we were ambushed on both sides of the road by more Red Kobolds. We saw them hiding, but not before we could avoid the attack. The Kobolds outnumbered us significantly, but stood strong and whittled them down. Shabaka took heavy damage and was very nearly killed. I summoned all my might to stop one of them of finishing Shabaka off, but despite my swordsmanship, it managed to get past me. Ord furiously struck out at two of them, cutting one down, and badly injuring another. With their numbers dwindling, they showed no signs of stopping, and continued fighting. One of them attempted to flee from me, but my sword strike sliced open an artery in its back, and it bled out on the ground and died. The final Kobolds were put down and we looted their corpses. Some unusual maces and armor were found, as well as their badges. Once confiscated, we continued marching. Not much further down, we heard 31 Kobolds at a camp site. Jaunting and yelling could be heard from the middle of the camp. Cher cast a circle of invisibility on us, but Ord stayed behind. We walked into the camp and saw a sparing circle with the sister of Mona. She's a mare with a half shaved mane. She's being poked with a fork by a Kobold. We pondered our decision, but we have to act quickly or else she's likely going to die.

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