Session 30 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

We're back. We've been gone for nearly a month, and it seems like Bleakburn is the same as we left it. The citizens greeted us as the docks as we debarked. Sarsaparilla gave several coins away to the children. I was surprised to see her give away her gold. The life of an adventurer pays well, but our gear costs just as much. She assures me she can make it back in a single night at the card tables. We went to Dr. Amden's office after buying some breakfast for ourselves. Duk is bright eyed as ever, eager to meet and hug anyone she sees. Dr. Amden called us into his office, and our debriefing began. Cher presented Dr. Amden the 4 bulk of Aetherstone we collected from the caves in Weldstone. We told him of how we managed to steal the stone, and destroy as much of the Memory Mycena as we found. Dr. Amden actually laughed when Shabaka told him of how Cher blew up the bar with a Fireball. Dr. Amden was pleased to hear we disrupted the Foremane's operations because he hates them. We brought in Duk who seemed terrified of Dr. Amden. Given her small stature and innocent nature, I can't blame her. Dr. Amden now knows who she is, how she helped us find the Aetherstone, and how she's suffered as a slave under Mainstitch Karat. He was happy that we freed her. This is the first time I've ever seen Dr. Amden truly pleased with our work, and it was hard to process. I've often had to take a hard stand against his temper and chastisement to qualify our actions, but not this time.   Sarsaparilla wisely kept her mouth shut during the meeting and didn't draw much attention from Dr. Amden. Swift Sail on the other hoof failed in that regard. He managed to mouth off enough to warrant getting water blasted and pressed up against a wall. I don't understand why it's so difficult to submit to any form of authority for most of this group. Swift apologized and explained he's used to bantering with his fellow Bannermares, but realized his mistake. Moon Planter — Today at 12:45 AM The meeting continued with a disrespectful exchange between Dr. Amden and Cher. Why he hasn't fired her is a mystery to me. She's capable of getting results, but should she ever fail to, she can expect to be discharged quickly. Her wives came in and disrupted us. I explained to Dr. Amden that even though we weren't able to arrest Buckback, we did succeed to ensuring Dakilai's crime business will stay out of Bleakburn. I called in Fireheart, and explained how she had managed to be captured. Fireheart became enraged when Shabaka informed her of the ledger we stole from the Casino. We had never told her why the Black Cat Company had kidnapped her to begin with, and she burst into flames. Literally. She attacked Shabaka in her rage and somehow managed to set his tail on fire. I didn't see how it happened, but it was like it caught several seconds after she attacked him. He ran around in circles chasing his tail until Dr. Amden water blasted him as well.   This did nothing to quell Fireheart's anger. I stepped in and told her that stealing the ledger was my idea and she should be angry with me. She certainly was. She shrieked like a mad banshee, and showed 0 gratitude toward those that saved her life. I had to blow my cover to keep her alive and help her escape. It's her own damn fault for traveling alone and getting caught in the first place. We nearly came to blows, but she put out her flames and left in a huff. I sheathed my sword and continued my report to Dr. Amden. He nearly gave the order to put out wanted posters for Buckback, but once I explained how dangerous he is and of our involvement in his affairs, he chose against it. If there's to be a bounty on Buckback, I'll be the one to collect it.   The prisoner Barqs on board the airship was the final thing to discuss. Dr. Amden ultimately ordered us to release him as he committed no crimes in Bleakburn, and therefore couldn't be charged in Bleakburn. I don't like the idea of releasing him, but I understand why we should. Although, what if Barqs could become an asset of ours? I made a proposal to Swift and Shabaka since they both have a way with words that escape me. We boarded the ship and informed an angry Captain of Dr. Amden's orders. We were given the key to the brig cells, and headed below deck.   Barqs was expecting us to transport him to an internment camp. Even to Crimin Isle. He wasn't expecting to be released with no charges. We returned his armor and weapons, but when he asked about his 150gp, Swift informed him that we were giving it to Duk so she could build her Bakery she was promised. His slave or not, Duk's earned that gold. While pleased enough at being released, he took greater interest in our offer. Barqs wishes to return to the mines. His only pleasure in life is being underground. We informed him that we intended to find Aetherstone, and that we'll be traveling to the mountains at Brashville. He agreed to abandon his loyalties in Weldstone in favor of coming with us. Swift offered him a stiff drink, and we debarked together.   The next several days were kept very busy for myself. With my planting of new trees through the city, and even outside the city walls, as well as my training. There were many times in combat where I needed an extra edge to keep up with my enemies, but was lacking. Not anymore. Now my Falchion and I move together as one. It is an extension of myself. Any pony or beast who wishes to challenge me will find my skills far beyond what they once were. Sarsaparilla lent me a large sum of gold to empower my sword. Now my edge is keener. Eugene Mango is a powerful wizard at such a young age.   The final bit of business in Bleakburn involved getting Duk a suitable place to build her Bakery. We searched for the best place in Bleakburn to set up shop. The wealthy district near the college had a good piece of property for sale, but the bitch holding it was asking too much. No matter how we attempted to persuade her, she refused to adjust the price a single copper. That is until we pissed her off she raised the cost by 1gp. We left without purchasing the house and began putting our heads together. What if we purchased the land and had contractors build her a house from the ground up? It would be a bakery and a restaurant with a house above it so she could live where she worked. The cost of building the house and fully furnishing it with equipment and furniture was 175gp. We decided to do that for Duk.   I hope she truly appreciates what we've done for her. I'm not usually one to give to charity. Especially not my own gold, but I feel... good about this. We've done good, and I feel happy. I was even excited to share the news with Duk of what we're building her, but it was decided to wait until it was finished for her as a surprise. I spoke to our Bartender back at the Textiles, and she agreed to take on Duk as an employee until the Bakery is ready. Duk is already helping her a great deal in the kitchen. Duk now has a chance to earn an actual wage for her work, and she has shelter. With all the scum and villainy I have to deal with, I often don't consider the well being of others. If this is what it feels like to really help those in need, perhaps I'll do more. But for now, we must focus on the task at hoof. We're traveling to Brashville, and Fireheart informs us of a Bronze Dragon living near Scaletip. The Aetherstone comes first, but this talk of Dragons is concerning me. We're not nearly strong enough to fight a Dragon, but many of my party members wish to search for one. The Aetherstone comes first.  

Tangent's Log

We were now in Bleakburn and Tangent was back home, in the clutches of Amden again. Fireheart came in to give news on a possible dragon and some of our party quibbled amongst themselves. Swift Sail got spritzed in the face. Moon Planter told Amden about the ledger and the ship we destroyed that belonged to Buckback. Fireheart overheard and got pissed and went Nirik form and seemed like she was going to come to blows with Moon Planter for not telling her earlier. She was angry because the missing ledger was why the Black Cat Company tried to kill her. I and the other party members did their shopping during the week. I took some time to talk to Fireheart about the dragon bones and dragon signs she found and she asked about if you could trust men, and I said no, you can never trust a man.   Cher found out, much to her displeasure, Jynx and Misty couldn't have children due to a surgery. She went to talk to Amden about it to try and fix it, but Amden said they signed up for it with their position. He then told Cher to ask if it was something they wanted. He refused unless he saw them first. Cher then went back to Jinx and Misty and asked them if they wanted to restore their organs. Cher attempted to persuade them through deception. Misty said she'd take the chance. Next, Shabaka visited Amden and wanted to get the locations of the Aetherstone portal changed. Dakilai was next in line to be built.   After that, Swift Sail and Moon Planter went to go get a bakery for Duk and tried to talk her prices down. They decided to build the bakery from the ground up out of spite, and most of us (except Cher, who was broke) donated to Duk's bakery. In the meantime, Duk will be at the tavern and work with Eleanor. Most of us worked professions during our downtime of the week. I tutored students and Cher worked with Eugene Mango's spellcraft and research. Sarsparilla worked the tables earning money. Shabaka and others sell the spider eggs, Grop had the most gold.   Then we all had breakfast and talked with Fireheart again. We learned she knew a brass dragon in Scaletip. She thinks Stratham might be in danger. Cher and Shabaka both speak Draconic.   We rode on the airship to Brashville and came down at the airship landing pad.

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