Session 68 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

Our days spent in the filtration pyramid had really set us back, it was somewhat of a miracle we were able to clear out as much as we could as quickly as we could. After we spent the day clearing our bags and setting up Ping Wing with some orders, we returned to the safe house. Tangent had mentioned a new spell she was given from her Sun King and was able to use it to reattach Seelah’s tail, and with it eliminating a good deal of my subconscious guilt. We found all our friends waiting in the wings—joined of course by A Pimp Named Buckback and the ever playful and instigative kirins Jinx and Misty. We walked in to the pair hazing Seelah … I honestly wasn’t sure what to say at first looking between the trio, thankfully Seelah was ready and willing to come with us after a few of our party members asked some questions. Tensions slowly rose, as perhaps expected with Jinx and Misty flaunting and taunting, and though it’s a tad exciting and intriguing to watch, I had to finally step in and separate the party, pulling Seelah and Tangent away from the kirins and starting to usher them out of the safehouse. Misty flipped me a comment I don’t think anyone else caught, thankfully. We moved back through the sewers to the northern pyramid, remembering there were a few stones left unturned. Fortuna, Tangent, and Grot were mesmerized by the deep hole, miraculously none of them fell in. Instead, we all continued down the hallway Moon Planter had found the large volcanic elemental in. We heard increasingly louder thumps and thoombs as we moved, expecting a tough foe behind a pair of large, locked doors. Almost everyone seemed to realize this at least, and while we were casting spells and before we could even start to make a plan or formation, Tangent scurried her way up to the door to open it!! Damned cat!!! Looking inside, I was shocked to find a gargantuan, towering, giant sphinx statue at the end of the room that seemed to be chained up—until it noticed us at least. It’s eyes opened and it broke free from it’s chains.   As Tangent backed away, it’s eyes fell to me, moving and reaching out to strike me with a very solid, large fist that certainly had me seeing stars. Enough so that I was able to be grabbed, yanked over, and slammed down to the grate once again. That life-or-death instinct kicked in, my lights weren’t out just yet and I was able to use some of the momentum of the bounce and my limber, slim form and dexterity to slip right out of it’s grasp, flipping myself away to show the rest of the party I was in fine condition! Though I did back up and out of the room and close the door behind me. The party had to replan and reformulate fast, that thing HURT and I needed to be patched up before I could do anything else. Seelah stepped up with her shield, prepared to hold the front line, Mubarak seemed to think he’d be able to do the same thing. Moon Planter suggested we try to lead it into the hall, giving us an advantage as it would be squeezed, slowed further, and stuck. The sphinx’s colossal fist slammed against the doors, easily blowing them past us and Grot and I moved back. Grot began to fiddle with some things in her bag while Tangent healed me up. After smacking it, Seelah was able to see a sphinx she recognized INSIDE of the statue’s chest, one of her missing friends! Next to her friend was what looked like this pyramid’s ley line crystal as well! Fueled by determination, she kept steadfast and we were locked in the hallway to fight there. I had to fight smart, dipping in and out to keep out of range. Moon Planter and Angel Scales returned to join us and the fight. I was disappointed as I noticed Triple Sevens staying completely hidden around the corner and out of the fight… Grot threw a bomb of sorts, and danced around a fire while Moon Planter layed in a flurry of mighty strikes and blows that managed to collapse the statue in it’s place! Another successful bout of combat. Tangent healed up the sphinx inside who seemed to be okay, if not very weak. While we were investigating, Moon Planter noticed something ruffling about on my bags, I looked and could see something scurrying beneath. I frantically began to pat it down thinking it was a spider. Instead it was the smallest griffon I’ve ever seen! Smaller than Gunter, the tiny bugger squeaked his way out and into Angel Scales’ mane, who decided now was the time to tell us about a thieving, nosy little mole she let rest in her mane. I felt oddly frustrated by that fact. Grot managed to catch it and put it in her mouth and I quietly cheered for her to swallow it down. He poked his way out and was caught by Mubarak who took his turn to interrogate it. The little bastard showed one of my crystals he pulled out and I dove on him in a flurry!! He’ll learn what it means to mess with me, in due time… We explored the inner sanctum and Grot found an empty cavity atop a grand throne. It looked about the size of the crystal that had been inside the statue and I elected to juggle it down the room to set it in place without a scratch of damage might I add! While Moon Planter and Mubarak continued their interrogation over this little griffon named Push Pin, I fancied my time better spent talking more with Angel Scales while Tangent and Seelah made sure everyone was properly healed up. We were able to get Yoon back to the safehouse to rest and return to go down a set of stairs we’d found. A long dark passage took us to another set of stairs, and thankfully into the last pyramid!! Just stepping in, my heart started to race knowing we were close to finding the last crystal and making Heatfang VERY mad. A Pimp Named Buckback had mentioned that Heatfang was very upset when the 2nd band flickered from the 2nd pyramid, so if it makes him upset then we’re doing very good.   This room was apparently some giant engine or power source, and of course it seemed to not be working. We’ll have to explore carefully, but with haste.

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