Session 17 Report

General Summary

What happens in Dakilai stays in Dakilai … at least that’s what Cher’s hoping is true. Because since we’ve gotten here. We’ve managed to steal from casinos, engaged in prostitution and sold one of our own into sex slavery. At least I tried to, before getting clam jammed on the sale. We are now also directly working for the people we came here to stop. All in all, a pretty normal day for us.     But Cher digresses, we did manage to find a lot of information from our petty theft detailing transactions the casino has made. Including some for the sales of ‘candy’ and this time it’s with a Y. The drug is the Harollet sweets, it boosts your attractiveness and Cher must say, not from personal experience or anything of course, that it does indeed taste pretty sweet. It’s most likely being used to control the girls under employment. It’s highly addicted and would keep them coming back for more to avoid crushing affects. We also found more names such as the brown lady having the most monetary gain and the church of Kara getting sizable all be it pretty infrequent donations of a more modest amount. We had found a link between the church (ironically or maybe not so much so depending on how generous you wanted to be) and the prostitution going on. Naturally Cher investigated with the others. Myself moon planter and our gobo… companion. Infiltrated the church, the smell of candies was strong, and our gobo friend nearly blew our cover over it. We didn’t really have a plan in mind for getting info from the church and half our group were too afraid to even come in. I want to know more abut the church and my cover to getting closer to a pimp named buck back was to be one of his many girls. The cost, was far high then I had thought. They didn’t want money but to join you had to give something that was a part of you.   Something that means a lot emotionally. Cher had to part with her hat in order to be granted entry into their fold. Cher loved that hat immensely and would sooner give away one of her teammates then part with it. But the mission required it and backing out may have caused irreputable harm to us capturing buck back. So, Cher complied. We were able to get some of the documents while the she devil was distracted and we learned that she was preparing a spell to silence me, so that I would be unable to betray them, luckily my will is strong and when it came time to allow her to cast such spells, I was able to fully ward them off without her being any wiser. When the deed was done half the group went back with dayspring to analyze the candies, hence our aforementioned knowledge of it. While Cher played her part deep unto the morning making a fair bit with her clients, a hefty sum to be sure though it felt lighter all the same at some point. She also feels she could have gotten far more than five clients, though they were sweet though each had their own interesting kinks. Cher won’t go into detail but safe to say she’s played her part. Moon planter for his part was able to meet with the liaison of Buckback. They had met a dock and boarded an incredibly massive ship with more than 30 cannons. He learned that this one was indeed The Hazel Lady. Sadly, the job seems to be a hit as his very first one, and the poor sap who’s in the crosshairs is none other than fire heart. The poor dear can’t seem to get a break!

Rewards Granted

Authentic clerical license under Kara, 1 harlot sweet, and various other informational pieces

Missions/Quests Completed

Boarded The Hazel Lady

The Bannermanes


-Level Rogue
Report Date
12 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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