Session 91 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

After landing down in Wati I decided to break Jinx away from the rest of the party. They could have their time to gossip and we could have our “what do we do now” conversation. Jinx brought up the idea of staying with me and the party on our airship… Honestly she didn’t have to convince me to let her stay but I’m not going to say no to her titillating or playing it up for me. I’d like to have her where I can see her and know she’s safe… Plus I’m thinking that so long as she’s with us then she’s ‘our business’ and Buckback’s geas will prevent him from trying to get to her. A child does complicate a relationship quite a bit, and I’m not entirely sure what that is supposed to be for us at the moment. Seeming upset and stressed, I figured that seeing Dr. Amden in an apron would cheer Jinx up, so I took her through the portal and into Bleakburn. I’d say it worked out quite well for us as Dr. Amden was a bit off guard and definitely a bit flustered. I updated him on Holbeck, the sword, and we gathered a baked good and went back. I decided to stop by the ziggurat and find the High Priest to ask him about the droves of ghosts that were freely wandering in Wati. The High Priest informed us that no living creatures wants ghosts around, but attempts to close the gates to the necropolis have been met with mad ghosts and they claim Soft Whisper herself has been advising them as such even when he mentioned what they are doing acts directly against Soft Whisper’s teachings. The High Priest said he’d be willing to grant us blessing to enter the necropolis whenever we wish to investigate. I noted this to bring back to the party. Back on the airship the captain granted permission for Jinx to join us as I promised Jinx’s reasonably good behavior. Thumbtack brought Tangent a flower before we set off for Stratham. I was just about ready to begin doing all I could for Jinx and this egg, but one piece of business still remained. One night I had the egg to myself, I used the opportunity to gather the other kirins on board and have them assess the legitimacy of this egg. All 3 seemed in agreeance that this was a legitimate egg, and only Fireheart was unsure if I could be the father, though honestly I’d be shocked to find out otherwise. I took the chance to fill in Ophie on how the party knew Jinx and her story. I think I was able to explain well enough, though incredulously our conversation was interrupted by Triple Sevens falling off of the ceiling after an apparent misstep in his attempts to—Luna only knows what. I can only say that as I write this my blood is boiling all over again as the twerp, uncaring and unapologetic, wasn’t able or willing to give an excuse or reasoning to being caught in the act. When I tried to keep the door shut so he would talk to us he decided to try and punching a hole through the door. I was glad more ponies on the ship got to see this kind of behavior and decided I wasn’t going to pursue him any longer, opening the door and letting him out after giving him an earful. From there the party began it’s process of adjusting to Jinx, and vice versa. I have to say the real kudos has to go to the other mares on board. Their patience was legendary and their efforts to deal with Jinx and her mood swings were award worthy. Electra even found a spell to help Jinx with nightmares that her sister had been feeding her and to that I was incredibly grateful. Fortuna at some point had put together a replica egg that she captured Tangent and Thumbtack’s curiosity with. The swings didn’t quite stop however, but everyone seemed willing to help Jinx learn more about being friends. When we stopped in Stratham, Jinx picked up honey and feathers and mentioned something about friendship. I wasn’t quite sure what she was intending but I’ll continue to keep a close eye on her. There’s still plenty of chance this is an elaborate ruse on me…   Before all of this egg business was brought to life, I’d already talked to Ping Wing about custom creating an artifact for Jinx, and somewhat conveniently now it served as a great chance to earn points with the lass… points that were swiftly doubled with Ping Wing giving me another gift to present her, one that would keep the egg shrunken into some sort of extradimensional space. It took me a couple of explanations to understand it and know it’s safe but Jinx got the message instantly and cashed in those points I’d just earned. This party truly doesn’t know what she’s capable of… though some secrets and risks are well worth their reward. It was then just as convenient that the next day flocks of red-eyed ravens accosted us on the deck of the airship. Every one of them turned into clearly demonic beings of some kind and while half were kept busy, the other half were keen on snatching Jinx up! And as she was being carried away, another managed to get a good hold on me. I was drained and exhausted and unable to get there in time though the party was. As Jinx was set free she used divine magic to take on a demonic, winged form. My heart had already been racing seeing her get flown away but watching Jinx and Ophie rise up from the side of the ship embracing each other nearly took my hooves out from under me.

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