Session 19 Report

General Summary

That was an incredibly close call. What's the point of planning things out if they all fall apart once shit hits the fan? My plan was a simple one to keep my cover as Buckback's new hired muscle, but that went teats up as soon as I saw Fire Heart. She's a fellow Bannermane, and a personal friend of Dr. Amden's. We can't risk losing her, so I had no choice but to dispatch of the Hazel Lady's crew. Thankfully Grot and Tangent were on the ship with me, and once Fire Heart was freed we made quick work of the crew. The ship was ours. We gathered what intel we could and made for the escape boats. Those of the crew left unconscious were pulled along with us. Fire Heart got us out of the blast radius quickly. The alcohol mixed with gun powder made short work of that massive Galleon. Why anyone would store so much powder in one place is beyond me. With the Hazel Lady erupting into a massive fireball and sinking quickly, I cut the rope to the crew's life boat and we began paddling away. I made the call that we should make land outside of town. Everyone in Dakalia likely felt the explosion and saw the fire on the ocean. We can't risk being seen. It took some time, but we all made it safely to shore. I pulled the boat out to deeper water, and sunk it to cover our tracks. Fire Heart insisted we return to the High Rollers and tell the Mainstitch what had happened. We carefully scaled the walls next to the castle, and quietly made our way through the docks until we started seeing movement. We then moved through the residential areas until we came to the market area still bustling with activity. This city never seems to sleep. We caught a glimpse of a red pony at the bow of the airship we arrived in. The airship and several other ships at the dock were heading out to sea, likely to search for any survivors. They'll find part of the crew who survived our attack in the life boat, but the Hazel Lady will be too far below the ocean to be found.   Once back inside the High Rollers, I decided to quickly reward Grot for her outstanding work by buying her a whole chicken. I scowered the entire kitchen, but all I could find were raw chicken legs. Grot seemed to help herself to everyone's chicken in the dining room which had been left empty. She also took all the raw chicken in the kitchen. We'll pay for that later. We found the Mainstitch, he took us to his office, and he muted the room. We explained that our mission to infiltrate Buckback had failed, but we did manage to deal a fatal blow to his operations. He asked if we were responsible for the ship explosion, but we maintained plausible deniability by not answering his question.   The Mainstitch was distraught to hear the crew of the Hazel Lady had been killed or injured. He had done work with them in the past, and they had always put on the appearance of a professional business. The paperwork gathered from the Captain's Quarters revealed nothing nefarious. For all intents and purposes, the Hazel Lady and her crew seemed to be legitimate partners of Dakalia. Even the ledger showing the thousands of gold from Revenge of the Roc funding the ship is legitimate. There has to be something I'm overlooking. Something below the surface that I can't see linking Buckback to his criminal enterprise. He's certainly seems to keep all of his dealings well hidden. Were it not for the fact that Fire Heart was on board and prepared to be killed, there would have been nothing to justify our actions. At least the Mainstitch can see that our actions saved the life of a fellow Bannermane, and that the Hazel Lady's dealings weren't all legal.   While in the meeting, Cher Noble returned with dreadful news. Our mission was not without casualties. Bannermane Shabaka was killed in a horrible dog orgy that resulted in him drowning in dog cum! It seems outrageous, but Cher is without a doubt telling the truth. This is a sad day for one of our distinguished members to have died in such a humiliating way. May our memories of him never reflect the horrifying and degrading way he's passed from us. [Moment of Silence]   Cher brought news regarding Buckback. It turns out the Kara Priestess we met the day before had followed Cher and Shabaka to Dock 9. They had fought off some of the dock workers who tried to apprehend them, but were either killed or captured themselves. The Priestess wishes to meet with us and discuss how we can handle Buckback's departure. We went to sleep in the early morning hours and awoke later that afternoon.   I kept my eyes and ears peeled for anyone following us. With our cover blown, we have to be incredibly careful as we've made powerful enemies. We entered the Kara Temple, and were promptly greeted by the Priestess. She's fed up with Buckback's lackeys and whores coming to her for petty healing. The arrangement she's made with him isn't working in her favor, so she proposed we simply remove Buckback by killing him. Knowing that's an unlikely option, I made a counter proposal. That the Priestess assist in helping us bring down Buckback, and in exchange she takes over his dealings. Under the condition that the crime is kept under control and kept outside of Bleakburn. I also attempted to get Cher's hat back, but the Priestess is having her fun by teasing Cher. Cher's going to have to do some extra work to get her hat back.   The pieces are falling into place. The enemy of our enemy is our friend, and this friend has intimate knowledge of Buckback that could help us bring him down and have him shipped to Crimin Isle. Clarity, Buckback's #1, is on our side.

Missions/Quests Completed

Opened up Clarity as a possible contact

Character(s) interacted with


The Bannermanes
Report Date
26 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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