Session 127 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

From outside of the ballroom and in the city, Sarsaparilla could see, and feel, a storm centering around the ballroom itself. Great artifacts that we had all collected and brought together was starting to generate a literal buzz of magic and power. A stray bolt of lightning struck the top of the ballroom, and this odd purple lightning crawled towards Sarsaparilla, and up her hooves. From Sarsaparilla’s bag, her Necronomicon rose itself into the air. Sarsaparilla’s attention was drawn to it as more lightning made its way to Sarsaparilla, and the rest of the light in the room towards the book. Embracing the book, and its evil energies, Sarsy transformed right in front of us into a much more sinister version of herself. She accepted its power, she let herself become corrupted, and we immediately knew we had to knock sense into her. Phantom-like figures that we discerned were former victims that had attempted to handle the power of the book at one time in their past lives. If we didn’t do something, Sarsy would be next to join them! Combat was split between Sarsy herself, as well as her book, and the phantoms she had summoned. Hard hitting and tricky as you’d expect the Velvet Trickster to be, Sarsy evaded us for just a bit until keen eyes were able to spot her. As we fought, we could hear Sarsy struggling with herself, the better judgement within her fighting for control. We knew we had to be careful to knock sense into the mare without doing legitimate, lethal damage, and I tried to keep my aim on the book itself. The two seemed perfectly synchronous, and even shadows that had split from Sarsy were quick to return to replenish the mare’s energy. I suppose then I should have seen it coming when I stabbed the book through the eye with a flurry of electricity off the blade burning the pages, that Sarsy’s own eye was grabbed in pain as she let out a horrific screech. Before us though, we could see flickering visages of Sarsaparilla, a visible split between the evil entity, and the good Sarsaparilla becoming two. That evil entity took its leave, and stance for continued battle. It was ultimately Triple Sevens who broke the evil Sarsaparilla down, who then melded and morphed back into our Sarsaparilla once more where she was able to control the spirit within. She had power over herself enough to redirect that shadow and energy into the Necronomicon, which I had destroyed, to restore it. She told the book “Now, are we going to play by my rules?” to indicate that she had fully gained control over this book and its powers. A harrowingly amount of power to the rest of us.   With the dust settled, the storm clouds up above were still circling the ballroom. An ominous redlight was left to cast over the mirror. An ominous feeling with it as we could sense there was more trouble still to come… With one bolt of lightning to strike the center of the floor, a red kirin in a sleek black tux. The color of his scales resembled that of the ones I wore, which I had earned from slaying Heatfang. I knew immediately who this was, though I hadn’t been expecting him, of all creatures.   Morlog.  

Triple's Log

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