Session 86 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

With all of the living grafitti’s seemingly capacitated in the greenhouse and nothing left to threaten the citizens, we were able to all camp in the crowded museum. The next morning we were able to take time and think out our next plan of action among the many things we still have to contend with in straightening out Holbeck. There’s still 1 more necklace that could be used on the sword. There’s properly identifying the sword, there’s sealing it away, and figuring out how to save or what to do with these spirits. It was all honestly too much for me to comprehend or contend with, this has been a mentally tiresome trip and I’m more content on focusing my attention on Moon Planter and keeping him from handling the sword any longer. The whole day he seemed to speak oddly, out of sorts and the tone struck me in a way that makes it hard to trust any of his intentions. The thoughts of investigating Semitone’s tomb was agreed upon, and something about a canvas. I was more focused on getting tarp and rope to wrap up the sword. Ophie felt up to the task of handling the sword and keeping it safe. If that’s not a face I can trust then I don’t know what is. We also sent for the captain of the airship and got him to start heading our way. 3 days out. That should give us plenty of time to investigate the tomb and the city and to further plot our course of action. I felt rather harrowed going into the tomb, it was chilling venturing into something so sacred and historically important, almost surreal. Wicker Wind led the way with a strong attempt at painting Semitone with his lyre in honor, as paint could be seen all around the passage leading down and we didn’t want to end up in a fight. The tomb was very large, and the butterflies in my stomach only fluttered faster as we stepped in and felt heavier, like our wings could no longer carry us. Angel Scales served as the translator, and at least her voice helped calm me in a sense as I heard every hoofstep echo off the flooring around us.   The consideration of opening the tomb itself came upon us, and as I felt morally uncomfortable with it, others felt Semitone would want it to happen, if it meant leading to the benefit of the greater good. I decided to stay down.. out of principle and not because I tripped in my attempt to climb up. There were some paintings and other papers that they sifted through that I didn’t quite catch, but there’s a smart bunch among us. When we seemingly had all we could, including some ritual of helping to release the souls trapped in the paint, we sought to venture deeper only to find running water, wet paint through the cracks of the floor. The paint on Wicker Wind’s canvas told us that hadn’t already figured it out. We needed to run!   Just then a torrent of water and paint came gushing through the further doorways. We all raced to the entrance we’d come from, only to find it was closed! Everyone began frantically trying to beat away at the paint and wall while Wicker Wind bought us time with a well placed wall that built a dam for us and helped us get out just in time before anything serious happened. Up to the top of the tomb into the greenhouse, it seemed the paint had been seeping down somehow as if it were trying to help in some way, at least some are surmising as much. We’ve got to get back to the museum and sort through our info.

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