Session 51 Report

General Summary

Triple's Log

In a way, Kobolds are more scary than I thought. Really, anything that can attack you in your sleep is scary. So all things are scary. We're on our way to Wati, I don't really think I wanna go there, but I can't just run off now, because without... ugh... the spellcasters I'd totally be dead in this now red-dragon infested desert.   We got to this camp of Kobolds that was holding a hostage who's pretty important, because Seelah was being like: 'Oooooh, we need to risk our lives to save the prisoner. Because if we don't I will be mad and I will stab your eyes. Goddammit!' So we camped outside. I was on watch, and I saw them start grabbing weapons and speaking in some weird dragon tongue I don't understand. So I woke up Sister Ash. She was nice enough to do the watch for me.   Later, we woke up, learning that the Kobolds were snooping around really close. Sister Ash got the idea that she could transform into this big scary bat thing and that would scare the Kobolds.   We thankfully could hide in this invisibility bubble. Ord hated the idea and started to bury herself. That's the universe telling me I shouldn't like magic still, even if I'm getting second thoughts these days.   A few Kobolds attacked. We won. But the victory was short lived. Sister Ash started to fly over to scare off the remaining Kobolds in the camp and didn't work! Yes, somehow the gigantic evil flaming bat didn't manage to scare them off (well... I guess it kinda makes sense. where could they run to? It's a giant desert) Now the Kobolds are on high alert, and Sister Ash is far away. How was she able to do something so brave!? I don't get it, she has way longer to live than any of us and therefore much more to lose if she dies.   All these guys are so brave. Cher, Sister, and Sarsparilla, even with their powerful magic, still will go toe to toe with beasts way out of their league and still win. Ord and Swift don't even have magic and they're both really brave. Sarsaparilla was always pretty brave.   Can't think about it too much, I gotta sleep.

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