Session 55 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

After the dreadful fight with the Kobolds, and losing Ord, we sent word to the Captain of the airship to pick up Lisa. We found more Aetherstone inlayed into the bars of two cages, which we broke down and took with us. We waited 4 days, and sent Lisa on her way with the captain. We continued traveling north on the road to Wati. A Persian child was found next to the road upon the ground. It is dead, and being hovered over by vultures. Unknown how the child died. There is a giant scorch mark on its chest. During my watch, I noticed something moving under the sand toward a dead child we buried, but it quickly left. I was unable to identify it. We continued the next day, and walked up to a set of watch towers manned by Kobolds who were watching us, and listening to us play our instruments. We crossed the river, and camped for the night.   During the night, the camp across the river was watching us, but made no moves toward us. In the night, a young Sphinx was pulled away from his mother. The screaming could be heard as the mother tried to stop the Kobolds from taking her child. She was beaten, and the child went into a tent. The next morning, we heard the child being beaten and pulled out the camp entrance. The child was trying to get back to his mother, but was beaten mercilessly. The child ran away, and had arrows shot at him. Swift flew across the river, retrieved the child, and flew him back to us.   The child, named Abasi, was frantic, but eventually calmed down as Tangent healed his paw. Abasi gave me a card from a "psychic lady" in the tent. It read "Good Omen", and nothing else. He was given tea to drink, complained about his stomach hurting, and then flames erupted from his chest. The child was dead, and know we knew how the other child on the road had died. We stared across the river and prepared to attack.   The attack was a disaster. Despite being invisible, so many Kobolds were able to see Swift and I as we flew across the river. Swift and I took so much damage, and it resulted in Swift falling into the river, nearly drowning. With my own life barely hanging on by a thread, I did an about face mid flight, and scoop Swift's body out of the river. We fell back after facing an onslaught of magical power, and barely escaped with our lives. Ships with magical glyphs were sent across the river, and very nearly killed Cher as well. Our emotions were high, and our anger was burning hot. Hoof pointing and tempers resulted in personal insults, and attacks among the party. Swift came out of his coma, and encouraged us to step away and calm ourselves.   I took the time to reenter myself, and think of my own actions. I relied purely on the invisibility to protect me, and that very nearly got me killed. During my watch that night, a feint glow was coming from my armor. It was the card given to me by Abasi. It was glowing, and the words on the back of it read, "Where the land rolls in your travels, good fortune can be met." A symbol of a cogwheel in a train tunnel was identified by Swift and I as the Bannermane symbol of Golden Port. Golden Port is half a continent away from us. We figured that a fellow Bannermane is in trouble and trying to reach out to us in anyway possible. With no other leads, and no way to effectively attack the Kobold camp across the river, we decided to sneak out of the area, and head north to the low hills East of Wati.

Triple's Log

The fighting was over. Ord is now frozen inside Swift’s bag of holding. We called in the airship to bring back a pony the party saved named Lisa. The area was clear enough for that captain to come by. Lisa stuck around me and Shabaka. She was nice, she helped me draw.   I gave Lisa my 8-ball. Augh, maybe I shouldn’t have; something just came over me! But it’s fine, I get the feeling that its amazing power… whatever it is… will impress Duk enough to give her some bread to keep her fed while she’s there trying to find a more stable job. ---   We were on the move again. Eventually we arrived at what appeared to be a giant prisoner camp for the locals. All eyes were turning onto Sila. We knew that she wasn’t going to budge unless we saved the prisoners, and we were right.   I don’t wanna think about this next part. A young Pursian began to run from the camp. Swift, in a stunning move of bravery, ran to save the child faster than a wizard late to class and brought him over here. The child suddenly grasped his stomach, and exploded, a small slip of paper containing mysterious words on them floating into the air. Those kobalds. They did that. I don’t even know what to say. I know that it was brutal out here, but I wasn’t prepared for that. That’s gonna be in my nightmares for the rest of my life.   Overcome with anger, all those guys in the party began to fight. But the second Swift and Moon Planter began to fly towards the camp, the sky became ablaze with magic missiles striking Swift down. We had to call the attack off. What a relief. But Seelah was devastated, and got into a fight with Moon Planter and Cher. Her god was insulted point blank in her face, and she began to leave.   Me and Swift chased after her. Swift managed to convince her to at least talk a walk with me. Dunno why he picked me, he's way better at this than I am! But I sat with Seelah for awhile keeping an eye on that kobold camp.   Seelah worships a god that values freedom. So that’s why she was so insistent on never leaving prisoners behind. I told her my secret, and she told me that we were friends. She stayed. I’m happy.   There was something strange I saw down there. A pony that sat in a box and moved strangely and produced small slips of paper. That had to have been what. I have never seen such a thing. I wonder what she is.   The next morning, we decided to leave for now. Seelah managed to leave with us for now. I know it’s very hard for her.

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