Session 33 Report

General Summary

The task of convincing an ancient dragon to do something it wished to not do seemed an insurmountable challenge. To move the mind of something that moves the land with every step. Whose breath caused hurricanes, whose smoke blotted out all light in the heavens. A creature of stone and fire who lives in a world of paper and ash. For what could our words do for such a creature? Why would they waste the time to acknowledge us? I fear not death but having thrown my life away for something so pointless. I’ve met one ancient dragon in my time, none survived none tried to run. The dragon dispatched all who had come to its territory not as a fight or with malice but as a chore. As simple as one stepped on an ant he ended the lives of dozens. We searched for the cave of the childish brass dragons’ mother, sailing over a great fog, from which a ship has never returned. Only to see the tail of the great beast peak above its grayed surface. People contemplated if it was The Ancient but I knew better. That ancient would be able to swallow whatever that was whole.   We eventually found an opening that seemed to be the cave of the massive entity. But it felt off. Different than the one I knew of. Smaller… with a much less ominous presence. I oozed a sickly-sweet smell of flowers and other vegetation from a well-kept garden wafted across my nose. It’s very presence in stark defiance of the cruel weight of the creature that is said to call this place home. We departed our ship to trekked inside, I had thought to prepare my invisibility or to prepare some other spell but, I felt not the overwhelming presence I did once before. This creature didn’t emit the nearly suffocating sense of power and dread that the other ancient did. Was it my own hubris? My own undeserved sense of confidence that kept me from realizing my own mortality? The childish dragon had said there would be no harm to come to us here, and that could be very well but an ancient that doesn’t make you pay with something be it your life or your sanity is unheard of. As we made our way in the side, we saw a pool of lava in the cavernous cave, and from the pool a large brass dragon emerged, the lava dripping from the scales as they did. They affixed us with their reptile eyes. And spoke, in the voice of an overbearing mother.   Something I could not wrap my head around. She was the complete opposite of who I had imagined would be here. My fears and a little bit of my hope were crushed. She was a mere joke of the title ancient. She had used her cobalt’s to accommodate us with seating’s, though many opted to wade in her pools of water on either side of her to combat the heat from the lava. She was a simple creature, intreated in two things. her son, and the secrets that pony held in their hearts. To earn her trust, one by one we offered up some secret to her using a transmutation circle that would force the person who enters to only speak the truth. Some were benign, others much more intriguing. Eventually, we needed to complete the job we set out to do. Convincing this overbearing mother to stop doting on her son and to leave this place. It seemed though we didn’t have to do much convincing, she agreed to move in near her husband. As long as we traveled with her to the lands and arranged for her garden and other things to be transported as well. It was a small and reasonable ask. We however had not the pots for her plants, and under her insistence, we are going to camp weed horse to procure the pots to better keep her plants alive during the long journey. She's certainly not what I expected but I suppose being alive is better than the alternative here.

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