Session 24 Report

General Summary

Tangent's Log

We stabilized Shocker and Moon Planter, then Cher stole some green gems. We explored the other branch of the mines, and Cher tripped exposing a gem falling out of her pack. We tried to leave the mine. We met a pirate Bannermanes at the entrance of the mine. We went back to the High Rollers with Shocker in tow, and met Tabu. Cher tried to play a prank with charcoal on Tabu, sleeping, but got sneezed on. Shabaka and Cher pretended it was a part of her culture. Tabu woke up and soundproofed the room.   They then revived Shocker and began to interrogate her. Moon Planter got a wet blanket and began waterboarding her but then Shocker revealed she had a suicide pill in her mouth. I got into the pool to distract her and Moon Planter knocked her out with nonlethal damage. We started asking her about Buckback, she said he was a charmer with a cane. They continued to torture her, and Shocker began crackling with electricity, even on 1 HP. We all rested for the night, and I cast Zone of Truth on Shocker then Shabaka shared a memory with her, when Buckback hired her. Moon Planter offered Shocker the option of dying or going to jail instead, her contract incomplete. We turned her over to the guard.   Then Cher visited the church of Kara and had the geas remade on her wives. Cher also got her hat back from Clarity. We let Taboo know that we're leaving town on airship soon and Moon Planter gave the key to him to return to the southern mine and there's a shorthooves that will be excited to get it.

Moon Planter's Log

I regained consciousness in a daze. Everything hurts. That bastard really did a number on me. It's all we could do to survive. Somehow we pulled it off. This Sphinx named Shocker is still alive, but just barely. Tangent and I built a gurney for her, and we drug her out of the mines. I opened the door, expecting to find the guards there waiting for us. Instead a blue Pegasus wearing a tricorn hat and sporting a Bannermane's badge greeted us. He claims to be part of the Bannermares, a fraternal order. I didn't know they were accepting males into their ranks. We had to teach him the proper salute, but at least he's not as clueless as the Bard who paired up with us earlier. I suppose we'll have to bail him out of jail before we leave. We returned to the High Rollers and found Tabu. Tabu sound proofed his bathroom, and ordered us not to make a mess. Tangent grew some healing berries, and we resuscitated Shocker. She was fully tied up but showed no fear. I placed a blanket over her head, and dipped her into the water. The blanket soaked, and she began gagging. I let her up, and the bitch had a smile on her face like she was enjoying it. Shocker won't be easy to break, but everyone does eventually. She showed us a black pill hidden under her tongue, and she threatened to swallow it and kill herself. During a distraction, I knocked her out and took the pill from her mouth. Tangent did a cavity search despite the entire party volunteering. Nothing else seemed to be found on her, so we force fed her another berry and continued the interrogation.   A series of questions mixed with coercion started to break her. Shocker is more dangerous than she lets on. Even tied up, she managed to created an electric current that nearly killed me. I leapt out of the water just in time, but wanted to continue. After objections from my party and the Mainstitch himself, we ended the coercive techniques and decided to sleep for the night. I took first watch.   We woke the next morning. My body is still stiff, but I can walk this off in a matter of days. I've had worse injuries than nearly dying thrice in the span of 1 minute. I just can't think of any examples right now. The party agrees that we need to change our strategy. Shocker was given a prisoner's meal of bread crust and water. Then we resealed a room, and started our interrogation anew. Tangent cast Zone of Truth, and our newest Bannermare Swift Sail did most of the questioning. Shocker deflected most our question, but gave very visible queues when we started zeroing in on the truth. She was sweating and looking more terrified with each question. Even going so far as to cough up blood. Shocker has a Geas placed on her. Moon Princess damn this spell!   I called on Shabaka to share memories with her. She consented. The revelation of what we found did nothing less than confirm my suspicions. Buckback sent us on a wild goose chase. We were meant to find the key, and get trapped in that mine. Shocker is under contract to kill us, and will remain under the Geas until she does. Buckback fled and ordered her to find those who are trying to destroy his business and kill them. Buckback paid her a bag of gold, and she used it to hire another assassin. All of this was a waste of time that nearly got us all killed, but we don't die easily. Buckback at least has been removed from Dakalia. Shocker was in tremendous pain, and considered killing herself. I told her she had a choice. Either die here, or go to jail. Crimin Isle would keep her good company. She pulled out a coin and flipped it. I called tails in the air, but it landed on heads. She chose to live. Fair enough, she's of no further use to us, so we gave her over to the city guard.   It's time we leave this city behind us, and locate Aetherstone. Cher and Shabaka left to deal with the Kara Priestess, Clarity. I touched base with Tabu and informed him we were traveling to Weldstone. I gave the southern mine key to him so it could be returned to the Shorthooves left to look over it. Tabu didn't know the whereabouts of Fireheart, our Kirin Bannermane we rescued, but he believes she'll find us in time. I gave my final salute to our Mainstitch and bid him farewell. On the way back to the airship, I found a copy of The Flat Truth and started reading.

Character(s) interacted with

Tabu, Clarity, and Shocker

The Bannermanes
Report Date
12 Mar 2021
Primary Location

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