Session 96 Report

General Summary

  Harry Potter Theme intensifies  

Planter's Log

Ping Wing walked us North through the city. He pointed out the flags of different houses like a tour guide. What caught my eye the most was a glorious tree called a World Tree. This one in particular is named The Elder Root. I had only read about them, but never saw one this close before. For being only a few centuries old, it still spanned several hundred feet up into the air. The Wildfire House had several planted and flourishing across the Eastern portion of the city. Behind them was a large forest covered in a thick fog called The Foggy Feywood. Ping Wing warned that only the Druids are permitted to travel through it. I'm very intrigued. We reached Ping Wing's dormitory, and it's protected by a series of paintings that require answers to riddles to gain entry. He answered correctly, and we went inside. A few steps in, and I heard the voice of Sarsaparilla. My ears perked, and ran in to greet her. She was just as surprised to see us. Sarsy was enjoying tea with Triple's mother. I keep forgetting her name, but she doesn't seem to mind being called Triple's Mom. Sarsaparilla informed us that she had taken on work as a guard, and had become very bored. She'd been lackadaisical in her duties, but no one has seemed to notice.   I pulled Sarsaparilla, Swift Sail, and Jinx to a private room, and we informed her of Swift's egg, and how Jinx needs to reach safety. Unfortunately, Sarsaparilla's underground connection are linked directly to Buckback, so we can't use them to help Jinx reach safety. Disappointed that we couldn't use her help, Jinx told us that she intended to travel to Scaletip, and hide there. I know the Kirins are very particular about who they permit to enter their city, so it may very well be the best place for her. Swift agreed, so at least we have a solution at last.   We rejoined the main room, and I whispered to Sarsaparilla asking her to find out if Buckback was close to finding where Jinx was. She said she'd feel around. Triple had been concerned regarding whether his mother would be happy to see him. It turns out she had been waiting for years just for him to return. Hugs were passed around, and Triple's Mom was introduced to us. Sarsaparilla mentioned that someone was supposed to arrive at the prison the Raven Guard control, but failed to show. And more importantly, Babage the Necromancer's father had recently died in prison. I asked Ping Wing to take us to the Aerilon Mainstitch, but he says we'll do it tomorrow. Instead, he took us to get signed up for our classes.   We arrived at a relatively empty building, and signed up for classes. I signed up to learn Plant Growth, and Death Garden. Both are rituals. Professor Voltach is my teacher. Ping Wing invited us out for drinks which we enthusiastically agreed to. Fireheart joined us. Swift reminded me that I don't need to just think of her interests for dates, but I should share mine as well. I'm planning a picnic for us later. We arrived, and Ping Wing ordered us drinks that make our heads inflate. I didn't feel any affect, but the heads of other popped and regrew. Apparently this bar is ran by Alchemists who prepare strange effects.   We started to order another round, but I asked the bartender to prepare the weirdest drink he had. The liquids were passed over a bunch of pipes, and the liquid turned into a starry sky. It's simply called, The Juice. The Juice sent me flying through galaxies. Landed on a planet. I skid across the forest into a foggy location, next to a body that looks like mine. Several tribal assailants attack me, and I kick their asses. I find my target, and chase after him. I teleport through the forest to a green house, and I find myself surrounded by gold. Then I wake up next to Fireheart hanging from a tree.   What a wild ride that was. We went back to the dormitory and slept. The next morning, we got up early and attended our classes. Ping Wing showed me the way to Professor Voltach's building. It's surrounded by thick woods, and brush. A dirt trail lead to the professor's classroom, but I decided to go off trail. Immediately, I heard a whispering in my head telling me to stay to the dirt path. I ignored it, and chose to take a direct path. I spent my formative years in the forest, I'm not shy. A large carnivorous plant attacked me, but I leapt out of the way. I teleported myself to the entrance of the classroom, and stood before Professor Voltach. He does not speak. He only communicates through telepathy. He told me I have much to learn.   His methods are strange. My first day of class didn't cover anything regarding the rituals at all. It was all about the history of positive energy spells, and then a comparison of positive and negative energy. All of it through telepathy. I don't know why any of this is important, it seems like a waste of time. All I could do was write down everything he told me.   We rested, and the next morning we traveled to speak to Mainstitch Ptolemy. I spoke to him about Babage, and what he's done since being expelled. I pulled out the cursed armor that created the Grave Knights, and turned it over to him. If the bounty for Babage is going to be increased to reflect the larger threat he poses, then we'll have to take it up with the Raven Guard. They're responsible for law enforcement in Aerilon. When I showed the vials of living graffiti, Mainstitch Ptolemy suggested a scholarship program. If we teach the ritual to the professors here, they can pass that knowledge onto selected students who will specialize in this kind of magic. Stockade agreed to fund the scholarship, and we'll place the vials into a safety deposit box to be extracted over time to free the souls. I have my concerns.

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