Session 94 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

Moon Planter had the idea to drop down and greet the natives in the northern continent and tell them they were safe from harm after we’d slain the dragon and rocs. Tangent must have had a double tap of caffeine in her coffee as she was jumping off the ship at a moment’s notice. That broom of hers maybe gives her too much mobility, though I can’t say she hasn’t been making the most out of it. It took us a bit to catch up but she was engaged in a conversation. She wanted to wait the rest of the day to help their wounded and sick and Ophie and the other medics were on board with the idea. I felt annoyed enough to peel my fur off… For selfish reasons I admit. I’m also frustrated for a number of personal reasons that I can’t run away from this time… I encouraged Jinx to join in the efforts to heal the sick. I couldn’t really follow because I was out of the tent but it seemed there was something else going on besides injuries that didn’t seem able to cure. Moon Planter and I looked over the dragon and found that it hadn’t taken good enough care of itself to harvest for scales—or more specifically to Moon Planter’s disappointment, it’s meat. Ord was hollering about some ethereal, spiritual entity or aura it had been giving off and we decided to push it off the ship.   The next day, every one of the casters that had been helping got sick. Ping Wing was freaking out over Duk and I was sharing my own concerns for Jinx… Jinx agh… of course she knew what this was and had to look guilty while telling me. Was it just a coincidence? Jinx is sick too. Or was this some cover? I HATE having to feel or even think this way. I don’t know what’s worth looking into but we do have someone good at investigating. This is a very powerful curse and a very testy situation…   The captain told us of these Goldenport graveyards and dump sites along the way. He suggested we could find something to help speed up the ship even if by a bit. That would be a great help and we unfortunately weren’t able to fully cure the natives given the strength of the curse, we decided to scavenge for a part (after defeating what was an incredibly cool looking Clockwork dragon) and make haste for Aerilon and a hospital.

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