Session 128 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

The kirin that arrived on a bolt of lightning confirmed his name to be Morlog. He stated his desire for Mea Pena Ki’i. We engaged in some small banter despite the high tension in the room. I was just a bit chilled by his presence but knew we couldn’t let him leave the ballroom and go into the city. Ophie was able to sneak around to the back of the ballroom to remove the fear that plagued Triple, Moon Planter, and Electra. The last thing Morlog asked us was what we would like him to tell our families, presumably after he kills us. Everyone knew what was coming, and as Morlog summoned a few of his goons, we engaged in combat. Morlog opened combat with a devastating dual strike that immediately singed my suit and left me bleeding and burning. My ferocious Jinx was unamused by his comment about families and death and gave me health and encouragement. Still, that was a wake-up call as I was quick to respond, but he was faster than most I’ve faced. We were immediately in a closely matched duel. A kiss from Jinx finally gave me the boost I needed to land my own devastating strike on Morlog to gain his attention. I could hear across the way that Ophie was laughing and taunting the various Threadrippers, Madame Fortuna casting and causing chaos, and Ping Wing summoning an unholy skeleton warrior to fight alongside. As the fight progressed, Jinx began to grow unnerved, though I hadn’t noticed until she started to grow labored in her breaths. I hadn’t noticed any spells or curses land on her, perhaps from our last fight with Sarsy when she went down? I was too focused on Morlog to ask, but not too long later, Crazy Eights came barging through the door of the ballroom, slamming it shut behind her. Bloodied and battered, she hollered over to Triple to announce that the game had changed. We were all confused. Until the door behind her opened, and who else but Senka Stargazer poked her head in?! I could understand then why Jinx was so distraught, and as if we didn’t already have our hooves full with enough! She had 4 thralls linked with her; I could recognize these as those dead souls from the first donjon we had entered where we fought Duk’s wailing banshee spirit. And now they were chained to serve Senka and make this encounter even more difficult! Senka declared wanting me, and since that aligned with Morlog’s intentions, they decided to work together on the spot.   Senka immediately made her presence known by drawing a glaive to strike Crazy Eights. A critical strike with some kind of enchantment that turned Eights herself into a sword! An admittedly terrifying scene, and as she picked it up, Senka looked at me with that coy, alluring tone. “Long time no see” she says, and I did my best to remain brave and composed with Jinx at my side. Senka made a b-line for me. I tried my own hoof at pleading with her insanity to help us instead, in exchange for me having a one-on-one with her after. I quickly turned attention to her, still with Morlog’s attention on me, and Senka’s quips quickly set Jinx off before Senka announced to the room she was Jinx’s mother, REALLY getting under Jinx’s fur.   Across the battlefield, everyone could see the company that had joined us. Triple instructed the rest to come assist while he finished off the Threadrippers in the back. Electra, and Ophie immediately rushed ahead as reinforcements. Moon Planter was right behind them and joined me in flanking Senka. Something I’m sure she enjoyed all too much. That’s when we learned that one of Senka’s thralls was a cleric, with holy symbols who began casting heals upon Senka and Morlog. It was Fireheart who was able to detect exactly what Senka’s glaive was: Vorpal. Capable of beheading anyone with a single swing. We had to be careful, and just a bit lucky. Meanwhile Senka’s thralls started to cause further mischief for our party. Vials and bats were being thrown and swung at me. A changeling punched Moon Planter down, and Tangent immediately followed at the glaive of Senka before the formidable succubus sauntered her way over to embrace me and kiss me in a way that stallions could normally only dream of being kissed—but this was a true nightmare, at least given the context! I’ve known for a bit now just where Jinx got her allure, ever since before Aerilon, but I refused to let myself be enthralled. Senka would have to be happy with just a kiss for now as I landed a normally fatal blow, but given the nature of who she was, and where she came from, she was merely sent back to hell for now. The blade that had been created from Crazy Eights as well as a tuning fork dropped behind. That at least seemed important, and I picked it up. Jinx—I had never seen so upset. Not even with her sister. After the kiss, rightfully so, she lost her temper and flared into a nirik. She threw her knife at one of the twerpy thralls and started commanding the room, really making her presence and anger known.   Triple continued to take care of business across the room with the Threadrippers, and Ophie adorned her halo to pick Moon Planter and Tangent back up. The tides had rapidly turned in the blink of an eye! Moon Planter joined me with the cleric, and we were both wonderfully inspired—battered and beaten but inspired to finish the job. The downed thrall gasped out to ‘help them next’ in reference to the rest of the thralls. Before we could do much else, Morlog let out a devastating flame breath that singed all of us, and if it weren’t for Ophie Tangent would have been burnt to ashes to narrowly evade death. The breath put me down as well as freeing one of the thralls we had been contending with. Ophie quickly picked us all back up before Fireheart leapt to confront Morlog and sliced him away with her blade. As he faded away, he dropped an Aetherstone dagger. There were 2 thralls remaining, which we did away with, freeing their spirits like the rest before starting to lick our wounds. Statues, plants, ceilings, and railings of the ballroom are ruined, but the lives of those in Kalidai are at least safe. Cammy came in after the fight to gather pictures of the ballroom, and one group picture of our triumphant party.