Session 132 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

Following the fight against the Lesser Death, our party felt the urgency to move on, and we immediately broke into groups. I’m traveling with Ophie, Electra, Triple Sevens, Madame Fortuna, Ord, Ping Wing, and Duk. Our first stop was Brashville where we often stumble into action. This time we found a bandit robbing houses, and 2 houses getting thrown at the bandit. Triple just managed to pull the bandit aside. From the commotion, a large mare comes storming out of a building. She is Haggis. She is Ord’s mom. And she seemed upset with her daughter. I couldn’t help but grin on and buy into the drama. Plus, we still had 2 days until the Node 7 was to meet us in Brashville. Haggis was quick to scold me on my ‘fancy smiles’. Overall, Haggis seemed to be critical of Ord in almost every way. Career and relationships especially. I did my best to vouch for Ord. Haggis didn’t even seem as bothered by her daughter being dead! In a panic, Ord declared that she and Triple were in a relationship to get her mother to think she wasn’t a lesbian. I must admit I was thoroughly entertained. Haggis made dishes of haggis for us, and during the meal she shared news of a nearby camp of ne’er-do-wells that had been stealing from passing inventors who were heading to Goldenport. Haggis shared that they got a hold of a linnorm and have been conducting powers with its blood. We decided to head for the camp right away, but soon ran into a small camp of gobbos. A group of them wearing Threadripper masks and playing what we thought were drums but instead turned out to be balloons came into view. One goblin approached with the head of a balloon. Smooth and inflated. Other gobbos harp on him for ‘getting ballooned’. We decide to approach peacefully. We learn that the Threadripper with the power of balloons is named ‘Hymn’. We requested to be taken to Hymn but the leader of this troop of gobbos refused out of concern that we’d get the power that had been given to him by Hymn. So, we challenged them to a duel which was over in literal seconds. We were able to outwit them to gain knowledge of Hymn and the Threadrippers’ location.   We realized how difficult tracking is without a ranger. Surprisingly it was Electra who led us on a short trek to find the cave where they were hiding out. There were a good number of Threadrippers and gobbos. Knowing this was the base of operations for the gang that had been attacking passing inventors, we sprung into battle. Much like the troop of gobbos we saw on the way here, the fight was simple. They were no match for us however their numbers were greater. That only served in distracting us long enough for one Threadripper to continuously pump what looked like an air pump from the back. By the time Triple and I got to him, it was too late and he was able to summon a large mechanical machine! Even more horrifying was the inflatable Cher doll in the passenger seat…

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