Session 126 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

Unsurprisingly, Buckback was quick to chase me away for a ‘chat’ following my thwarting of his plan, but I wouldn’t be shaken down so easily. We’ve all grown a lot since Wati, less susceptible to being pushed around. While remaining utterly fearless I instead brought up our mutual disdain for The Godfather, but he insisted we talk about that at a later time, but we should instead return to the party. Elsewhere, Moon Planter and Tangent were on the trail of the fake Eugene Mango, spying. They followed him down into an alley with an apparent dead end, but he seemed to disappear. It was /elsewhere/ where Triple, who happened to be in the area, was approached by Crazy Eights who asked Triple to tell Moon Planter and Tangent to leave her alone. Not listening, she made herself scarce as Triple got their attention and clued them in on the Mango they knew being an imposter at the start of the ball. Jinx and I finally made our fashionably late appearance to the after party where a crowd was excited to see us. All over a fashion show? Perhaps silly considering the legitimate heroics we’d pulled off months prior without nearly the same reception. It was just a touch odd the more I thought about it, but I didn’t care to think too long. I joined my friends at the private table they’d secured to enjoy the tail end of yet another rousing and fun day at the Crystal Ball. When Moon Planter ordered a ghost chili pepper treat, Belle Hop went into the back to prepare it, but was approached by the health inspector. Giving her one to try caused the kirin to run out breathing fire. Moon Planter had more success in handling the treat. All our kirin were next to try them, and I’m sad to say it seemed Jinx was the one that struggled. I’ve never been a fan of spicy foods me-self, but she was adamant that I try it next after handing me one. I HATE spicy foods.   Moon Planter continued to try and recruit Bronze Horn, the minotaur he’d been up against on the runway to the Brashville Bannermanes. Jinx and I had gone into the crowd to meet new faces and make ourselves more known. In the middle of it she pulled me aside to let me know the clock had gone off again, ringing ‘happy birthday’ and told her I didn’t know what to do about it at this time and managed to keep myself in better spirits for the rest of the event. I instead wanted to approach Koh-I-Noor at the party. I brought up bits of small talk and how I hoped the things that bothered her about this year’s ball would be corrected, and not repeated going forward, and that there shouldn’t be any gang related activity in the wake of the rejection of Eugene Mango’s fashion as the case usually was for rejected fashions of years prior. The rest of the party went off without a hitch, and we all went to bed in time.   Day 3 of the ball came with new editions of the Kalidaily. We met at Kaffe’s Corner once more to read the editions as a group. Soon after, Triple came walking in with Agent Six who we discovered was under some sort of enchantment that made her memory extremely short. Ophie casted a spell to give us a few moments of clear communication with the Agent before leaving her with Kaffe as we set off to the ball room where we feared the mirrorers weren’t all dealt with. When we arrived to the ballroom, we were met with a feeling of great magic and power inside, but no mirrorers. Ophie stepped onto the floor mirror in the center, and the floor almost rippled as if she stepped into still water. It continued to ripple until from within the pool, a draconic form rose. Another dazzling display was put in front of us as we were met with another crystal dragon that wasn’t Koh-I-Noor. This dragon revealed himself to be Lord Sorshen, and the mirrorers who had been attacking the ball were sent on his behalf to collect the Mirror of Sorshen which is in Koh-I-Noor’s possession, in her throne room. This is part of a ‘game’ they play as mates, though he is adamant about getting it back. This mirror is a part of him, a missing part… I’ll truly never understand draconic relationship dynamics and I hope mine isn’t as complex with Jinx down the line!   We learned that many hundreds of years ago it was Morlog who gave Sorshen the power to create his own army of mirrorers from his own shards. An odd point when it’s considered that chromatic dragons are usually at odds with metallic dragons. Sorshen also revealed that he could smell the powerful artifacts we had brought to the ball. We were trying to discern where a threat to this city was coming from, just to learn that it wasn’t Sorshen but those artifacts we wielded. It attracts others who can sense their great power. He named Senka Stargazer as one who was so attracted, and my eyes went wide. That could be trouble… Otherwise, Electra made a magic promise to Sorshen to resolve this dispute between the crystal dragons and see he get his mirror back. He also promised to reveal the identity of The Godfather in exchange for his mirror. We hatched a plan to bring Koh-I-Noor and Sorshen to the Sovereign Dragon, the wisest dragon among them all who sits atop Motif Mountaintop to resolve this dispute where we’d fairly represent both dragons for an honest arbitration trial, as he despises bias. When we get around to it, Electra will represent Sorshen, and I shall represent Kaffe. Sorshen also notes that once mirrors split from his body, he does not control them. An explanation as to why we’ve seen some being more nefarious than others and doing more than just going after the mirror.  

Tangent Nights

In the exclusive circles of the Kalidai elite, wealth is relative, and art is the currency of the truly affluent. Last night, a gem in this game of extravagance - the famous "Tangent Nights" - found its way to the coveted walls of a new home. The gilded halls of Krystal Ball's auction house echoed with gasps as the final gavel struck (though honestly could have been louder had it been held by someone… perhaps a bit bigger than the gavel itself), and the painting, a kaleidoscopic testament to avant-garde expression, was sold to the highest bidder.   As the glitterati of the Kalidai world watched with bated breath, a breathless bidding war unfolded between two patrons: A Pimp Named Buckback, a staple figure in high-value art acquisitions, and Lisa Pastel, a newcomer to our exclusive circle. Those in the know had their money on Buckback, the infamous Dakilaian high-roller with a pension for getting whatever he puts his money towards. However, the wheel of fortune spun unexpectedly in Pastel's favour.   Lisa Pastel, an enigma until last night, showcased her mettle and surprised us all. She outbid the insurmountable Pimp, securing the masterstroke 'Tangent Nights' with an audacious final bid that left the auction room in a stunned silence. The murmurs of intrigue have since rippled through our prestigious enclave, sparking heated discussions over lavish brunches and opulent cocktail parties.   Many have speculated about Pastel's mysterious emergence. Where did this formidable lady amass such wealth? How could she stride into Krystal Ball's auction and outbid a seasoned player? Her unassuming elegance stood in stark contrast to her ruthless bidding style, which was as bold and surprising as the painting she now owns.   What is clear is that this newcomer is far from being a passing phenomenon. According to a trusted source, Pastel has been making her own mark on the glittering echelons of the Kalidai elite and promises to shake up our little world of excess and indulgence.   "Tangent Nights," a symphony of orange and blue, has been the talk of the town ever since Saint Tangent put her paints to canvas. Its mastery lies in its defiance of artistic norms, challenging the viewer's perceptions and teasing the mind's boundaries. Its elusive creator, shrouded in mystery and controversy, has crafted a masterpiece that transcends time and trends. The painting encapsulates an ethos that resonates with the Kalidai spirit - eccentric, extravagant, and forever evolving. Its no wonder that Purrsians and followers of the Sun King alike are all clamoring to have her work blessing their temples.   In a world where your net worth is directly proportional to the exclusivity of your art collection, Lisa Pastel has undoubtedly established her stature. And so, the baton has been passed to a new generation. Let this serve as a wake-up call to the stalwarts of our society. The tide is shifting. It is, after all, an exciting time to be part of the Kalidai elite.   As we raise a toast to Lisa Pastel's audacious conquest and the future that awaits us, remember, dear readers: In the world of art and the Kalidai elite, the only constant is change.   Yours in opulence,   Pearlescent  

Unveiling the Apex of Fashion

Greetings to the fine citizens of our grand city, this is Koh-i-Noor, your faithful crystal dragon. As the custodian of elegance and panache, I am excited to announce that the anticipation will soon be over. The awaited decision for the "Best Fashion of the Ball," an accolade coveted by both the well-heeled patrons of our great Kalidai society and the fashion enthusiasts of our city, will be revealed in the second edition of the Kalidaily today.   Fashion, dear readers, is more than just cloth and thread—it is a language, a conversation that reveals much about our society's evolving tastes and values. And nowhere is this conversation louder or more dramatic than at the esteemed Krystal Ball. The vibrancy, the innovation, the audacious elegance exhibited at the Ball has been nothing short of a breathtaking tapestry of creative expression.   Our dazzling Kalidai elites, always keen to make a sartorial statement, did not disappoint. Their ensembles were the epitome of glamour and sophistication, a showcase of the best that the world of fashion has to offer. But remember, it isn't just the glitz of precious gems or the sheen of exotic fabrics that determines the aforementioned title. Oh, no! It's about the allure of individuality, the panache of personality, and the harmony of style and substance.   I'm happy to see how many of you every year have also been swept up in the creative fashions that come out of our city's unique events. I have seen your keen interest in the opulent designs and innovative styles that grace the Krystal Ball, and of course, I will continue to encourage you all to be as expressive as your dreams would allow you.   As the crystal dragon of our beautiful city, I am committed to fostering an appreciation for the artistry of fashion in all our citizens. After all, the heart of fashion beats within all of us, irrespective of the weight of our pockets.   So, await with bated breath as I share my decision with the world. Prepare to be inspired, to gasp in awe, and to applaud the individual who claims the title. Whether you are a connoisseur of haute couture or an everyday fashion enthusiast, the second edition of the Kalidaily promises to bring the grandeur and the grace of the Krystal Ball to your doorstep.   Until then, keep your passion for fashion aflame. Remember, in the world of fashion, everyone is a star waiting for their moment to shine.   Fashionably yours,   Koh-i-Noor