Session 61 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

Tripple returned later that night, and brought in the other Bannermanes. With them were 3 Kobolds who revealed themselves to be Jinx, Misty, and Buckback. I was filled with anger at seeing them. Buckback's smug ass sauntered in and began making demands of us. We're to kill Heat Fang, give him half the hoard, and stay out of his business. If that weren't bad enough, he's expecting us to willingly be part of a Geas ritual. He threatened to reveal our position and secret locations in Wati to Heat Fang before he removes himself. I hate the way he's forcing the situation, and I want to take him out right now, but after a long deliberation, we decided to go along with it. We'll have access to Buckback's black market, and his underground connections. While this prevents us from tearing down his criminal empire, it also prevents Buckback from working against us. "A Pimp Named Buckback, the whole reason we started searching for you to begin with is because your workers were shaking down a local tavern. They lead us to you. Do you endorse that kind of behavior, and if not, would you be bothered if we put a stop to it?" He explained that his goons are collecting debts for him. As much as it frustrates me, I have to admit that Buckback isn't our enemy. He's a vile scumbag, but we have bigger threats to focus on. I reluctantly agreed to it.   For the next several days we laid low, as the Geas ritual was performed on all of us present. Jinx and Misty assisted Ping Wing in setting up the teleportation circle. We traveled to Bleakburn to inform Dr. Amden of our progress and Ord's death. Dr. Amden was besieged with paperwork as he's quickly evacuating an entire city to safer areas. He finally read my researched and believes the 4 Horrors are coming back. After ignoring me for several days, I'm relieved he finally started taking it seriously. I hope these ponies are going to be okay and we can save as many as possible.   I told Dr. Amden about the Bannermane's demise and how Main Stitch Shen was turned to stone. I expected him to be more concerned for his old friend, but he only rolled his eyes as this has apparently happened several times before. I asked Dr. Amden if he had any instructions for us moving forward, but instead he said something I never expected from him. He told me that I'm one of the few Bannermanes he trusts to get work done. I was humbled, and didn't know how to respond. I merely said, "Yes, sir." I know I couldn't have gotten to where I am without the other Bannermanes beside me watching my back, but I feel emboldened to continue fighting for the city of Wati, and bringing this bastard Heat Fang down.   Regrettably, neither Ping Wing nor Eugene Mango have the knowledge on crafting upgraded runes for our weapons and armor. It would require traveling to Aerilon and learning from the master wizards there. I hate we won't be at full strength, but we've managed to overcome hurdles by working together. We'll find a way. Duk was a busy pony when we arrived in Bleakburn. She was preparing bread and directing a horde of delivery Gobbos. Most of the city was being directed to the airships and being taken to Basin Sage for protection. Duk and a few other have decided to remain in Bleakburn and do what they could in the defense efforts. She's requested to become a Bannermane herself, and I think she's earned it for her work in Weldstone, as well as being brave enough to help everyone. When we deal with Heat Fang, we'll have a ceremony for her, and start training her properly. She's talented but not nearly strong enough to tackle the bigger challenges like we currently are.   Buckback had intel for us when we returned to Wati. He acquired a map of an underground sewage system that ran under the water and lead to one of the other pyramids. We carefully made our way there, and entered a flood chamber, all hidden from Heat Fang's view.   Once inside, we quickly learned there are several moving mechanisms that are responsible for controlling the water flow. Several valve openings, moving cogs, and shining crystals are scattered throughout the interior. Through experimentation, we followed a pipe, flooded rooms, nearly drowned, all in the span of a half hour. A room full of electrodes that shoot lightning nearly had us stumped, but through experimentation, we found a way past them. Automatons were guarding a room and I nearly set off combat by having to lie my way past them. Eventually, we set off alarms, and buzzing drones came and began fighting us. The automatons came out of the room, and we quickly dispatched them.   In the next area, several flooded chambers nearly had us stumped, but we knew the pipes were following lead to the end. We became separated from each other, but quick thinking kept us from dying, and we regrouped. We discovered the rooms could be accessed individually, but not all at once without the waters flooding every room. Once we made it through that, we came to a final room were a strange machine was located. Some kind of refinery, and an oil pump that brought a black sludge to the surface.   The refinery turned it into a clear liquid with powerful fumes, so we collected some of it. We pushed buttons, and alarms sounded, and 4 automatons came out of the floor. A massive one faced Cher, I quickly stepped in between them. The 3 on the west side of the room were targeted by most of the party, and the massive one was focused by the rest of us. I'm grateful Wicker Wind was there, because this creation was one of the most devastating enemies I've ever fought. Its weapons cut me deep, and I barely was able to cut through its armor. Wicker Wind healed back all the damage done to me, but once we surrounded it, it began shredding all of us. It was hard fought, we beat it. Now we have to discover what else this pyramid built by Crucible has to offer.

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