Session 121 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

  Before we left Kaffe’s Corner, I brought up to Fortuna that the mysterious clock she’d given me rang out to tell me ‘Happy Birthday’ last night at The Succubus. She paired that by giving me a cupcake to go with it, and told me Happy Birthday in that same robotic, deep, almost demonic voice she gave me that bad fortune with. I did not like that one bit, or the fact that she immediately denied it after her voice changed back. Something is definitely up with this steelheart. She is playing dumb and playing oblivious and it’s pissing me off!! I’ll get to the bottom of it AND this birthday prank… I immediately pulled Fortuna out of the restaurant and through the grapevine found that The Kirin of the High Rollers branch had knowledge of Clockwork technology. He took a look at Fortuna, and the chip, and determined there was nothing wrong with the chip, or the way it integrated into her system. The chip came from Goldenport and aligned with Crucible theories. I got no answer as to why her voice went deep and eyes went black. Frustrated, I decided to go for a walk. On my walk I learned some gossip of Nettlekiss and Magnifique having a bit of a rivalry as designers, and Misty getting her outfits from Nettlekiss.   Elsewhere in session, Triple Sevens found a scrap of clothing on a bush in the park that he sensed came from Lisa. He brought it to Belle Hop as his concerns and suspicions of not having been able to find her continued to rise. Belle Hop could ascertain that it was a clean cut, no signs of struggle. Ophie sent a sending to Thumbtack to ask him for information, which he wasn’t willing to give up. He mentioned that Lisa was hiding, and we could meet them at the auction. Triple let the issue go for now, thinking there was a plan he was yet to know about. They decided to take an early trip to the auction where they found a pre-arrangement of various objects for auction, including one of Tangent’s own paintings: Tangent Nights. The auction master on the plaque read ‘Pushpin’.   From there the party decided to finally go to the ballroom to face the lone Mirrorer. I caught up with them right before and re-aired my grievances for Fortuna. Ophie and Electra helped calm me down and we went on. We realized that the ball room had an infinity mirror for the floor ceiling, hence the Mirrorer repeating itself. He was sad that we destroyed all the other mirrorers, that’s what he was singing about. Electra and Belle Hop go out to find a smoke machine and find Magnifique who points them in the right direction. Tangent decided to start pulling me, and Jinx, over towards the Mirrorer playing the piano. We start talking, and he starts weeping about missing all his friends that we had destroyed on the first day. He identifies himself as Translucence. His mirror looks to be more see-through. Closer to glass. Part of his tantrum was wanting the Mirror of Sorshen, and being upset that Koh-I-Noor wasn’t giving it up to him. He was essentially being a crybaby brat, and I had little patience for his kind. Electra thinks we should talk with Koh-I-Noor again after this Mirrorer mentions something of someone being in the mirror.   Belle Hop took the opportunity to question Translucence about the robots, and missing ponies. She learned that those who chose to do away with their flesh and become Mirrorers had their fur put over the robots. Translucence suggests that they attempted to frame Old Bird Baxterson. Meanwhile there’s still ponies that have been going missing since the start of the ball, but he doesn’t know where they are. I don’t know. I was getting annoyed by his crying, and it wasn’t helping my bad mood so I left early. I at least had Jinx, and she was trying to help me get over my annoyances, bless her. This shit really has ruined my party, especially when I know I only have a limited time with Jinx before we have to split off so she can watch over our egg.   Tangent turned on the smoke machine, and all but 4 of the Mirrorers faded away. We decided it was time to take Translucence to see Koh-I-Noor with us. Outside of the ballroom we saw Magnifique who asked Jinx and I to join her in an hour or so to meet an expected arrival. Meanwhile Ophie noticed Cammy the kirin hiding in a bush, taking her picture. She waltzed right up and got a blinding camera flash right in her face for her troubles, deepening her rivalry with Cammy in the process. We get to the castle, and Koh-I-Noor is not there unfortunately. Translucence continued to mope, and I decided to pull Jinx back to the hotel to blow off some steam before we’d meet Magnifique. The party sent a Sending to Koh-I-Noor who confirmed she was not at the castle, and instead they go to the CIA to drop Translucence off.   Jinx and I eventually found Magnifique, meeting up with her at the entrance to the ball. She explains that we’re meeting Nettlekiss, the designer that we had met when we first arrived to Kalidai after our heroics in Wati. It was revealed that her sending me to Magnifique was a gesture of bad faith, as bad PR for Magnifique. As if I wasn’t good enough for her own fashion?? We watch her carriage pull up, Nettlekiss step out, and is immediately looking for me…  

Anon's Log


The Krinch Who Stole The Spotlight

Kalidai, a city known for its shimmering elegance and exquisite fashion sense, is holding its prestigious annual event, The Krystal Ball. As a photo-journalist for the Kalidaily, I have the pleasure of attending this glamorous affair, capturing the most fabulous moments and outfits of the evening. However, amidst the dazzling crowd of stylish Kirins, one individual stood out like a sore hoof, casting a shadow over the festivities. I refer, of course, to none other than Ophie, or as I have come to call her, "The Krinch."   The Krinch, has been basking in the limelight, thanks to her association with the renowned designer Magnifique. But as the saying goes, "All that glitters is not gold." And dear readers, I've uncovered the truth behind the façade of this up-and-coming model. You're a mean one, Ms. Krinch. You've got glamour in your smile, but inside's a twisted soul.   As I roamed the ball, photographing and documenting the splendor, I couldn't help but take notice of the irony of her peculiarly twisted horn. Unlike a normal Kirin's horn, it twists around itself, and much like her horn, The Krinch herself seemed to be just as twisted.   Ever-present by her side seemed to be a strange book, which she clung to as if it held the secrets of the universe. It made me question whether this mysterious tome was the source of her peculiar attitude. Perhaps it contained the confessions of a heart two sizes too small? One could only wonder.   Even just moments before writing this article, The Krinch's sly behavior didn't go unnoticed. In fact, it was yours truly who spotted her lurking in the shadows, whispering in corners, and even jokingly mentioned spying on other attendees. The nerve of some Kirins! One could only speculate what kind of devious plans she might have been concocting behind that beautiful lie of hers.   After I, your humble photo-journalist Kammy, nearly became a victim of her lethal prowess, I couldn't help but wonder how such a beautiful creature could harbor such an icy heart. Some of you may wonder if perhaps I'm being a bit too harsh? "Is she really as bad as they say?"   Well Ms. Krinch, in case it wasn't clear, I wouldn't touch you with a 39 and a half-foot horn. One can only hope that the esteemed designer Magnifique sees the truth behind the lie before it's too late. I'll certainly take it upon myself to ensure she is aware during my interview with her at the auction later this afternoon.   Until then, stay sparkly and Happy Travels. Muah!   ~Kammy the Kamera Kirin  

Nettlekiss: The Fashion Visionary Set to Dazzle Kalidai

In the ever-evolving world of fashion, few designers have captured the hearts and imagination of the diverse denizens of Astillon quite like Nettlekiss. As the anticipation builds for her arrival in the bustling city of Kalidai, we delve into the creative genius behind this iconic designer, poised to challenge the reign of Magnifique.   Born with a talent for creating breathtaking designs that cater to various creatures, Nettlekiss has taken the fashion world by storm. From the majestic griffons to the ethereal kirins and the enchanting ponies, her versatile creations celebrate the unique beauty of each species. As a fierce rival to Magnifique, Nettlekiss offers an alternative to the functional apparel typically seen on adventurers, focusing instead on the art of self-expression.   Nettlekiss's upcoming showcase in Kalidai is expected to be a monumental event, as fashion enthusiasts from all over Astillon eagerly await the unveiling of her latest collection. Rumors are swirling about never-before-seen designs that promise to revolutionize the way we perceive fashion. If her past accomplishments are any indication, Nettlekiss is sure to deliver a show that will leave us breathless.   One of Nettlekiss's most notable achievements is her innovative approach to designing for different creatures. By highlighting their unique features, she creates bespoke ensembles that not only flatter their individuality but also empower them to embrace their true selves. Her dedication to inclusivity and diversity in fashion is a testament to her boundless creativity and vision.   As we count down the minutes to Nettlekiss's arrival in Kalidai, the fashion community buzzes with excitement, eager to witness the magic she is sure to bring. Mark your calendars and prepare for a dazzling display of talent as Nettlekiss makes her grand entrance in Kalidai. The stage is set for a clash of creative titans, and we cannot wait to see the innovative designs that will grace the runway. Join us in celebrating Nettlekiss's unique vision for a more inclusive and vibrant world of fashion!   ~Pearlescent

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