Session 54 Report

General Summary

Ord's Will

Tae mah bannermanes mukker Ah lae these objects behin'.   First an' foremost aw mah bunsens is tae be split equally amang th' team.   Cher gits mah 32 bottles ay booze an' mah boolderheid bock., main ye bevvy yerself tae sleep every nicht mukker.   Triple ye wee weasel, aam leavin' tae ye mah special daggers an' thes brass lug. Aam sure yoo'll pit them tae guid use, an' please start in believin' yerself a wee bit mair. Otherwise aam gonna come back frae th' grae tae scottish jimmy ye some mair.   Swift aam leavin' tae ye auld bessy mah precioos sword. she mauna be elegant but she gits th' job dain. adventurin' wi' ye has aye bin fin. Also yoo'll gie aw thee ay mah shrigma caps, Ah ken hoo ye loch yer hair an' aam sure these caps will probably mess them up, sae Ah ask ye tae wear aw thee ay them at th' sam fur at leest a week, they main be rottin' by noo but... nae backsies.   I'm leaving all my potions to Tangent and all my flayleaf to Sister Ash.   Moonplanter gits mah armur pieces, ye micht need tae gie a taylur fur it thocht. heel ye coods gie at leest fower armors roarin' fu'   Everythin' else, aam leavin' it tae shabaka. its nae much but yoo'll ne'er ken when yoo're gonnae need it.   Also if Ah die a pure glaikit death, loch slippin' in a bathtub, chokin' oan a porkchop ur god forbid trippin' oan some spikes. please please please fur th' loove ay god, teel a' fowk Ah died fightin' a dragon ur somethin'.   Peace ye bapit bastards an' guid luck, aam gonna fock aff in th' afterlife.  

Moon Planter's Eulogy

My fellow Bannermanes. Warriors, scholars, and friends. We are gathered together to witness the passing of one of the greatest among us. Ord hailed from the steadfast city of Brashville. A city more closely bonded together than riveted steel. A population who always rose up from the ashes, and kept building their city back stronger no matter the destruction that befell them. From this stock, Ord was born and raised. A mare who's size was only overshadowed by her personality and sheer tenacious will to succeed. Her battlefield prowess was always a sight to behold. She wielded her sword Old Bessy like a titan, and with it destroyed any enemy foolish enough to be caught in its swing. Never one to shy away from a fight, she charged head first into any fray, and stood strong no matter the odds. With her gone from our ranks, our hearts are pained. But our resolve is stronger than ever. Ord joined us in the midst of a dragon fight. I flew into the conflict not knowing the humor of her people. Thinking their town was on the brink of destruction, we fought with her against a Brass Dragon named Chauffeur. The battle was hard fought and won, only for the citizens of Brashville to come out of their homes in giant jubilation. They laughed and raised their voices in great joy at the prank they had pulled, and immediately set to work on rebuilding the burnt buildings. Ord herself was brought back to her hooves, and we began drinking her tavern dry under the din of cut wood, mortared stone, and songs of craftsmanship.   Ord's athleticism saw her leaping from a ship to crash through trees, and land upon the earth. Pulling us all, tethered together in a haunted Chateau, hurling a cannon at a monstrous beast, and cleaving the heads off of all manner of creatures. I will remember our times drinking and wrestling together. Though brash and at times cruel, her passion was to see us all succeed. Never again will there be one like her. She will be missed.   My fondest memory of Ord will always be our hoof wrestling match in the tavern of Weldstone. Ord was winning gold and drinking ale at a pace that would make a sailor vomit. One after another, she earned her respect. I stepped to her and challenged her. Daring to mock her by saying, "Shall I put some pillows on the floor so you don't hurt you head when I throw you to the ground?" The tavern erupted into mocking awe. Ord's massive hoof and mine clinched together, and I was promptly thrown to the floor. That was only the 2nd table Ord had broken that night. As my shoulder writhed in pain, I can barely recall her looking down over me and saying, "Oh, oh. Yeah."   The time we spent together at night, drinking and talking of home, lead to some personal shares. Old Bessy's hilt is crafted from the wood of the towering Redwood Tree. A tree that's long lived, and grows to heights no other tree can match. With this seed, I pray to the Moon Princess that its roots grow deep, and its branches high. Let it stand centuries from now as a reminder that our champion Ord stood tall, and never swayed from the side of her Bannermanes. Her companionship is a tribute to our history, and she will not be forgotten.   FOR TIMELESS GLORY!  

Triple's Sentiments

I tried not to cheer as we saw Sister Ash successfully got away. Her bravery and Drunkle's trap moving skills really are what saved us in the last moment. It looked like everyone got out okay, and drunkle was going to stick around! The party was ready to confront these guys head on and get back our captured equipment, and I had to come along to disable the traps again. There was a problem. Ord didn't want to go invisible. She hated magic. We managed to get in still thanks to swift carrying her in a bag of holding.   The fight was brutal, Ord just kept getting knocked out, and then getting back up again. I have no idea how such strength is even physically possible. Any other mare would have been cut to shreds. Even while in more pain than anyone deserves to feel, she refused to take any magic healing. Then, while getting up for about the 5th time, she stumbled and fell on a trap.   The potions wouldn't do anything anymore. Tangent couldn't help her even with her magic. She just laid there. I can't remember what happened next.   Later I found drunkle died. He fought to the very end.   I assumed she always thought I was a coward. I was wrong. I read Ords will. She never hated me, or anyone really. I don't know what to say. I realize can't just deny reality because I don't like it. Magic is powerful, and this world is just as dangerous as my parents said, I can't just assume what other ponies think, or I'm robbing them of their own voice.   Goodbye Ord. I won't forget you.  

Swift's Thoughts

I was amazed to return to camp and find every head accounted for. Triple had managed to get Shabaka and Sister free while I purchased Seelah. The kobolds were PISSED though, oh dear they were pissed. We gathered ourselves back at the cozy cabin and continued to recover and plan ahead. We didn't have much rest, the kobolds strapped a sling onto their ballista and began pelting us with quite literally everything they had from their camp. Scraps, wood, nails, scorpions, scorpions ON FIRE. It was entertaining after a while once we were safe and secure. Cher once again barred entry to her cabin from the boys, and I once again count the days until this bitch gets her comeuppance. At least the fact she clings to the hope that those 'wives' of hers actually love her and weren't playing her for a fool is a good laugh and crash waiting to happen. This is still the best paying group I could be a part of, certainly the one that will net me the most glory along with it. If we can pull this off, we'll be legendary. Approaching the camp was easy enough, we gathered around a sphere of invisibility and with the hilarious show of stuffing Ord into a bag of holding to transport her, we approached the camp. Triple started to disarm a few traps while we sat and waited. We waited until the time for waiting had left, and the time for war had come. We all leapt from our protective invisibility, fighting side by side.   Ord and Seelah were quickly surrounded and beaten down, but strong heals from Tangent kept them up. My head sat on a swivel as I watched the action around me and wove my way through danger. It became quite apparent that they were intent on putting Ord down and keeping her there. The party enacted some quick, strong thinking to support and keep her up, running interference on kobolds and some non-magical healing.   Zaps and swings and thrusts later, piles of bodies had collected. Among them were Drunkle and.. Ord. I've not experienced losing a matey like this in battle before. It was grim to say the least. Ord was a great lass, a fun companion, and a tremendous warrior whose skills and ability will be missed alongside her friendship. Heatfang will pay. He absolutely will pay.

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