Session 108 Report

General Summary

Triple's Log

Moon Planter, The Earthshaker

Living Life to the Fullest

Planter's Log

We decided to take a long rest, and let ourselves gather our strength. Triple and Swift objected, but it was necessary for our casters. I took watch, and noticed the pit traps outside began reforming. Fireheart learned the Dubious Donjon had elements of Earth and Ice within. I popped the bubble, and the hammer fell into water. We fell through, and landed in a massive ice field covered in Basalt, and Obsidian stones. A rumble beneath our hooves made me think there's volcanic activity and warmth under ground. I searched for a cave entrance, but found none. Only a large Obsidian stone rests in the snow. My Bannermanes did notice some stone moving. As we approached, eyes opened, and a large Earth Elemental stood before us. We surrounded it, and destroyed it quickly. That's one spirit freed. A 2nd Earth Elemental attempts to ambush Ord, but I saw it in time. We did heavy damage, but it moved through the ground into the giant block of Obsidian. Swift Sail attacked the Obsidian sitting on the ground. The massive stone rumbled, and the blizzard suddenly stopped. Fissures opened on the ground, and a Pyroclastic Avalanche stood over us. I expected something like we faced in Wati, but this one is even larger. I can't even see its entire mass. This is undoubtedly the largest enemy we've ever faced. We attacked in unison, and surrounded the creature.   Despite its size, we used our full talents, and hurt it. The impossibly massive creature charged over us, crushing us beneath its mass and heat. It began moving toward one of the open fissures. Swift Sail did his best to stop the Elemental, we continued to chip away at it. When it seemed we could bring it down, the smaller elementals began hurling boulders. The boulders melded into its body, and began healing it. Ord took Triple's Water Decanter, and attempted to solidify its molten body. It seemed to be working. I moved into position behind the Avalanche's ankle, and lifted my sword. It moved to trample us again, and I put my entire body into my swing. My Falchion came down, and sent out a mighty shockwave against its ankle. The stones cracked and split to the ground. Its massive bulk stumbled a moment to catch its balance, and it stopped before it could trample over us. Swift Sail saw his opportunity, and flew up. His hammer lead his downward charge, and split the Pyroclastic Avalanche in two. It fell to pieces, and its hammer created a crater as it impacted the ground. A brief moment of stunned silence passed. I shouted in Terran to the remaining Elementals, "Fight us if you must, but we will free you from this Donjon! You will be trapped here no longer!" I attacked one of the Elementals and thought I saw a tear fall from its eyes. One asked, "Why?"   With the remaining Earth Elementals destroyed, we searched the rubble of the Pyroclastic Avalanche, and found 3 lumps of Adamantine. I finally have enough to craft my Falchion in the image I've desired for so long. Now I merely need to search for a blacksmith capable of forging it. The hammer that was dropped was incredibly massive. Its mass was almost unbearable by all except Ord herself. She seemed to have molten lava course into her incorporeal form, but she felt no pain. She lifted the hammer, and struck the ground. The ground split open, and from it rose spikes. We took turns swinging, and to the same effect. That's we realized we possessed Wela's Warhammer. The legendary artifact wielded by Honua Wela, the Horror that formed the mountain range on the Eastern Continent.   This incredible Earth Elemental we destroyed was Honua Wela, one of the Four Horrors. I felt an incredible sense of pride as our fore father's enemy was finally destroyed. Swift Sail and I saluted each other. The Dubious Donjon began to fall apart, and I expected to finally be free, but I was wrong. A third Donjon awaited us. This one showed a red crystal gem that Fireheart identified as a Breath Gem used by Ancient Dragons to empower their breath weapons to greater destructive abilities. We tested Wela's Warhammer on the magical chains sealing us behind the mirror. They cracked, but we knew we needed to finish the Dubious Donjon before escaping. We stepped into the next area, and found ourselves in a massive hoard of all manner of coins. Swift Sail pocketed some coins, and we saw a raven staring at us. I attempted to tame the raven, but it flew off. Triple Sevens disappeared from view, and came back to inform us of more treasure further in. We moved together and approached the face of the largest dragon I ever could've imagined.   Two ravens with piercing eyes floated aloft, and overhead were hundreds more. I recognized the face of this monstrosity. It was 'Insheu Ahi. Its eye sockets are hollow, but the heat emanating from it could still be felt. My Dragon Amulet activated, and I could feel it protecting me from a Dragon's Aura. Fear swept over my Bannermanes, and a slithering voice rolled over us. It accused us of being thieves for stealing coins. Swift dropped the few out of his pocket he picked up, and we spoke for a bit. An unusual dragon slithered out of the eye socket of Morlog's corpse. It didn't attack us, and claimed to be placed here by Nevermore. I tried to see if it was lying to us, but I couldn't tell. Everything it told us seemed honest, but something was off. I had many questions. I asked about the Breath Gem, and it showed us a massive gem from inside the corpse's mouth.   The slithering dragon who refused to give its name kept thinking we were there to steal it, but I assured it we were there to destroy it. I named the slithering dragon Guardian, and frowned when it doubted us. It claimed we didn't have the means to destroy it. We called Ord, and showed Guardian Wela's Warhammer. It almost laughed, and gave us the opportunity to try. Ord's strike rang out, and thousands of coins launched into the air, creating a dust cloud. But the Breath Gem remained undamaged. Guardian then told us of five legendary artifacts that had been forged in Hell. Mea Pena Ki'i, the Adamantine Falchion which corrupted me, Wela's Warhammer, and Rime's Permafrost are the known weapons. Bloodlust and Lemniscate are the other two which we had never heard of. Nevermore's writings never discussed them.   I didn't back down from the Guardian's challenge, and ensured it we'd find the means to destroy the Horrors, and defeat them permanently. Guardian said I reminded him of Rime, always pursuing grand accomplishments without the means to do so. I demanded the Guardian tell us of how to destroy them, and he said the forge in Hell could, but didn't know where it was located, or how to reach it. Then it offered us a way out of the Donjon. This didn't set well with me as the rules of the Dubious Donjons were quite clear. We must capture the treasure presented to us in order to escape. During these talks, Triple Sevens whispered in my ear that another red gem had been found. I asked the Guardian about it, but it deflected my question. Then the crows began shouting as Triple stood behind the Guardian and shouted about not caring about Bannermanes. He was a thief, and refused to leave empty hooved. My ire was thoroughly raised, but before I could speak, Triple struck at the Guardian. We rise and fall as one. I hope Triple has made the right choice.   The fight was incredible. The ravens flying next to the Guardian were incredibly powerful. They struck us and caused terrible bleeding wounds. The Guardian used to horrible attacks to capture Triple. My instincts took over, and I flew to his aid. I flanked with the 2nd raven, and swung my Falchion with all the power I could muster. The ravens overhead screamed in boisterous cries. Despite my efforts, Triple fell. Tangent jumped to his aid, and used her powerful healing to bring him back to full strength. the Guardian became weakened as we fought in unison.   Swift Sail tumbled into position against the Guardian, and brought the dragon low with a perfectly placed thrust of his rapier. My Bannermanes dutifully fought the 1st raven which was crushed by Ord, and Triple told it to shut up. The last raven and I were locked in mid air in violent combat. A sword had manifested in its beak, and it was all I could do to land anything true. Fireheart jumped from the skull of Morlog's corpse, but the raven rolled away from her.   Swift Sail was a blur as he jumped from the skull of Morlog. He seemed to lose his balance a moment, but deftly recovered and landed the final blow. With the final threat removed, we barely had a moment to rest. A wind started to blow through the Donjon, and it began falling apart. Triple then placed the true Breath Gem in my hooves. I didn't look at it, but I locked eyes with Triple. Swift compared Triple to Cher for his selfish actions. Triple made it clear that he thought only of stealing something. This behavior needs to be corrected, but duty first.   I climbed to the Guardian who had a gem lodged in his head. I cut it out, and discovered it was a piece of Orichalcum. The two ravens we destroyed also had these gems. As the Donjon stripped away, the ravens kept cawing. Strangely, the coins fell with us, and we found ourselves behind the mirror. Looking at us are Babage, Cher, and copies of ourselves were starring at us from the other side.

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