Session 39 Report

General Summary

Sarsy's Log

Finally we are taking off from this haunting bad juju corner of Astillon. Some of us manes were thinking about convincing Mr Wreckingball to pay us early for moving his mother out, it didnt make too much sense to collect on unfinished work. what didnt help was Mommy Saddlebags insisting to see her son whom she has not seen in boo hoo only a week. Luckily our grumpy morning selves were able to convince her to stop being such a worrywart so we could abbreviate our travels by sticking to the shoreline. I grow sick of her antics frustrating me from my beauty sleep. Through the foggy skies we went, but no adventure goes "swimmingly on calm waters" or whatever seafaring phrase Swifty might say, since our lovely sky was so rudely interrupted by some stupid snake a sky snake carrying a cute little pony in tow, "heroes" that we are we must act! Luckily our nerds were reading their books good since my trusty arrows were making no progress on the alive status on our enemy. Bigbutt, genius that she is could have blown apart the thing right away by using the cannons in front of her, but she generates thoughts like dull flint makes little sparks. Ord THREW the whole cannon at it. Impressed as i am with her strength, we may need a doctor to see what truly lies between her ears. Swifty and his pirate-ness got him into a spot of trouble, it worried me so to helplessly see mr blue balls get chewed up like hors doeuvres at a buffet, Tangy regenerating his sorry flesh for the bastard to snack on. The pony riding the damn snake had some tricks of his own and was able to put significant slices upon its belly. Browncat's nerdyness finally bored the serpent all the way to the ground below, i dont want to have to thank him. It turns out our new friend is a familiar one to me! His name is Jackpot! well actually it's Triple Sevens, the lucky charm of the High Rollers! He's much newer to the rollers than a 10 year vet like me, but at least my seniority lets me tease him a little bit. It may have been a tease too far to pull his tail like a slot machine in front of his new friends but i just couldnt help it! his little horn is so cute and he's a little shy hes the perfect little brother for me to dote on. His magic tricks have seemed to turn into weapons in the time since ive seen him, so maybe i'll have to let up lest i incur his cute little wrath hehehe, i dont want to get soaked like swifty so often does. My older sister tendencies did make me throw away 50 of my gold to the whore-owner just so that she'd be nice to my lucky charm. Seems that Jackpot was making a pilgrimage to Scaletip, i cannot imagine why, but at least cher and Fireheart gave him enough information for his hopes to not dwindle. But not enough information to not want a refund...   Bluewhore and Browncat's headbutting made our leisurely cruise a below deck headache, so much so that Fireheart and her temper tried to tear them apart, but their heads might as well be chained together. Its at least funny to see greedycat become an ugly little sourpuss for 10 minutes, i can only pray to the unspoken to make chaos of Cher someday. as our days of travel went on, offboard we noticed an arguing couple, some glowy kelp?, and evidence of gobby fireworkings, but with Miss Saddlebags the horny milf dragon in tow we can hardly afford more time sucking distractions from our goals.   Despite our best efforts, we actually made it to refuel in Bleakburn, and now they tell us our Golden Goose has gone missing? The guards seem to be doubleshifting themselves in waryness. i dont even have 2 gold pieces to rub together so we better find him fast.  

Swift's Log

With dragon and kobold and flower pots in tow, we set off, with half the party wanting to go directly to Chaeuffeur’s cave to collect early payment, and the other wanting to get on with our long, long journey… Kafe was of course wanting to visit her son, and it put a bit of pain in my heart having to deny it, but I still felt it be for the best… Not too long into our trip were we accosted by some sort of serpent snaking its way through the clouds, rising up from the foggy mist with a pony by its tail! Pfah.. if you’ve seen one large, wiggly creature you’ve seen em’ all, and I’ve certainly seen my share out on the waters. With a courageous, incredibly acrobatic show, I jumped off the side of the ship to land directly on the beast’s head, intent on gouging it’s vision! Though it’d prove to be quite the competitor, thwarting off my attempts. Casters prepared themselves and Sarsparilla took to the skies with her arrows, unfortunately having a hard time digging into the serpent’s thick skin. As the pony found his way on the ship, the serpent set it’s eyes on a much more gorgeous treat, and I suddenly found myself getting chomped and clenched in the jaws of the beast with little hopes of getting away! From the corner of my eyes, I got to see Nord throw an entire cannon at the damn thing while Tangent helped to keep me healed up while everypony else chipped away until, just as I could FEEL the thing trying to eat me, it instead went the OPPOSITE WAY, AND THE DAMN THING GOT SICK ALL OVER ME!! It BLASTED me with it’s GODDAMN VOMIT!! My MANE, my SUIT, my EVERYTHING! I managed to kick myself free and jump back on deck, not looking twice or thinking twice as I set right below deck to start washing myself off!   As it turns out, the beast had been slain, and introductions were made with the new pony who turned out to be another High Roller from Dakalai, and Sarsparilla had a bit of fun with the pony named Triple Sevens. Tch. I wasn’t in the best of spirits, but he did happen to have a decanter of unlimited water to further blast me with. Mane was to hell and it needed a complete washing anyways so I took it, and a second one with some lavender to pretty me right back up. I just wish I had had soap in me eyes to not watch Sarsy throw away 50 gold to Cher for literally nothing. Oy…. I went to lay down after that.   Thankfully nothing else stopped us on our trip. We saw some more arguing ponies, sea-ponies apparently, a pony venturing up and down along the shore, which Cher greeted with her piss and Ord greeted with a hoof to the back of Cher’s head, and the typical bickering between her and Shabaka. Though this time it was Fireheart to step in and try to knock some sense into them, to no avail which was unfortunate to see, she vowed on telling Dr. Amden.   The captain told us we’d need to stop and refuel, and I feared our trip would be put on even greater hold. We asked for Kafe to wait outside the capital while we flew in to a less than lively town, greeted by a guard who would inform us that Amden was missing…  

Cher's Log

I’m not normally one who enjoys a lot of traveling but with an airship, it’s little more than an inconvenience for me. We had a long trip ahead of us and with our dragon friend in toe, we have to rest more than usual for her to keep up. Our trip down to the pass where we could make it back to base was a few day's travel. It was largely all uneventful until of course, our ancient dragon escort decided to depart from us. She flew higher leaving us for our self, and almost as if on cue a serpent appeared in the sky, with a pony in toe. A wingless pony. In the middle of nowhere. Above the clouds. Because that of course makes perfect sense and I’m glad we never really pressured for more information regarding this ponies’ sudden appearance with a creature in toe. The serpent was a decent size, and I took advantage of the situation to test out a few new spells I had learned. I felt the party had it pretty well handled. At least I did until they all including the random sky-spawning pony decided to hide behind my ice shield. I’ll have to keep in mind that they all flock to protection when it’s available, possibly making me stick out more of a target… well stick out more than a 60-foot ice wall already makes me. Eventually, after some expensive poetry damage from Ord, we subdued the creature, though not before Swift was thoroughly drenched in saliva. This new pony was friends with our red-headed cake-like companion. Both were from the gambling city that gave us such a headache. He seemed, off and resembled that of a raccoon. Not exactly something I would be trusting of if it wasn’t for the complete sense of … failure? I’m not sure what it is, but this person comes off as more liable to hurt themselves by mistake than anyone else. As far as new suspicious people their the least likely to stab us in our sleep. The rest of our trip proceeded with little to no incidences, with only a few minor inconveniences such as a dumb cat constantly trying (and failing) to attack me. I’m not sure why they were so upset all I did was make their outside match their insides for a few moments. Though there was a highlight, where I was able to snipe traveling bard with liquid justice from the airship. It was certainly a pretty good shot, making me feel like a marksman, except not useless. The new raccoon pony, whatever their name was also was a bit… hyper with a question about kirin culture. Truthfully I’ve taken so many different bloodlines in me to further my goals, but never to actually explore their culture before. It was strange to see an otherwise normal-ish-looking pony take such a peculiar interest. I decided to test him a bit and see his reaction to sate my own curiosity while having a bit of fun with them. I listened in on the conversation and he wanted to get to a kirin-only area. I’ve never actually studied it too much but as someone who’s infused with the blood of other races for powers, I know of both a way to become one and the power it would take to do so. This new pony is an enigma and seeing how they react could shed some light on them. I offered to share my knowledge for fifty gold. An exuberant price. If he paid it probably means they're putting on an act of being this bumbling. Somepony like them wouldn’t have that kind of gold and be so ready to part with it. If they do it’s to make themselves look foolish on purposes, and because they can easily replace it. They made a counter, however. Saying he had nowhere near that much, when I inquired about his total, they said 10 and offered me half. An incredible amount for another person yet pitiful to us. I raised yet again to seven to see their reaction when their self-proclaimed big sister came in and simply gave me fifty gold and demanded that I take it. It was most unexpected and would probably throw more interest on me than I wanted if I had declined it. I took it and gave them middle-level info that good soccer should know or anyone familiar with high levels, I didn’t get the inclination he was weak, but being powerful and strong is not the same thing. The rest of our trip saw little to nothing of note. And when we arrived at the base, we were immediately rushed by a guard. Apparently, it seems the goose has gone missing on us. Great… now how was I supposed to get paid?  

Triple's Log

I think my holy pilgrimage to Scaletip is going to be put on hold. On my way there I encountered this big flying snake thing that grabbed me and took my up into the sky. I think it wanted to eat me. Thankfully, the universe has wisely decided that I wouldn’t suffer such a fate. Hooray! I am happy that the gods that control this world are not so twisted that they would enjoy that happening to me. I saw a ship with other Bannermanes aboard and managed to climb out of that snake’s grasp. Just to reiterate, I don’t like killing things. I can’t do that too much or I’m never gonna get enlightened, but that snake almost ate one of the other bannermanes, this pegasus named Swift, so it’s okay. When I got on the ship, there was this giant pony. She is so big! Like, oh my goodness guys, I think she could pick me up and throw me anywhere from Whitewater to Pendal. Thankfully, what she instead did was grab a cannon and kill the snake. Also this other bannermane cast a spell that made the snake puke. I think I helped a little too, because I stabbed that snake a few times and it looked like it hurt, I can’t really remember, I was too busy trying to think of the best way to introduce myself so all these new ponies wouldn’t hate as soon as they met me like that one time. But anyways guys, I’m worried because Sarsaparilla, (back from when I was doing more work in Dakalai, remember her, diary?) she instantly recognized me. I know she’s super nice but she knows so many embarrassing stories about me. What if she told everybody about my horn? No!!! Well not all is lost, I showed one of my essential oil soaps to Swift and he seemed to appreciate it, but I couldn’t really hear him over the sound of my decanter washing him off. Maybe I went overboard. I really hope he isn’t mad at me. Also, we travelled for awhile and I met this very friendly dragon! She said my drawings were amazing! That’s never happened before, I don’t know why. I don’t really know much about everyone, not yet at least. I was gonna show them some more of my essential oils and ask if they could play some Golem with me but I dunno, I just cant muster up the confidence to do it. We saw a few things out there, we saw some water horses arguing, some plants, trees and water. Also, I wonder if there are some ponies aboard that don’t know that this ship actually has a bathroom below because I think this one mare was peeing off the side of the bow. Speaking of, that same mare actually told me something interesting: apparently you need to uh… do THAT kind of stuff (sex, i think) with a bunch of kirins to get into scaletip… at least I think that’s what she said. But, the point is, this is going to be a lot harder than I originally thought. Maybe I should look for another way to get enlightened. Maybe there are other Scaletip-esque cities out there where I can get enlightened at, there must be. I think the crewmembers were worried that the ship was going to run out of fuel, maybe I need to get out there more and help them more but i have no clue how this thing works and I'll just mess something up We got to Bleakburn. I don’t really know what’s going on here, but I think we aren’t going to get paid and nopony is happy. I really hope I can learn about that whole “vow of poverty” thing monks are trained in and yapping on about, because if there’s some way to enjoy life without owning cool things, I haven’t figured it out yet.

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