Session 43 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

I'd lie if I said I wasn't shaken. The presence of two Ancient Dragons is alone enough to shake the hardiest soul, but 4 attacking Red Dragons nearly paralyzed me. When Shabaka casually mentioned there was a red face at the entrance, Mrs. Kaffee's husband let out a massive shout and declared they weren't getting his hoard. He immediately flew into attack mode. His massive body leapt from the lava, and soured over us. The intense heat from his flame could be felt above the scorching lava itself. I saw more scars and open wounds on Hubby that I hadn't before. If these dragons could do this to him, I feared we had little chance. But with two Ancient Dragons with us, I knew we had the greatest allies we could. The fight was on, and I was going to show them why Bannermanes are to be respected. Mrs. Kaffee landed among us and began casting arcane magics. Arcane energy was swelling all around me. Cher summoned her retarded dragon, and then I gave a loud SKREE which pinged everyone's location. Those Red Dragons thought themselves crafty, but I knew exactly where the first one was. I began hunting it, and faintly noticed a loose scale behind its ears. A perfect place for Hubby to sink his teeth. I call out to him, and tell him the weakness of this dragon which he was grateful for. Ord ran to the front of the line, and was immediately attacked.   Another Red Dragon came around the corner and near Tangent and attacked those of us on the ground, but I was able to deftly avoid the flames. Swift lashed out with a powerful lightning strike that passed through Hubby. Hubby scowled at Swift, but took it in stride. He then fell back when he saw a 3rd Red Dragon getting too close to his hoard. His massive bulk carried a huge gust of wind that nearly knocked me down. My eyes are burning.   Mrs. Kaffee attacked in a fury. I couldn't see what she was attacking, but I saw streams of blood fall from the air and heard them fizzle against the lava below. A brief moment of relief was felt as searing cold erupted from Sister Ash. A momentary blizzard erupted from her, killed one of the Red Dragons. Shabaka attempted to call out where the other Red Dragons were, then cast another spell. Cher cast a spell that resulted in a massive cloud of steam filling the cave. I couldn't see past my own nose, but I called out another SKREE and heard two Red Dragons surrounding Ord.   Unwilling to leave my fellow Bannermane alone on the front lines, I charged forward. One of the Red Dragons attacked me as I flew past, but chipped its tooth on my armor. Ord began to rage, and her sword landed true. Despite these Red Dragons being invisible, we're showing our strength. Lightning launched from Ord's sword and electrocuted both dragons in front of us, followed by another deep strike from her. Sparks bounced from the ceiling and walls, as my own fur stood on end.   The Red Dragon turned to face Ord, and stood on his haunches. His scales stood on end from the top of his head, to the point of his tail. They rattled against each other as he roared out in anger. Even at the dragon's back, I was shaken. Worse yet, it sunk its teeth into Ord and ripped her open. The other Red Dragon next to us climbed along the wall and landed beside. I was surrounded with no way out. It's claws dug deep into my body. I felt my flesh being pulled off my bones, and my ribs breaking. Intense pain flooded me, and I nearly blacked out. I was almost certain I was going to die then and there.   From beyond the Red Dragon, I saw the massive frame of Mrs. Kaffee blow me a kiss. Her claws tore through the Red Dragon's scales like wet parchment, and her teeth crushed the skull, decapitating it. Instantly, my fear was gone, and I was emboldened to keep fighting despite my injuries.   Tangent ran up to Ord and healed her. Sister Ash ran up behind me and created a massive wave of water that hit the last remaining Red Dragon. The wave struck me hard, nearly dropping me, but I pushed on to give it my all. Cher's retarded dragon flew over me and landed behind the final Red Dragon. Magic Missiles pelted the and then I moved into position to strike. I barely made contact, but luckily did so and made the creature start leaking blood. Ord ran up next to me, but I can't remember what happened. I just know everything went dark and quiet for a moment. When I awoke, Tangent was standing over me, stitching my wounds.   The battle was over, we were injured, but we were victorious. Smaller details escape me. I don't know when, but I was carving into one of the Red Dragons with my dagger, taking its scales off. Swift was with me, as was Sister Ash. I was showing them the proper way to skin a dragon. It was exciting, because I had only ever read on how to do it before. These Red Dragon scales and their heads will fetch a pretty copper, no doubt.   After a long while, Hubby's voice roared out through the cave. He called all of us over, and thanked us. He then went to his hoard, and gave us gifts for our assistance. Riches and magical items were passed out. As we looked everything over, the grim details of why these Red Dragons have been attacking suddenly became realized. Heat Fang has been forcing younger dragons to work for him in an attempt to gain more territory and riches. What's worse, Heat Fang himself has attacked and subdued the entire city of Wati. Despite the best efforts of a powerful Cleric and Wizard, as well as the Mainstitch Shen himself, Heat Fang proved too much. Heat Fang began attacking Wati during the Festival of Wayward Whispers. All of this is bad news. Heat Fang was barely a though in my mind, but now he's placed my fellow Bannermanes in danger. Dr. Amden needs to learn about this immediately.   Hubby gave us a new name to call him, Scales. Scales gave us details on Heat Fang. We know that he's 400 years old, and has black stripes down his back. Mrs. Kaffee gave us all a good look when she illusioned herself to look like him briefly. Scales' story gets worse still. When asked what would have driven Heat Fang out of his territory, Scales and Mrs. Kaffee speculated that it's possible Morlog has returned. Morlog, the Ancient Dragon who besieged our fledgling nation just 355 years ago. He was sealed away, but never killed. If he's returned, it's only a matter of time before we have to face him again.   With Mrs. Kaffee now safely returned to Scales, we have an opportunity to retrieve our Aetherstone from Chauffeur, and finish the Teleportation Circle Dr. Amden wants. We pondered what we could provide as proof. I thought the site of Red Dragon skulls would be enough, but Mrs. Kaffee gave me a most unexpected gift. She pulled from her wing, a magnificent golden scale and carefully placed it into my hooves. It shone brightly in the cave, and I was dazzled by it. To be given something so personal from someone so powerful felt unnerving to say the least. His mother's scale should be enough proof for him.   With the 4 attacking dragons killed, word won't get back to Heat Fang for some time, which means we have a moment of safe travel. We walked with Mrs. Kaffee back to the ship to retrieve her loyal Kobolds whom she left guarding the crew. They took all of Mrs. Kaffee's plants, and returned to Scales' cave. Mrs. Kaffee has the means to hide her garden from view. The very first Bannermanes fought off Morlog and sealed him away. The reason we exist today is because of that fateful battle. If we have to fight him against, we'll be carrying their legacy with us. Bannermane's history is Astillion's history. I won't let it be lost.

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