Session 79 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

With Babbage’s ruse revealed, the fight began. Triple leapt quickly into battle, activating the traps he’d set and following up with two devastating blows against the colossal structure that Babbage had climbed into. Moon Planter, Stocks, and Madame Fortuna joined in piling on damage and just had the beatdown had began, who else but Angel Scales showed up to the fight having finally caught back up to us! Powerful casters being just what we need facing many foes. Though the colossus got in his own hard hits onto Triple, we were able to beat it down much easier than we had back in Wati. With his colossus broken, Babbage used a dimension door spell to hop across the room behind his unicorn friend. All eyes were on the unicorn then as he began to shift and mold, and his eyes were on the nearest target being Electra. I had already warned him to stay out of the fight but he chose not to listen in a rather infuriating manner that these two behave in. He struck Electra and my heroics kicked in. While Fortuna and Ping Wing started setting up magical traps for the undead graveknights, I spat my intent and introduction as a Dragonslayer to my next target before charging up to him. Engaging with him, Babbage wasn’t able to slip far enough back and I put a piercing strike through the dragon to get Babbage as well. I had thoroughly gotten the dragon’s attention who took it upon himself to bite me and give me—a ferret’s tail. I feel as though something was trying to reach into my mind for an animal I was fearful of, but of course I fear nothing. Graveknights began to flood into the field with us, and Moon Planter took up the rear to get at Babbage. Babbage continued to slip and evade, but he wouldn’t get far enough away. In a display of masterful display of sword fighting technique I was able to line my targets back up, tumble, and pierce through once again to hit the dragon and Babbage both! Behind me a giant explosion took place as flammable fumes were set ablaze, and a pit of tentacles were created to keep the graveknights at bay.   As more of our party put hits in on them, we could see them bleeding, wobbling, and griping about the struggles they were having. Jaws dropped as Babbage was able to Dimension Door his way out, followed by the dragon clawing and digging into the ground! I could not believe it. I know Moon Planter was even more furious and appalled.   What a waste of time.   Still we were left with the undead. The party had no issue putting them down, however we struggled in keeping them there. Bones continued to animate and revive. Tangent and the ruminant both were gone which left us with no holy magic to put them down. Luckily our prepared as ever wizard was able to put together something which he gave to Triple to use on the knights. Stepping forward I engaged with the head of the undead, and was swiftly struck down with a set of hits I was not expecting to take and things went black. When I came to, most of the knights had been put to rest but another foe had entered the fray. Two in fact as least the dragon was stupid enough to resurface and slice open 2 large kegs unleashing a giant carnivorous blob upon us, putting himself right back into our sights. I readied my rapier to leap and strike, but it was Madame Fortuna the quicker of us to step forward and slay the dragon. With jubilation she cheered and awarded herself a title, and I smirked and smiled on with some pride. I then attended to the blob with Fortuna, shifting my rapier into a mace to splatter it. Though it was a visceral Disintegrate by Angel Scales that eviscerated the blob, making a proper mess of me and my mane in the process. I instantly made for Triple and dug out his Decanter to wash the goop out of my mane.   When all the knights and other threats were finally put to rest, we took the opportunity to survey for loot. The head of the knights had two weapons with remarkable runes on them. Moon Planter took them for the time being. He’s responsible so I know we can sort through them later. Gibbus returned to the scene to find what we had done. Though in all honesty I was more concerned with keeping my eye on the dragon in case he got up. Besides… I loathe the kind of non-direct, riddle-like speech the witch was babbling at the party with. I’ve no patience for being danced around with non-straight answers.   I did join the party eventually as they found a loot room that was heavily guarded with strong traps and locks. I’m sure Triple can figure it out.

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