Session 23 Report

General Summary

So, Noir sassily conceded Moon Planter found something useful with the key and that schizo, Flat Earth, went into one of her "theories" again about the grand master plan or something, I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. Noir sent us over to a quarry from the Revenge of Roc, while talking about the letter on the key might stand for a compass. On our way there, we ran into a new Bannermane named Silver Tongue who joined up with us.   We headed to the quarry where Shabaka and Silver Tongue tried to talk their way inside by selling tax insurance. Silver Tongue also talked about the brothel, and the foreman protested he is married, but Silver winkingly said that didn't matter. The foreman agreed to let us in, but made us show our Bannermanes badges and asked why the Bleakburn Bannermanes had different badges from the Dakilai Bannermanes. With that concluded, we were let inside.   Moon Planter and Shabaka, with their wings, went to investigate the well holes for anything unusual. They didn't find anything of note and returned to the party. The foreman let slip there was another mine, mainly for digging up gems for family necklaces for Sphinxes and other cat tribes that worship Soft Whisper. So we decided to leave and head to the other mining location. There was a house with lights on, so we went there first. An adorable but obstinate little shorthooves met us, and her house was full of alarms. We ended up convincing that the owner of the other mine, Nephthys, wanted a date with her and she left to go to that. [8:22 PM] Grot tried to climb inside a cabin through the roof and a chimney but set off an alarm. So while we went inside the mines, Silver Tongue stayed outside to distract the guards that would be coming from outside the mine.   So we used the key Buckback (presumably) left to open the mine and go inside. We found blue crystals valuable to a jeweler for necklaces. At first, I took some but I had a crisis of conscience and put them back. We also found what we thought was an injured civilian in the closed off section of the mine. However, this proved to be a lie! An invisible opponent named Bristol brought me to the brink of death. My life flashed before my eyes, and I had visions swim in and out of my awareness. I dreamed our entire fates were controlled by the Gods playing dice with the universe.   Talking with Cher later, I learned that Bristol repeatedly downed other members of the party until Cher finished him off with magic missile, sending three extra missiles at him after his death. The other mare we tried to help, Shocker, tried to destroy the rest of the party but was subdued with a finishing blow from Grot. We were able to take Shocker alive.

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